Friday May 18, 2012 Day 41 of the Omer
| Parashat Behar-Bechukotai Candle Lighting at 7:44 PM |
Quote of the Week
"When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude." - Elie Wiesel |
Why I Stayed So Long
I know I shocked many of you with my announcement that I am leaving at the end of this year. It's certainly better than people saying "Finally, he's leaving!"
Those who know me well know that I have been considering leaving for 5 years. Yes, each of these five years we have added new subjects, exciting extracurriculars, and more students. However, the school has been firmly established since year ten, and there is a conventional wisdom that ten years is the optimal tenure of a head of school of an independent school. So why did I stay?
The talented, dedicated and humble team that runs WYHS is unique. Though I am indebted to our entire staff (who all posses these traits) including our dedicated department chairs, my role since I became Head of School has been to work with the directors of the divisions.
Mrs. Rachel Yudewitz, Director of Athletics and Clubs, is the newest addition to our management team, directing 11 athletic teams, fall and spring conditioning and a huge variety of clubs. She is a true professional, and is always striving to improve and expand our programs.
Mrs. Marcy Roberts, Director of College Guidance, has for the past 5 years made the difference in so many of our students obtaining admission to the college of their choice- some by reviewing their essays and applications, some by giving interview and visit tips, and some by advocating with the colleges.
Ms. Dana Sardano, Director of Student Development, possesses an unusual combination of care, warmth, tough love and high standards. WYHS has enrolled many students because we know that she can bring them up to speed. Her humor and follow through endear her to all.
Mrs. Claudia Cohen, Director of Technology, has created opportunities for WYHS students to develop their graphic design, web design, photographic, videographic, creative and leadership skills. Our yearbooks, Yeshiva Highlites and technology electives are the envy of other schools.
Mrs. Shira Englander, Director of Programming, is beloved by students, thoroughly dedicated, amazingly efficient and makes it all seem easy. She spends countless evenings planning programs, shopping and decorating WYHS, and opens her home and her heart to our students.
Mrs. Melissa Pereira, Director of Admissions, is the first person prospective families meet and is the empathetic listener who everyone in the WYHS community knows they can go to for sage advice. She loves us and we love her. I'm so happy that I'm leaving before her!
Dr. Laura Becker, Director of College Preparatory Subjects, is so bright, a natural master teacher and deeply respected by students. She has shared the 20/20 vision that only an outsider to high schools and the Orthodox world possesses. She and WYHS have embraced each other.
Rabbi Benjy Horowitz, Director of Judaic Studies, has grown from novice teacher to skilled administrator in his 12 years at WYHS. He and his wife Amy have shared their sincerity and Shabbat table with every WYHS class and been role models as Jews, human beings, and spouses.
Mr. Shimmie Kaminetsky, Executive Director, has worked tirelessly for WYHS for 10 years and has kept WYHS afloat through turbulent economic seas. He inspires us musically and with his humility, compassion and efficiently. It is Shimmie who will keep the ship on course next year.
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner, Principal, has been my partner since we opened our doors. I have had the privilege of studying with many world-renown rabbis, but have learned so much more from her. There is no more talented Jewish educator in the US. Her brilliance, oratory, & deep understanding of people is unequaled.
WYHS is in great hands with this team. I recruited them and have served as their conductor, but they play beautiful music together even when I am not around.
Yeshiva Highlites will appear next on the last day of classes, Friday June 1.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and Chag Shavuot Sameach,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Head of School
Coming Attractions
May 25-28
No School
Shavuot/ Memorial Day Weekend
Tues May 29 11am Boys Gemara Final Girls Chumash Final Wed-Fri 5/30-6/1 Regular Classes Elections Season
Mon June 4 Graduation @ Olympic Heights HS
Mon-Mon 6/4-6/11
Final Exams |
Good & Welfare
| Mazel Tov to
Michali Berkowitz ('10) on her engagement to Jeffrey Fuchs of Woodsburg, NY
Avi & Michal Zehavi on the birth of a son
Ezra Kurtz ('12) on being the first WYHS student to win a Pathfinder Award! Eli Barrocas, Sarah Barrocas, Jacob Epstein, Daniel Geller & Dean Tansman on being appointed to Southern Region NCSY Regional Board
Sasan Peimani ('08) on being elected IBC Student Council President at YU
The following juniors have been invited to participate in the 2013 National Merit Program -- the largest number of students in WYHS history!
Eliana Feldan Sruli Fixler Jeffrey Herr Joseph Hostyk Darren Jacoby Aaron Rose Maya Saketkhou Danielle Sobol Jonah Stein Aaron Zimmerman
News Brief
Tushba Trip
Practicing Modest Shopping
Graphic By Jonah Stein ('13) Written By Yael Skurowitz ('14)
The past week in Mrs. Ziquit's class was spent creating a beauty campaign to demonstrate that there is more to a woman than just looks. As part of the effort, this Monday the class took a trip to the local Forever 21 clothing store to search for clothing that would represent our fashion senses while following the laws abiding to modesty. We dug further into the discussion of true beauty by talking about what represents a girl's beauty besides the superficial things. By noting that appearance still matters in beauty, our wonderful teacher Mrs. Zisquit decided that taking us to a store we all know and love would show us how to present ourselves in a modest and beautiful way. This was a great experience for all the girls as we got to have fun and shop with all our close friends while learning the importance of modest dressing.
News Brief
Sephardi Palooza
Celebrating Sephardic Heritage

Graphic By Eric Ditchek ('14) Written By Jared Samilow ('14)
On Lag Baomer, the Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Chabad students of WYHS gathered together to celebrate WYHS's annual Sephardi Gras celebration. This special program intended to expose students to the unique culture that the Sephardic students bring to WYHS- a culture that is starkly different from the customs and traditions of Ashkenzi students. The event commenced with a traditional Sephardic davening where certain Sephardic students dressed in their customary and classic garments. After a meaningful (and very long) davening, the entire school was treated to a breakfast featuring customary and delicious Sephardic foods, many of which had never been sampled by the Ashkenazic students. With Israeli music playing in the background, the joy and festivity of Lag Baomer was certainly compounded by the exciting Sephardi Gras program.
Feature Story
Student Leaders Celebrated
at the Student Leadership Awards Banquet
Graphic By Amir Tsarfati ('13)
Written By Sruli Fixler('13)
"Do not follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." (Harold R. McAlindon)
This past Thursday, the students and faculty of WYHS gathered together for the annual Student Leadership Award Banquet (SLAB) to honor the student leaders of the 5772 school year and to highlight the upcoming opportunities to join the distinguished group of WYHS leaders.
As students piled into the main sanctuary anxiously awaiting the SLAB video, boys and girls alike developed an authentic excitement as they considered the unique leadership prospects that WYHS will offer in the following school year. Stressing the numerous leadership positions available in the dynamic and thriving WYHS clubs and committees, both WYHS faculty and current student leaders passionately encouraged every student to seize the moment and further involve themselves in school activities.
The Student Leadership Award Banquet kicked off with a tremendous video to underscore the memorable moments of this past year. The students applauded the amazing successes of all the leaders and their specific committees throughout the entertaining video presentation. Portraying and honoring the greatness of the leaders of student council and the innumerable prominent WYHS committees such as Highlites, yearbook, and Ashreinu, the SLAB video left a burning enthusiasm within every student to rise up and become leaders.
Immediately following the video, Mrs. Kanner further motivated the students through her incredible and captivating speech. Ardently advocating for the involvement of every single student to further expand his or her role in order to become a leader, Mrs. Kanner inspired all of the students with her insightful rhetoric. Expounding upon the significance of being a leader, Mrs. Kanner shifted the focus of her speech to a well-deserved tribute to WYHS's quintessential leader: Rabbi Tirschwell. Exhibiting immense admiration for Rabbi Tirschwell's many leadership qualities, Mrs. Kanner led an emotional tribute to the visionary of WYHS - Rabbi Tirschwell.
As the Student Leadership Award Banquet was coming to a close, the students further expressed their immense gratitude and appreciation for Rabbi Tirschwell's indescribable contributions to WYHS throughout his 15 years through a reminiscent video compilation of the innumerably enjoyable memories of Rabbi Tirschwell's tenure at the helm of WYHS.
Munching on the dessert the school provided on the way back to class, the students could not help but contemplate the significant leadership opportunities that lie ahead.
Feature Story
Who Said You Can't Teach
an "Old Dog" New Tricks?
Graphic By Josh Firestone ('13)
Written By Daniella Cohen ('15)
Last Tuesday, the freshmen class enjoyed a day out filled with not only meaningful chesed but also enjoyable bonding. The class first visited Forest Trace Senior Housing Center where the students interacted with the seniors to teach them how to text, email, and use Facebook.
The freshmen were so excited to be part of Forest Trace's "You are Never too Old to Learn" seminar and to share their own knowledge of technology. Laura Betesh shared, "It was so inspiring to see how the elders caught on so quickly, even at their age!" She loved seeing the seniors acting like "teenagers," thrilled to learn from the students. The rest of the freshmen class felt the same way as the students happily chatted and laughed with the seniors. Isaac Ovadia said, "after noticing my kippah, the man I was helping exclaimed, 'I'm so happy that you kids are here, nicely representing the Jews.'" The grade truly succeeded in positively representing WYHS and making a Kiddush Hashem.
Although it was sad to leave the friendly elders, the grade then headed off to Boomers of Hollywood to spend the rest of the day bonding. The class enjoyed exciting games such as air hockey and laser tag. Yitzchak Kaminetsky said, "It was relaxing to take a break from work to just have fun and hang out with all my friends." The freshmen all agreed that every aspect of the trip was awesome.
Overall, the day was extremely inspirational as the students were given the opportunity to not only teach elders about technology but also to strengthen friendships and have fun.
Dept. of Sentimentality
Goodbye Seniors
Thank You to the Seniors Who Made Highlites Possible
Written By Aaron Rose ('13)
What makes Highlites different and better than every other comparable high school newsletter is the quality of the work that goes into it each and every week. Publishing a newsletter on a weekly basis is not an easy task; it takes countless hours and the contributions of many people to coordinate and publish once a week. I would like to thank five seniors who were integral to Highlites this year and truly are the ones who made it possible for Highlites to live up to its outstanding reputation. You guys were there from the first day to the last one, planning, executing, and critiquing every aspect of Highlites so when the email arrived in all 2368 inboxes it was the best publication it could possibly be.
Shoshana Linzer- Expressing creativity is a rare skill but you utilize it flawlessly. Week after week you brought innovative and creative ideas to the table that were instrumental in creating an exciting newsletter. You provided so much originality to the pages and your ideas enhanced each and every article in so many ways. She stayed late on Thursday nights as the designated Hollywood driver and brought a fresh flair to the publication every week. All your time and effort was crucial in raising Highlites to the levels it reached this year.
Rashel Maikhor- Being a leader is not so easy, but you Rashel, you surpassed my expectations day after day. You have such passion for things and when you are committed to something, there is no stopping you from success. This dedication became obvious in every single meeting, because the most important topic of the week always became WIPAC. You added new dimensions to Highlites every week and persevered through every bump on the road to make sure everything came together at the end.
Ezra Kurtz- If I looked up Senior Editor in the dictionary right now I would not be surprised to see Ezra Kurtz as the definition. The different perspective you always bring to the table is incredibly refreshing and always enjoyable. When I started to write these accolades I looked to the ones you wrote last year and was incredibly disheartened by how amazing they were. Your senior goodbyes are both meaningful and witty, a killer combination that you always seem to be able to draw upon. You give up your time to help out with Highlites even though you were editor-in-chief last year- everyone else would have said, "I'm a senior," gotten senioritis and neglected all of your duties. Somehow you always manage to add an Ezra-style to your work and this is why you are going to be missed. Without you Highlites is going to lack all hidden political commentaries and Miami Marlins Appreciation.
Binyamin Feit- Even though you wanted to be the Technical Editor this year and I stole the position, you still brought the same energy and creativity to every graphic you made this year. You definitely have taught me the most about Photoshop and how to make something go from good to excellent. You were my go-to guy for every question I had-- from the mundane "Why did everything just disappear?" to the most exotic questions about the intricacies of Photoshop. Highlites is going to suffer from a huge loss next year because none of us are able to match your expertise and breadth of knowledge. Next year don't be surprised by the occasional email needing your help.
P.S. I got the dog a collar.
Sarah Struhl- There are no words to even express my gratitude to you. You have been an unbelievable teammate this year and without you, there is no chance Highlites would have gotten anywhere. I genuinely hope that next year, as Editor-in-Chief of Highlites, I can get the job done like you did. Without fail you sent out an email every Sunday and Thursday, outlining what must be done this week. The day you got your wisdom teeth out you planned to come to Highlites because you knew how important you were to this newsletter's success. The buck stopped with you and you know how to organize everything and get the job done. I can only hope that next year I can organize and execute Highlites as well as you did this year.
College Guidance Dept.
Fabulous Firsts
The Senior Class Finishes the Year with Many Milestones
Graphic By Jesse Slomowitz ('13)
The WYHS Class of 2012 boasts several notable "firsts"! Congratulations to all of our seniors and especially to these trail-blazing, ground-breaking, award-winning students:
Ezra Kurtz -- the FIRST WYHS student to win a prestigious Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Award
Josh Hirth -- the FIRST WYHS student awarded a highly competitive CUNY Macaulay Honors College Scholarship
Matthew Wolkowicz -- the FIRST WYHS student awarded the elite Presidential Scholarship from Boston University, one of the highest awards given to incoming freshmen
Razi Katz -- the FIRST WYHS student named a Top Scholar at the University of Miami
Josh Gittler -- the FIRST WYHS student admitted to The Cooper Union with a four-year scholarship
Michael Fisher -- the FIRST WYHS student to attend Indiana University
Ross Nimhauser -- the FIRST WYHS student to attend the University of Pittsburgh
David Hopen -- the FIRST WYHS student to attend Yale University
Binyamin Feit and Alegria Bensimon -- the FIRST WYHS students to attend Florida State University
Plus, another "first" from the Class of 2011:
Mazel Tov to Alex Stein, who will be our FIRST student to attend Georgia Tech!
Click on the image above to see this week's Ashreinu
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff | 
| Sarah Struhl Editor-in-Chief |  |  |  |  |  |  | Ezra Kurtz Senior Editor | Aaron Rose Technical Editor | Shoshana Linzer Creative Editor | Rashel Maikhor Creative Editor | Jeffrey Herr Layout Editor | Darren Jacoby English Editor |
 |  |  |  |  |  | Aaron Zimmerman Chief-of-Writers | Amir Tsarfati Chief Photographer | Josh Firestone Video Editor | Binyamin Feit Asst. Tech. Editor | Jonathan Razon Asst. Tech. Editor | Bracha Brauser Creative Staff |