Friday, September 7, 2012 20 Elul, 5772
| Parshat Ki Tavo Candle Lighting at 7:16 PM |
Beyond The Classroom
While Wikipedia translates the word teacher as "a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults)," at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, teachers are so much more than this narrow definition.
Our mission of inspire and challenge is accomplished both inside and outside the classroom. First and foremost, our faculty creates an environment for learning inside the classroom. Equally important are the interactions between teachers and students outside the classroom.
Throughout the year, our faculty invites students to their homes for Shabbat meals and other programs. Not only do these interactions allow students the opportunity to enjoy an informal setting with the teachers, but they also connect our students to the joy and beauty of our religion.
During the lengthy Tochachah (rebuke) that we read about in Parshat Ki Tavo, there is a fascinating verse. In the midst of the detailed description of the terrible fate that will befall the Jewish people if they do not follow the path that G-d has set out for us, the Torah states "Tachat Asher Lo Avadita Et Hashem Elokecha Besimcha Uvituv Levav." The reason these things will come about is because we did not serve G-d with joy and a full heart.
I have always found this verse very puzzling. Isn't it enough that we followed the ways of the Torah? Why does it matter that it was not done so happily? The answer, I believe, is that just observing Judaism without feeling a deep sense of joy and connection to G-d is incomplete. Only when we combine the observance with these feelings is our religious experience fully complete.
Our goal for our students is that when they leave the halls of WYHS, they feel the joy and love for Judaism that has been the cornerstone of their experience inside and outside the classroom.
Shabbat Shalom and best wishes to the entire WYHS family for a K'tiva V'chatima Tova, a happy, healthy and sweet new year.
Mr. Shimmie Kaminetsky
Executive Director
Coming Attractions
Sat. Sept. 8
Selichot Program for Grades 10-12 at Chabad of Ft. Lauderdale
Sun. Sept. 9
8:00am ACT @ WYHS
Mon. Sept. 10
5:45p-8:00pm Girls Kinus Teshuva
Wed. Sept. 12
7:30pm-9:30pm Senior College & Israel Night
Sept. 17-18
Rosh Hashanah-
No School
Wed. Sept. 19
Tzom Gedaliah-
2:30 Dismissal
Sept. 25-26
Yom Kippur Break
Oct. 1-10
Sukkot Break
Good & Welfare
Mazel TovRabbi and Mrs. Hochman on the birth of a baby girl
Michali (Berkowitz '10) and Jeffrey Fuchs on their marriage
Heads Up!
The top 3 things you need to know about next week
Annual Selichot Program
Saturday, September 8 @ 10:00pm (bus leaving from WYHS and YIH @ 9:30)
open to grades 10-12 at Chabad of Fort Lauderdale
Dinner, inspiring selichot, and guest speaker Joseph "JB" Bensmihen
Girls Kinus Teshuva Program
Monday, September 10 @ 5:45pm
Dinner, panel discussion, & kumsitz
Senior College & Israel Night (Mandatory for all seniors)
Wednesday, September 12 @ 7:30-9:30pm
Batter Up!
Introducing the New Members of the WYHS Lineup
Graphic by Eric Ditchek ('14)
Concept by Bracha Brauser ('13) & Sophie Rose ('14)
Meet the Teacher Night
This past Tuesday night parents had the opportunity to experience a simulated school day. They followed their children's schedules, met their children's teachers, and got a taste of WYHS.
 | Meet the Teachers Night |
Big Brother Big Sister
Freshmen & Seniors Bond through Teamwork

Graphic By Amir Tsarfati ('13) Written By Kelley Tripp ('13)
The freshmen and seniors entered the ballroom searching for their "siblings." The program, created to strengthen connections and unite the bookends of our school, was about to start. To begin, the "siblings" had to line up according to their birthdays. The catch: you couldn't talk. In a room a little noisier than planned, the lines formed. Next, the "siblings" were split into groups and given a new, somewhat daunting challenge, the Traffic Jam. Every group split in half and lined up facing each other. Standing on "stepping stones" (pieces of paper), the teams had to get to the other side as quickly as possible. The rules were simple, you could step around someone or forward to fill the empty space. After learning these lessons of communication, each group set out on a scavenger hunt, the clues being QR codes. Everyone had vibrant smiles on their faces as they enjoyed the bonding experience while learning more about each other. What a success! The seniors loved being able to give advice to the freshmen and form the foundation for close relationships. No one can wait for the next program so we can spend time with our little siblings once again!
Got Inspiration? Freshman and Sophomore Boys get Inspired at a Kinus Teshuva
 |  | Kinus Teshuva Speech | Word on the Street |
College Kickoff!
After only 2 Weeks of School, College Visits have Already Begun
Graphic by Jonah Stein ('13)
The school year got off to an early start with a visit from Washington University in St. Louis on August 29th. With 9 more schools already slated to visit, this year is bound to bring yet another strong round of college acceptances!
Playing It Fly
Junior-Senior Hebrew Class Puts on a Skit
Graphic by Avi Schneider ('14)
Written by Shara Saketkhou ('16) & Maya Borzak ('16)
The boys' Junior-Senior conversational Hebrew class participated in a five-minute skit to practice their Hebrew skills. One of the requirements of the skit was to incorporate all 45 new vocabulary words learned throughout the first two weeks of school. Acting as check-in staff, TSA security, flight attendants, and pilots, this sixth-period class put on a memorable show for Morah Segal and Morah Alcalay, exhibiting their expertise in their new vocabulary words (and airport safety!) Seth Fisher ('13), a senior in this unique class, really showed his excitement and said, "This experience was really fun, and I learned a lot. Thank you, Morah Segal!" The performance was definitely educational and exhilarating for all the students and the Morot.
Click here to see the class's conversation
Graphic by Jesse Slomowitz ('13) |
Click on the image above to see this week's Ashreinu
 |  |  |  |  |  | Ariel Haar Technician | Avi Schneider Technician | Noah Brown Technician | Cherie Landa Technician | Maya Borzak Creative Staff | Shara Saketkhou Creative Staff |
 |  |  |  |  |  | Ariella Mamann Creative Staff | Emily Firestone Creative Staff | Eliana Linzer Creative Staff | Ellin Gurvitch Creative Staff | iMac
| Nikon D4