Yeshiva High-lites |
A weekly newsletter of Yeshiva High School of Boca
Raton Erev Shabbat Parshat Shmini / Friday,
March 28, 2003 |
From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
"YHS in the NEWS" is an exciting new feature beginning
this week in the high-lites. To see articles about YHS that have
appeared in the press since the last issue of high-lites, click on
YHS in the NEWS in the "Links" section in the right
hand margin (below the article about Rabbi Krohn). This week we have
a Jewish Journal article about our Purim Chagigah and a Boca Raton
Times article about the March of the Living. Please be patient as
articles come up- it might take a few seconds.
Parents can pick up their chilren returning Saturday night from
the Freshman Shabbaton in Palm Beach at approximately 11:30
PM at the school and 12:30 AM at the Young Israel of Hollywood. Feel
free to call your child or Mrs. Schneider at 561.445.9306 for an
update on the arrival times.
Mazel tov to Rachel Begas on her acceptance to Barnard
and to Rabbi Eddie and Meira Davis on the birth of a grandson
(and to aunts Batsheva and Shira).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Fallen Hero's Moving Story |
the photo on the left, Rabbi Shmuel Weiss of Ranana holds up a
picture of his son Ari z"l, and his buddy Shai Chaim. Ari, a
sharp shooter in an elite brigade, died fifteen minutes
after this photo was taken as he went to the aid of Shai,
who had just been shot by a terrorist. Shai, who was paralyzed
from the waist down, says that Ari saved his life. Ari and
Shai were on a commando raid at the Hamas headquarters in
Shechem, gathering information about future and past terrorist
At a rehabilitation center in Israel this winter,
senior Uri Turk met Shai Chen by chance. Shai's first words to
him were "I had a friend and his name was Ari" . The
Weisses went on aliyah from Dallas six years ago. Their
daughter Penina was a Bnei Akiva shlicha in Boca five
years ago.
Ari was a person who saw beyond the things that often
divide people. For example, his friend Shai was sephardic
and chiloni, though he was ashkenazic and observant.
The Weisses are building a unique recreational and outreach
center in Rananah named Ohel Ari so Ari's values will
live on.
"Packed" Week at YHS |
Pictured at right, the freshman girls are having a
great time and learning an important lesson packing food on
Tuesday at the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry. This
program of the Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services delivers food
to the homes of over 200 needy families in South Palm Beach
Our boys varsity basketball team returned to school on
Tuesday from a great time at the Red Saracheck Tournament
at Yeshiva University in New York with great memories and
no victories. Thank you to Coaches Mark Grausman and David
Kornbluth for accompanying the boys for the 5+ day program.
The AP Government class asked a broad range of questions on
Wednesday to guest speaker Steven Abrams, the Mayor of Boca
On Thursday, our Art Class had a guided tour of
the "Arie Galles: Fourteen Stations / Hey Yud Dalet"
exhibition at the Schmidt Center Gallery of Florida Atlantic
University. "Fourteen Stations/Hey Yud Dalet" represents a
decade-long effort by Galles to produce large-scale drawings
based on aerial views of the most infamous Nazi concentration
camps. The images are accompanied by Galles' drawings of poems
written by award-winning poet Jerome Rothenberg.
Our Girls Tennis Team swept their match against Boca
Prep on Wednesday afternoon in four singles and two doubles
Our second parenting workshop addressed "Bullying- the
National Epidemic". Dr. Jaime Huysman discussed the
definition and nature of bullying, and suggested strategies to
help children deal with this problem. If you are interested in
receiving the handout from the evening, please contact our
school counselor, Marilyn Goldstein. Please reserve the dates
of Mondays May 5 and June 2 for future workshops.
Great Week Ahead |
Thursday we will be having a special siyum of our L'Maan
Achai Israel Solidarity program. Students will view the
fantastic video prepared for the national siyum in New York,
two siyumim, divrei Torah, and an address by YHS Founder Rabbi
Kenneth Brander. A garlic bread and spaghetti and meatballs
lunch and the music of our student band Torahck will put the
festive into the festive siyum.
On Tuesday evening, April 1st, "The Philosophy and
Future of YHS- A Dialogue with Rabbi Kenneth Brander" will
take place at the home of Ellen and Jay Adler.
This week we will be having a special program in
solidarity with the American Troups fighting in Iraq.
Elements will include a Desert Storm veteran and presentation
about "Why Iraq" in solidarity with our soldiers. Click below
to see the special project that we will be inaugurating at
this program.
Help our trops in Iraq »
April Showers Bring May
Flowers |
Our annual dinner will take place on Sunday, May 18
at the Boca Raton Synagogue.
Save the date for our drama society's production of the
hilarious Neil Simon comedy "Fools" in May at the
historic Crest Theatre in downtown Delray Beach.
Rav Meir Goldwicht will be joining us for Yom
Yerushalayim. He will be speaking at a chagiga
Wednesday evening, May 28 at the Young Israel of Hollywood for
our students and their families and the entire Hollywood
community. Wednesday, May 28th will follow a Thursday
schedule, and Thursday, May 29 will follow a Wednesday
Click here for Spring 2003 calendar... »
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Krohn Inspires All |
World renowned author speaker and author
of the Magid Speaks series, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, shared
powerful stories about Ahavat Yisrael on
Thursday. Rabbi Krohn was accompanied by a Rabbi Dr. Solomon
who played sing along Shlomo Carlebach tunes on an
electric guitar between stories. Towards the end of the
program, the students broke into spontaneous dancing.
Thanks to Dr. & Mrs. Gary Marder for making this event
yhsoffice@juno.com voice:
561.417.7422 web: http://www.yeshivahighschool.com
Brander, Founder Rabbi Perry
Tirschwell, Principal Shimmie
Kaminetsky, Executive Director Mrs. Pamela
Turk, President Mrs. Ora Lee
Kanner, Mrs. Jessica Schultz, Assistant
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