Friday, November 9, 2012 24 Cheshvan, 5773
| Parshat Chayei Sarah Candle Lighting at 5:15 PM |
This past summer, in preparation for the school year, the WYHS administration met to identify the core values that we hope every student can actualize during their time in our school. Here are some of the core values and the way in which we actualize them.
Community At WYHS, we stress the importance of being involved in the greater Jewish and world community through community service opportunities and Chesed activities over the course of the school year.
Connection to Hashem We seek to teach our students the importance of creating a relationship with God through meaningful davening, inspirational speakers, Chagigot and programs for all of the Jewish holidays throughout our calendar.
Energy Energy and Excitement are what WYHS is all about. Whether dancing at a Rosh Chodesh or Yom Haatzmaut Chagigah or participating with enthusiasm at Color War, we seek to infuse the WYHS experience with endless energy.
Gratitude Through a campaign spearheaded by Director of College Guidance, Mrs. Marcy Roberts, our students were constantly reminded to be thankful for all of the wonderful things in their lives. Signs and posters filled with gratitude quotes and notes from our students adorned our school.
Hard Work Work hard and play hard is our motto at WYHS. We teach our students that in order to succeed in life in any endeavor, hard work is a must.
Israel Israel is not just another country on the map. It is the Jewish homeland and we think of our brothers and sisters there on a daily basis. Weekly Israel updates, programming for Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut, our partnership with AIPAC and the high percentage of our students who go on to learn in Israel after Graduation are some of the many ways in which our students absorb this important message.
Respect More important than academic success and good grades, we want each and every student to leave WYHS and be called a "Mentch". This is stressed in all activities, both inside and outside the classroom.
Teamwork Athletics is a major aspect of what goes on at WYHS. Our 12 teams practice and compete with schools throughout South Florida. The lessons of teamwork, good sportsmanship and physical fitness are critical to teenage development.
Our core values are hanging on posters throughout our building and are the theme of our upcoming Open House. I would like to remind all 8th graders and their parents to please join us on Sunday, November 18, at 9:30am to hear about what WYHS has to offer.
Shabbat Shalom, Mr. Shimmie Kaminetsky Executive Director
Coming Attractions
Mon. Nov. 12
Sophomore & Junior Nights Out Thurs. Nov. 15 Rosh Chodesh Kislev Sun. Nov. 18
Open House 9:30-12:30Mon. Nov. 19 Boca Parents Night Out 8:00pm
Wed. Nov. 21
Last Day of First TrimesterNov. 22-25
Thanksgiving Weekend- No Classes
Mon. Nov. 26
Hollywood Parents Night Out 8:00pm
Good and Welfare
Mazel Tov
Yael Hirth ('06) on her engagement to Chaim Laufer
Oded and Dina (Abramson '07) Tzur on the birth of a baby boy!
Heads Up!
2 things you need to know about next week
Boys Soccer Rivalry Game
Saturday Nov. 10 @ 8:30pm at Boca JCC
Lunch Forms Due 2nd Trimester lunch forms due in Friday Nov. 16
Election Education
WYHS Students Debate Key Issues in the Presidential Race
Graphic by Eric Ditchek ('14)
Written by Megan Wasserstrom ('13)
Election education ensued at WYHS! This past Monday, just 24 hours before the actual presidential elections took place, the student body was privileged to experience WYHS' very own mock presidential debate. Projecting the personas of both Governor Romney and President Obama, numerous upperclassmen took to the podium to delineate each candidate's platform on America's most pressing issues.
The following issues were covered:
Energy - Aaron Rose (R) & Jeffrey Herr (D)
Economic Reform - Maya Saketkhou (R) & Jared Samilow (D)
Healthcare - Aaron Zimmerman (R) & Isaac Kurtz (D)
Iran - Yisrael Weiss (R) & Chaim Bitterman (D)
Education - Gabriella Sobol (R) & Rebecca Muller (D)
Tax Reform - Zevi Litwin (R) & Jonah Stein (D)
Governmental Role in Life of Individual - Jonathan Razon (R) & Ari Clements (D)
The students demanded the attention of the crowd, captivating the audience and powerfully conveying each platform. Not only did this important program expose the students to critical issues in America today, but it also left them with a sense of understanding and pride for their country. We sincerely thank Dr. Becker & Mrs. Greer for coordinating and organizing this wonderful presentation. Overall, the election program was a smashing success!
"Freshman Elect"
Freshman Election Completes the Student Council
Graphic by Cherie Landa ('15) & Ariel Haar ('13)
Written by Seth Fisher ('13)
Kicking off the year with an exciting Boomers event, the freshmen have begun to solidify friendships and bonds that will carry them through the rest of high school and many years to come. The freshmen's smooth integration into the school has fostered a yearn for more involvement. Freshmen class presidential elections culminated these exciting times, and the freshmen have spoken: Shara Saketkhou and Ben Gurvitch were chosen as this year's elected representatives of the WYHS Class of 2016.
As the newest members of the Student Council, the freshman class presidents maintain the important role of communicating the needs of their class and serving as the link between the student body and administration. Through fundraising and the coordinating of various events, the freshmen class presidents will further the unity of the grade in effective and exciting ways. Hopefully, the freshmen presidents fulfill their duty and enhance the various programs administrated by the Student Council in the months to come. Mazel tov to Shara and Ben!
A Better High
Entertaining and Educational Drug Prevention Program
Graphic by Jonathan Razon ('13)
Concept by Bracha Brauser ('13)
Click here to watch excerpts from the drug prevention program
Xtremely Xhilarating Seniors go to Xtreme Indoor Karting on their Night Out
Click on the image above to watch the senior night out video.
Elements of Faith Rabbi Eli Mansour Addresses the Juniors & Seniors

Graphic by Noah Brown ('16)
Rabbi Eli Mansour is one of the preeminent Sephardic Halacha experts in the country. On Wednesday, the Juniors and Seniors were privileged to hear from Rabbi Mansour about the 3 fundamental beliefs every Jew must have. A special thank you to Dr. David & Marissa Levenson for making this special opportunity possible.
Click on the image above to hear Rabbi Mansour speak
This Week in Pictures
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)
Click on the image above to read this week's edition of Ashreinu.
 |  |  |  |  |  | Avi Scneider Technician | Noah Brown Technician | Cherie Landa Technician | Simcha Stadlan Technician
| Shara Saketkhou Creative Staff
| Ariella Mamann Creative Staff |
 |  |  |  | |
| Eliana Linzer Creative Staff | Dani Ditchek Creative Staff | Kayla Gross Creative Staff | Maya Borzak Creative Staff |