Friday May 4, 2012 Day 27 of the Omer
|  | Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim Candle Lighting at 7:36 PM |
Is Such a Lonely Word
Or Is It?
The most unintended consequence of my "big announcement" two weeks ago was the avalanche of tribute emails I received from students, parents, and faculty (all both present and past). The timing couldn't have been better, because...
Gratitude signs have been sprouting up throughout our school since Pesach. As reported in last week's Highlites, this campaign is the brainchild of Director of College Guidance Mrs. Marcy Roberts. Though she may not teach a class or have a day school background, Mrs. Roberts is an integral member of our school community. Perhaps because she is an "outsider", she appreciates all that our school and our lifestyle have to offer.
The Omer period is all about a lack of gratitude- a lack of recognition of others and their contributions. Lag B'omer this coming Thursday may bring a highly anticipated end to a muted (and scruffy) period, but even on Shavuot, we stay up all night to commemorate the fact that Bnei Yisrael weren't ready to recognize the good that G-d was bestowing on them through the sharing of His divine wisdom. Mrs. Roberts knew when to run this campaign!
Rav Saadiah Gaon says that Gratitude is the basis of the entire Torah. If you take a moment to consider all that G-d, our parents, our spouses, our teachers, our friends, our acquaintances and perfect strangers do for us, you'd realize the debt of gratitude we owe them all. Are we as teachers and parents being successful in teaching this message?
It's hard for our children to feel Gratitude. You can't blame them. We have tried to protect them from the trials and tribulations of life, and most of us have been very successful (at least until the economy turned). We provide them with everything they need. It's doubly true for yeshiva high school students, whose academic, extracurricular and religious obligations don't leave time for holding a job or serious volunteer work, both of which give children a sense of appreciation for all they have.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the parents and students who took a chance on our school 15 years ago. If not for those Nachson Ben Aminadavs taking the leap of faith that an unproven young principal could deliver on a promise of a school that would "inspire and challenge", we would not have a school to send our children to. Thank you, WYHS Classes of '01 and '02!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Head of School
Coming Attractions
| Sun. May 6 SAT @ WYHS
May 7-18
AP Exams
Thurs. May 10 Lag B'omer Sephardi Gras
May 25-28 No School Memorial Day Weekend / Shavuot
Tues. May 29 11am Boys Gemara Final Girls Chumash Final Wed-Fri 5/30-6/1 Regular Classes Elections Season
Good & Welfare
| Mazel Tov to
Sam Levine ('10) & Yitzchak Schultz ('10) on their
IDF Paratrooper Swearing in Ceremony at the Kotel Yesterday Congratulations to Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Nominees: Ezra Kurtz ('12) History/Political Science Jake Siegel('12) Communications.
Awards will be announced next week |
Interview with David Hopen ('12) about the Literary Journal, Allie's Mitt. David is the editor-in-chief of the annual publication featuring prose, poetry, and art from WYHS students. Allie's Mitt can be found below.
News Brief

Graphic By Seth Fisher ('13)
Congratulations to Nina Landa ('13) on receiving an Honorable mention for three pieces of her artwork at The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of 2012.
Graphic By Jonathan Razon ('13)
Concept By Aaron Zimmerman('13)
In focus
Shabbos Shiur
Junior Girls Learn About the 39 Melachot
Graphic By Ariel Haar ('13) Written By Bracha Brauser ('13)
This past week, Rabbi Schochet's 11th grade girls Tushba class took part in an exciting and interesting project on the 39 Melachot of Shabbat. The project gave the students a chance to learn the material on their own and teach it to their classmates. The project consisted of both a creative and intellectual aspect- the students created their own source sheets, and a visual representation of their melacha. From power-points to dioramas, quilts, game shows and poster boards, the project proved to be a stunning success.
In focus
March of the Living
Remembering the Holocaust and Celebrating the Present
Graphic By Amir Tsarfati('13) Written By Rashel Maikhor('12)
Following Pesach, 21 members of the senior class were privileged to partake in an amazing program known as The March of the Living. The March is the culmination of an intensive year-long study of the Holocaust. At the end of this year hundreds of groups from around the country joined together in Poland. Visiting Poland and then Israel was a meaningful and unforgettable experience that changed us as individuals and as a group.
On Yom Hashoah, we marched with 12,000 participants from around the world from Auschwitz to Birkenau. It was surreal to think that just 70 years ago, people did that same march toward their death, and here we are today marching to celebrate the life and continuity of the Jewish people. Being able to see and learn about the horrors of the Holocaust first hand, and then seeing the beauty and holiness of our homeland, our Jewish pride and love for Israel could not be stronger. The March contrasted polar opposite- the horrors of the Holocaust and then the beauty and vibrance of Israel- all in a span of two weeks. Spending Yom Hashoah with thousands of your peers is a truly unique experience that helped me realize how strong the Jewish people really are.
News Brief
Graphic By Jonah Stein ('13)Written By Isaac Kurtz ('14)
For many, a sports season starts on opening day in front of a packed stadium, with cameras flashing and wild fans screaming. However, the WYHS basketball team knows this is not the case. Since the end of last year's electrifying season, a plethora of players have already begun preparing for next season -- taking time out of their hectic schedule to participate in a rigorous workout program.
In addition to their specialized training, every Tuesday after school players are granted the opportunity to go to clinics. During these clinics, players receive sagacious advice that assists them in perfecting their craft. During these crucial workouts, players can perfect drives, cuts, shots and many other skills that will help take their game to the next level.
News Brief
Graphic By Jesse Slomowitz ('13)Written By Becky Shachter ('12)
A blood donation is truly a gift of life. Giving blood is an unbelievable opportunity to bring out the hero in you. During one year in the U.S., someone needs a blood transfusion every two to three seconds, and 95% of all Americans will need a blood transfusion at some point in their lives.
Many of the students in our school decided to take action on Blood Donation Day in order to address this ongoing need. The students of WYHS made a difference in the lives of so many; one single blood donation can save up to three people. It is truly inspiring to see teenagers volunteer for the sake of others in need. Donate blood. Help others. Find the hero in you.
Click on the image above to see this week's Ashreinu
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff | 
| Sarah Struhl Editor-in-Chief |  |  |  |  |  |  | Ezra Kurtz Senior Editor | Aaron Rose Technical Editor | Shoshana Linzer Creative Editor | Rashel Maikhor Creative Editor | Jeffrey Herr Layout Editor | Darren Jacoby English Editor |
 |  |  |  |  |  | Aaron Zimmerman Chief-of-Writers | Amir Tsarfati Chief Photographer | Josh Firestone Video Editor | Binyamin Feit Asst. Tech. Editor | Jonathan Razon Asst. Tech. Editor | Bracha Brauser Creative Staff |