Friday, August 31, 2012 13 Elul, 5772
| Parshat Ki Teitzei Candle Lighting at 7:23 PM |
What A Beginning!
If I had my druthers I would not have chosen to start off the school year with Isaac; my personal preference would have been Joseph (David was already taken in 1979). But who am I to argue with the National Hurricane Center? And who knows if G-d isn't speaking to us through Rick Knabb?
So, Isaac...
In reality we begin every year preparing for our encounter with Isaac, with the onset of Chodesh Elul and the blowing of the shofar, reminiscent of his binding. The new school year, corresponding so aptly with our New Year and the celebration of Rosh Hashana, is a time to reflect on our past performance and set new aims for ourselves in the religious, academic and personal arenas. Undoubtedly, the single most critical ingredient to achieve any coveted goal is self discipline. Isaac, more than any other patriarch best personifies those qualities of strength, courage, restraint and self discipline.
We at WYHS have "hunkered down" preparing for our year. We have spent much time reviewing our past year and have set new goals for this year. Most notably, we are committed to helping our students stretch their grasp and set their own goals with the assurance that every teacher and staff member at WYHS is dedicated to their student's success. Among new initiatives instituted this year will be the availability of Heads of Departments during lunches to tutor students in need of help, in addition to our math, writing, science and Hebrew labs staffed with peer tutors. Our retooled Gemara classes, including our masmidim track and integrated Gemara/Jewish Philosophy track, is sure to drive home our commitment to help each student reach his potential.
How well we know that only with the "Isaacian" willpower to turn off technological and silence tempting disruptions will our students be able to hunker down and focus on studying, growing and realizing goals. May these blessings associated with Isaac give us the stamina to keep our eye on the course as we continue gaining strength and reaching landmarks.
"Go Storm"!
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner
Coming Attractions
Mon. Sept. 3
Labor Day - No Classes
Tues. Sept. 4
3:30pm Girls Musical Auditions
Meet the Teacher Night
Weds. Sept. 5
5:45-8:00pm 9th/10th Grade Boys Kinus Teshuva
Thurs. Sept. 6
3:45pm Girls Musical Callback Auditions
Sat. Sept. 8
Selichot Program for Grades 10-12 at Chabad of Ft. Lauderdale
Sun. Sept. 9
8:00am ACT @ WYHS
Mon. Sept. 10
5:45p-8:00pm Girls Kinus Teshuva
Senior College & Israel Night
Good and Welfare |
Mazel Tov
Eliana & Zvi ('02) Rantz- a boy!
Shalhevet & Andre ('02) Jacobovitz- a girl!
Shoshana (Webberly '05) and Aryeh Sova- a girl!
Esti (Skurowitz '06) and Alex Epstein- a boy!
Yoel Goldberg ('09) on joining Tzahal
Elie Genet ('11) on making Aliyah
Naomi Kastzl ('08) and Elie Baratz ('08)-
WYHS's 9th Couple!
Mimi Atkin ('08) to Corey Fuchs David Atkin ('07) to Talya Hershkowitz Amiel Abir ('10) to Talia Kesselman Anosh Zaghi ('08) to Emily Danoff
Devora (Lieberman '09) and Hillel ('07) Lefkowitz
Jessie (Bush '09) & Natan Brownstein Rebecca (Fuchs '10) & Chaim Siev Loni (Pearl '09) and Ari Galster Jackie (Itzkowitz '08) and Rabbi Jeremy Litton Meira (Tirschwell '07) and Gershon Albert Tamar (Ruben '09) and Chaim Berkowitz Jessie (Busch '09) and Natan Brownstein Rachey (Berkowitz '07) and Avi Mirzoeff Rebecca (Fuchs '10) and Yonaton Siev Maya (Tansman '03) and Gil Rubenstein
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell on the loss of his father, Mr. Donald Tirschwell
Mrs. Carla Greer on the loss of her mother, Gerilee Saxon
Sharona Kay on the loss of her father, Arieh Karger
Heads Up!
The top 3 things you need to know about next week.
Tuesday, September 4 @ 7:30-9:30pm
Meet the Teacher Night
An opportunity for parents to hear presentations from the teachers about the curriculum for the upcoming year.
Wednesday, September 5 @ 5:45pm
Kinus Teshuva for 9-10 grade boys
Dinner at homes of the Rebbeim followed by an inspirational program.
Saturday night, September 8 @ 10:00pm
Selichot program for grades 10-12 at Chabad of Fort Lauderdale
Dinner, guest speaker and inspiring Selichot.
Graphic by Jonathan Razon ('13)
A Note from Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner and Dr. Laura Becker
Once again, Weinbaum Yeshiva High School students excelled on the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams!
Last May, the largest number of students (85) took the largest number of exams (145) in the history of our school. The exams are scored on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), with any score 3 or higher considered the equivalent of "passing" an introductory college course in the subject.
WYHS results were truly impressive: 43% of our students' scores were 5's, while an additional 28% were 4's and 22% were 3's. This yields a total passage rate of 93% and an average test score of 3.9 for our school. (By way of comparison, the national passage rate was 59%, with a 2.8 average.)
In every academic AP courses we offered this past year - Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Biology, Physics, Psychology, European History, US History, Human Geography, and English Literature - average scores were 3.5 or greater. Six of the ten courses reached at least 4.0, while Calculus and US History students posted remarkable average scores topping 4.7!
Our Bechinah Yerushalmit students were equally outstanding on the exam they took at the culmination of this college-level Hebrew course, sponsored by Hebrew University. Twelve of the fourteen students taking this exam earned the full 9 college credits allowed!
These scores are a testament to all the hardworking students and teachers involved in AP-level courses. WYHS is proud of each and every one of them!
#KinusTeshuva @WYHSNews Debuts with Coverage of a Parental Panel
Graphic by Jonah Stein ('13)
WYHS is now on Twitter! Follow @WYHSNews for the most up to date coverage of your favorite high school.
Graphic by Eric Ditchek ('14) Written by Sruli Fixler ('13) With the start of school imminently in the horizon and the waning moments of summer upon us, the teachers gathered for a faculty meeting like no other. Last Monday, as the students were harnessing the final moments of their summers, the faculty had some fun of their own. Following a morning of standard meetings and speeches, the teachers broke up into teams to engage in a 3-part competition - "Chop, Shop, and Prop." Whether through the special edition of "Chopped" featuring WYHS's finest teachers and their cooking abilities, the creative building of a little toy car out of odds and ends, or the entertaining skits performed by all involved, the teachers enjoyed this one of a kind experience. The following day, the faculty was privileged to hear from world renown speakers Dr. Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift. Dr. Kunc, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, has used his disability as a springboard for a fascinating life researching and speaking about inclusive education. He and Emma regaled a rapt faculty with his story including their research and work with schools around the world. Through the amazing team building, and armed with the inspiration of Dr. Kunc, the teachers all grew closer as they anxiously anticipated a great start to the new school year. Click here to see the end of Dr. Norman Kunc's speech |
Click on the image above to see this week's Ashreinu
The Highlites Staff
Aaron Rose- Editor-in-Chief
Josh Firestone
Bracha Brauser
Aaron Zimmerman
Seth Fisher
Amir Tsarfati
Jonah Abramson
| Jonathan Razon Sophie Rose Jeffrey Herr Jonah Stein Jesse Slomowitz Avi Schneider
Claudia Cohen- Faculty Advisor Rabbi Allan Houben- Faculty Advisor |