Friday, November 16, 2012 2 Kislev, 5773
| Parshat Toldot Candle Lighting at 5:12 PM |
Thanksgiving Came Early this Year
High school students never cease to amaze!
Last week, tens of students lined up at my door, bent on doing what they could to help the victims of hurricane Sandy.
Far Rockaway, Long Beach, Breezy Point....
They keep on coming, the pictures of drenched Torah scrolls, houses collapsed, serpentine gas lines, people literally and figuratively power-less, the homeless, the devastation, and the stories, one more horror-filled than the next, and, along with them, more students wondering how they can help.
The unanswerable "whys" go unasked by our students, who seek instead to respond with actions that can ameliorate the pain and mitigate the suffering of their friends and fellow man.
It is with the credo of Nike, "just do it!" that our students sprang to action: running a clothing drive and selling candy, coffee, and doughnuts to raise funds for the youth department of Oceanside, New York. Our students initiated a texting and phone calling campaign to boost the morale of teenagers with still no electricity, many with no school, and others with no homes. A cadre of students are planning to spend their Thanksgiving vacation (on their own dime and precious time) cleaning rubble and distributing provisions in New York.
As our attention now turns to our brothers and sisters in Israel, so do the hearts and tefillot of our talmidim and talmidot. Today, scores more students lined up earnestly searching for something to do for their brethren in Israel.
Conscientiousness, compassion, generosity, selflessness, and ahavat Yisrael. The noble goals of our Jewish education, so often elusive... but, "By George, I think they've got it!"
We have yet another thank you to add to our endless list; our kids got the message!
May Hashem keep our beloved country safe.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner Principal
Coming Attractions
Sun. Nov. 18
Open House 9:30-12:30
Mon. Nov. 19 Boca Parents Night Out 8:00pm
Wed. Nov. 21
Last Day of First TrimesterNov. 22-25
Thanksgiving Weekend- No Classes
Mon. Nov. 26
Hollywood Parents Night Out 8:00pm
Heads Up!
3 things you need to know about next week
Open House
Sunday Nov. 18 @ 9:30-12:30
Boca Parents Night Out Monday Nov. 19 @ 8:00pm at the Loskove home Thanksgiving Weekend No School Thursday Nov. 22 & Friday Nov. 23
Solidarity with Israel
Praying & Hoping for Peace
By the Highlites Staff
Not willing to stand idly by as friends, family, and fellow Jews living in Israel are in constant fear of missile attacks from terrorists, WYHS has taken action. On Thursday night, thanks to Athletic Director Mrs. Rachel Yudewitz, all four teams participating in the JDS tournament said Tehillim and the mishebeirach for the Israeli soldiers before playing. Additionally, on Friday morning the entire school heard an air raid siren over the school's intercom -- reinforcing just how quickly millions of Israelis must respond when they hear real sirens -- and then said Tehillim, the mishebeirach for the Israeli soldiers, as well as the Prayer for the State of Israel. May every citizen of Israel be in our thoughts and prayers so that this conflict comes to a peaceful conclusion.
Classrooms In Focus
Students Learn from Local "Experts"
Graphic by Noah Brown ('16)
Written by Ariella Mamann ('16), Shara Saketkhou ('16), and Aaron Zimmerman ('13)
This past Wednesday, Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, assistant rabbi of Boca Raton Synagogue, spoke to Mrs. Pilichowski's freshman and sophomore girls Chumash class about avodah zara. Rabbi Moskowitz explained various aspects of avodah zara, for example the important idea that people do not need an intermediary between themselves and G-d because we have the ability to speak directly to G-d. Rabbi Moskowitz clarified a common misconception, explaining that distractions such as wearing a red string or placing a key in a challah do not help us maintain our relationship with Hashem. He stressed that a spiritual connection is more important than any physical object, which is likely to prevent someone from reaching their spiritual goals. These physical or material objects are categorized as avodah zara because they prevent us from establishing a real relationship with Hashem. By eliminating these objects from our daily lives, we are better able to focus on building our connection with G-d.
Thanks to Jacob Tokayer ('16), Mr. Firester's freshman World History class has studied China on a whole new level. When the freshmen reached the part of the curriculum that covered China, Jacob offered to share pictures of his summer experience there. Bringing in over one hundred pictures from his trip, Jacob shared his memories and knowledge in a way that related to what the students were learning inside the classroom. This unique perspective wowed students and made the material ever more interesting. Nice job, Jacob!
Fun For Everyone
Sophomores & Juniors Enjoy their Nights Out

Click on the image above to watch the Sophomore & Junior night out report.
Graphic by Simcha Stadlan ('16)
Drama on the Horizon
Girls are Hard at Work on this Year's Musical
Graphic by Cherie Landa ('15)
Written by Daniella Cohen ('15)
This year's musical is The Music Man -- a play for women, by women. Since September, the cast has been working relentlessly. Every week, the girls rehearse scenes, songs, and dances under the guidance of Ms. Restivo and Mrs. Helen Buttery. Each cast member puts in her complete effort at rehearsals and works diligently to improve her role. Drama provides every participant with the opportunity to hone her acting skills while having an amazing time and forming friendships with the rest of the cast members. As the girls continue to work cohesively, they grow closer as a group, enjoying the special experience with one another. Ultimately, the cast knows that the long rehearsals and tremendous effort will pay off. They cannot wait until showtime!
Click on the image above to order tickets.
A Whole New Dimension
A New Science Magazine has come to WYHS
Graphic by Jesse Slomowitz('13)
Written by Joseph Hostyk ('13) and Gadi Dreyfuss ('14)
After months of hard work and preparation, we are proud to launch the first edition of Dimensions, WYHS's science and technology journal. We decided to create Dimensions because of our commitment to the sciences and to modern technology, and because we knew that many other students shared the same excitement. Sophomore Liat Sterenfeld said she was thrilled to join the Dimensions staff because it would allow her to explore her "passion and love for science and the human brain." The students of WYHS learn many subjects, including science, every day, but we also wanted an outlet to express our extracurricular scientific interests, which we can now do through the medium of Dimensions. All students are welcome to submit original material to Dimensions and to get involved as part of the staff.
Moreover, Dimensions encourages students to strive to explore תורה ומדע. In addition to Dimensions' current role of complementing students' education with a science publication, future editions of Dimensions will contain pieces that will delve further into the complex and sometimes difficult relationship between Torah and science. Upcoming editions will feature original research and will branch out to a wider range of scientific topics. Dimensions contains articles from all across the scientific spectrum and also showcases creative pieces, namely science-fiction writing and futuristic graphics. Keep your eye out for the next edition of Dimensions!
Click on the image above to read the inagural edition of Dimensions
Click on the image above to read this week's edition of Ashreinu.
 |  |  |  |  | Eric Ditchek Technician | Avi Scneider Technician | Noah Brown Technician | Cherie Landa Technician | Simcha Stadlan Technician
 |  |  |  |  |  | Eliana Linzer Creative Staff | Dani Ditchek Creative Staff | Kayla Gross Creative Staff | Maya Borzak Creative Staff | Shara Saketkhou Creative Staff
| Ariella Mamann Creative Staff |