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Chana Brauser (`10)
Editor in Chief
Shalva Ginsparg (`11)
Editor in Chief
Joshua Stadlan (`11)
Assistant Editor
Hadassah Tirschwell (`11)
Mrs. Melissa Kahr
Faculty Advisor
Martha Baumgarten ('10)
Ilana Ben-Ezra ('10)
LeeLee Borzak ('10)
Rebecca Dresner ('10)
Avi Feldan ('10)
Alix Greenberger ('10)
Arie Grunberg ('10)
Joshua Stadlan ('11)
Simcha Adelman ('12)
Nikki Charlap ('12)
Bracha Brauser ('13)
Danielle Sobol ('13)
Aaron Zimmerman ('13)
You know you're used to only one sea-
son when "leaves" is always a verb (but
never a noun which changes colors in
the fall) and snow is something placed
in a cone and eaten at carnivals. Yet,
Floridian fashionistas whip out their
boots and leather jackets as soon as
it hits a glacial seventy five degrees--
where's your endurance, ladies?
That said, now is the opportunity to
flaunt all those winter
staples you no doubt pur-
chased on Black Friday
(don't even think of tell-
ing me that you didn't
head out on this most
legendary of shopping
days; my heart goes out
to the sad, sad souls who
did not) regardless of the
weather. It's supposed to
be winter, and if Mother
Nature sends sunshine
our way, then we can't
very well let that stop us
from fully basking in the
glory of winter attire. For those of you
who proved the limits to which you
will go for the sake of fashion and ven-
tured out to the mall on Black Friday
(personally, I couldn't get any more
dedicated--12 a.m. at Sawgrass was
quite a blast)--I applaud you! Push-
ing people aside for the pair of heels
you had your eyes on is quite the
thrill; when the shoving pays off and
you bring home that prized possession
which you got at a to-die-for price, the
bruises are totally worth it. Ahh, Black
Speaking of ridiculousness for the sake
of fashion, I think we've all had our
fair share of resistance but eventual ac-
ceptance of the latest only-in-Florida
fashion trend: Uggs with summer at-
tire. Clearly, we Floridians just feel
left out from the winter
scene, as fashionistas
in blessedly colder cli-
mates rock their Uggs
while we lamely don
our Havaianas. Though
I'm not personally a fan
of the look, they do say
"when in Rome, do as
the Romans do..." In
any case, I'm all for the
leather jacket trend--
who can resist plush
leather in shades rang-
ing from black to yel-
low to purple, even if it
is kind of sweltering outside? Leather
jackets are definitely the perfect in-
vestment; they'll never go out of style
because they're just too beautiful.
Peace out, in (faux winter) fashion.
P.S. Be sure to check out Rodarte's new
line for Target (or Tar-J for the uber-cul-
tured)--It's sure to be spectacular!
Perhaps the
most exciting
trend of the
season is
Winter? Faux Sure!
75 Degrees is the New Below-Zero