Friday, November 2, 2012 17 Cheshvan, 5773
| Parshat Vayeira Candle Lighting at 6:20 PM |
Democracy is in the air! At WYHS, as in the country at large, important choices are being made.
To insure that our students are informed about the national presidential election, WYHS has chosen to hold a special assembly for the entire school on Monday afternoon. Interested upperclassmen will present the views of President Obama and Governor Romney on a variety of key topics, from the Economy to Energy to Iran. Students, you are the citizens of tomorrow, and (as I constantly remind mine, to their dismay) it's vital that you understand the challenges America faces in order to fix previous generations' mistakes!
The United States of America is not the only entity selecting a president. Freshmen posters magically appeared on the walls at WYHS this week, signaling an exciting exercise in democracy which will culminate in the election of freshman class officers by the time this newsletter goes out.
Our seniors are facing a unique set of choices. Having prepped and tested and received guidance last year (in certain respects, since freshman year!) this year they have the important task of choosing a college. Representatives of numerous institutions of higher learning have descended upon WYHS to hold info sessions. Yeshiva University admissions personnel spent a fantastic full day here in mid-October, interviewing a large majority of our seniors. [see article below] Meanwhile, Mrs. Kanner and Rabbi Horowitz, assisted by Mrs. Stein and Rabbi Grajower, have been busy guiding seniors as they go about choosing a yeshiva or seminary to attend in Israel next year. These are challenging, once-in-a-lifetime decisions!
But every day, students make choices regarding academic achievement. As I continue to field requests for changes in level, I try hard to impress this upon students: your ability to "move up," or even to succeed where you have been placed, is to a large extent a product of choice - specifically, how hard you choose to work. Everyone needs to understand that ultimately, diligence is the key to good grades at WYHS!
Finally, we are all confronted daily with choices about personal behavior. Students: will you be viewed by your teachers and peers as contributing to or detracting from the school, and the world at large, through your davening, your manners, your kindness, your academic accomplishments, and your participation in worthwhile activities? It's your choice!
Yes, this is the season to select our next President. But there are many other important choices to be made. May we all choose well!
Shabbat Shalom,
Dr. Laura Becker Director of College Preparatory Studies
Coming Attractions
Mon. Nov. 5
Senior Night OutThurs. Nov. 8
WYHS Drug Prevention Program Mon. Nov. 12
Sophomore & Junior Nights Out Sun. Nov.18
Open House 9:30-12:30 Wed. Nov. 21
Last Day of First Trimester Nov. 22-25
Thanksgiving Weekend- No Classes
Heads Up!
2 things you need to know about next week
Drug Prevention Program
Thursday Nov. 8 during school for all students. Thursday Nov. 8 @ 8PM for parents
Fall Sports Have Begun! Check Edline for your favorite team's game times.
WIPAC Weathers Washington
WYHS Sends a Delegation to the AIPAC High School Summit
Graphic by Cherie Landa ('15)
Written by Shira Clements ('14)
Stepping into the Doubletree Hotel on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., attending AIPAC Schusterman High School Summit on Sunday with Rabbi Hochman, Lauren Ibgui('14), Avi Schneider('14), Maia Groman('15), Daniel Geller('13), Hod Marks('15), Aryeh Schultz('15), and Leah Avni('14), I was able to feel the excitement in the air. All around me, friends greeted each other with conversations and hugs. We were immediately occupied with receiving our room numbers, name tags, binders, and pens, and then off we went to our first session with Eric Gallagher about the meaning of lobbying. Throughout our jam-packed FOUR days in the capital of our country, we had the privilege to hear Howard Kohr, AIPAC's executive director, and Michael Oren, Israeli ambassador to the United States, speak to us at dinners. Not only did we learn about Israel's significance in the eyes of America and why these two democratic countries need one another, but we also trained to be able to put these facts into use and fight for what we believe. Because of Rabbi Uri Pilichowski's outstanding connections and despite Hurricane Sandy, some students earned the privilege to speak with Congressman Ted Deutch and Political Affairs Director of the RJC Noah Silverman. In fact, thanks to Hurricane Sandy, we were able to elongate our stay and gain the opportunity to explore Washington, D.C., visiting prominent landmarks such as the Pentagon, the 9-11 memorial, the White House, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s memorial. Thank you Rabbi Hochman and Sarah Aleichem for giving us the opportunity to partake in this wonderfully enjoyable and educational experience.
College Visits Part 2
YU Admissions Visits WYHS
Graphic by Josh Firestone ('13)
Concept by Bracha Brauser ('13)
WYHS Captures Cooper Invitational Trophy 
Graphic by Noah Brown ('16)
Click here to watch a video!
Graphic by Jonah Stein ('13)
This past Tuesday, our very own Mrs. Horowitz and Rabbi Schochet were invited to Torah Academy of Boca Raton to give a workshop on the exciting ways they use the iPad in their WYHS classrooms. During the presentation, given to both Judaic and General Studies teachers, Mrs. Horowitz and Rabbi Schochet presented various apps that can be used to enhance both classroom lessons and management. It was a great opportunity to not only share their knowledge and experience with other educators but also to energize another faculty about expanding their use of educational technology.
Thank You
WYHS would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Aaron and Tammy Attias for opening their home to our faculty for a delicious and delightful barbecue, and to all the families of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor, and Surfside for their warmth in welcoming WYHS into thier community and entrusting us with your children.
This Week in Pictures
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)
Click on the image above to read this week's edition of Ashreinu.
 |  |  |  |  |  | Avi Scneider Technician | Noah Brown Technician | Cherie Landa Technician | Simcha Stadlan Technician
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