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GLEE: Because we are all Gleeks at heart
Why One TV Show Is Taking America By Storm
It's the
TV sensa-
tion that's
the na-
You rush through homework, shovel some dinner
down your throat and slide onto the couch just in time to
see the bright yellow screen with a hand forming the letter
"L;" You lean forward eagerly, anticipating the first strains
of the opening song. It's nine p.m. on Wednesday night and
your top priority is the latest episode of Glee.
Glee: It's the TV sensation that's
sweeping the nation--but what is it about this
new Fox series that convinces you to take an
hour out of your studying and homework every
week? The Glee rendition of Journey's "Don't
Stop Believin'" just don't stop playing in your
head--admit it; you've been humming the song
nonstop for days. There's something fresh and
new about this show that's capturing the hearts
of high school students across the nation, but
what is it?
Glee centers on a young, ambitious
teacher, Mr. Schuster, and his creation of a
glee club in an idealistic attempt to bring
together a
group of high
searching for
a sense of
personal identity
in the rough,
tumultuous world
of high school
cliques. When
the star football
player joins the
club, followed
soon after by his
girlfriend and
her peppy pals,
the show takes
on a new spin,
the clashing
personalities and
ideas of the very
opinioned, very
colorful Glee
Club members.
of the brilliance
of the show lies in the fact that it incorporates intricately
arranged, vocally dynamic music into each plot and
politely reminds viewers at the end of each episode to
download their favorite songs on iTunes. Glee covers a
wide spectrum of music, ranging from Rihanna's "Take
a Bow" to the slightly more classic Queen's "Somebody
to Love," adding a unique, funky twist to each song.
Perhaps it is the show's incorporation of such an eclectic
array of music performances that makes it so popular,
but surely the commotion this show has made cannot be
explained away so very simply.
The attraction runs deeper than mere
soundtrack--the variety of characters and their different
styles, opinions and ideas have attracted teenagers across
the country; perhaps each
viewer recognizes a bit
of themselves in one of
the characters, be it the
cheerleader, the shy girl,
the jock, the geek. Glee
unabashedly places an
emphasis on the importance
of personality over looks,
celebrating the rise of the
underdog and Glee Club
as a forum for so-called
"geeks" and "nerds" to
recognize and exult in
their innate creativity and
uniqueness. Watching as
the "geeky," shy boy breaks
through his shell onstage is
downright exhilarating. Yet Mr. Schuster is arguably the
most inspiring character on the show, having successfully
brought together various kids from different social
backgrounds to work together in the name of music and
theatre. Mr. Schuster is able to connect with students and
help them through their personal struggles, ultimately
serving as a role model for the characters as well as the
teenage viewers themselves.
So if you recognize your alter ego onstage
singing his/her heart out, derive inspiration from Mr.
Schuster, cheer for the underdog, or just can't stop
rocking out to the show's tunes, you're not alone.
America loves this show for its music and its verve, and
Glee stands out as a shining light amongst this season's
television shows. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like Glee's
fresh wit will be getting stale any time soon. Sorry, looks
like I'm booked on Wednesdays at nine for quite some