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A New Dimension
Spending the Summer with Fractals
"but when I
arrived, I came
face-to-face with
the brightest
teenagers I have
ever met in my
It was early summer, just a few
weeks after the last day of junior year, and in
a few days time I would be boarding a plane
and heading to Tel Aviv. My destination,
would not be a touring program; I chose
to spend my summer working with other
teenagers in a research laboratory at the
Technion University in Haifa on a program
called SciTech. The title of the research
paper I would be working on was incredibly
complicated; how was I supposed to
understand "The Fractal Dimension of
Electrode Deposited Dendrites in a Zinc
Sulfate Solution?" I tried to calm my nerves
by assuring myself that no doubt everyone
else on the program was equally as
confused, but when I arrived, I came face-to-
face with the brightest teenagers I have ever
met in my life. My lab partner had received
a perfect score on all three sections of the
SAT (as had a few other kids on the program)
and both of his parents were professors at
I was
to the two
top math
and science
students in
all of Serbia,
as well as
a teenage
girl who
had spent the
previous summer interning for
NASA. Not exactly what I had
expected from a teenage summer
There were students from
all over the world, each with their
own unique background. There was
a Brit from Cambridge University
working on a project entitled
"The Underwater Marine Ramjet
­ A Parametric Study" and two
ultra-nationalist Serbians working
on "Control Theory ­ Extending
the Segway Model to Other
Practical Applications." There were
representatives from The United
States, Canada, England, Turkey,
Israel, Italy, Bulgaria and Serbia.
Despite my initial confusion, I
came to love my research. Fractals
fascinated me, and I enjoyed
studying them in a real research
laboratory environment. As I
sympathize with your confusion,
I'm going to attempt to explain
the specifics of my research in an
understandable way. Take a deep
breath, please.
A fractal is a self-similar object
that has finite area but infinite
perimeter. This is demonstrated in
objects such as broccoli, where
each stem is a smaller version
of the whole vegetable. Now
try to picture the stems getting
smaller and smaller indefinitely.
In the lab I would run
an electric current through a
zinc sulfate solution, enabling
the crystals in the solution,
called dendrites, to group
together and form shapes that
I would then scan and study.
Below are images of dendrite
shapes I actually grew, using
varying solution concentrations
and electrical currents.
My experience on
SciTech was more than an
extension of school; it was an
opportunity to do graduate
level research in a personally
compelling area of science
amongst a group of unique,
motivated, and extraordinarily
intelligent teenagers. I'm
so glad that I conquered
my fears and (despite my
initial confusion--fractal
dimensions? Zinc sulfate?)
tackled something that, at first
glance, seemed way over my
head. By taking
a chance and
going beyond
the ordinary
realm of high
school summer
student, I was
able to take
advantage of
an incredible,