Friday February 3, 2012 10 Sh'vat, 5772
|  | Parashat Beshalach Candle Lighting at 5:47 PM |
Who Is Going
To Win the Superbowl?
I am so jealous of students who are athletic! They have a more enjoyable way to exercise than the treadmill and the elliptical. Athletes push themselves to the limit, and learn that success in life is all about teamwork.
Athletics do have a power to excite like nothing else! In our school's 14 year history, there has never been a more exciting season in Yeshiva Storm sports than this one. The energy has been building since the beginning of November, and has culminated in more district games than we have ever played.
Girls Varsity Basketball had a great season. Beginning with winning the preseason South Florida Jewish Day School Tournament and ending with winning their first playoff game, they racked up a winning record. The positivity of their Coach Jeff Harris and Assistant Coach Chelsea Patterson built great team spirit and gave the seniors their best year of Storm sports yet.
Boys Varsity Basketball had an unbelievable year. Winning before the Heat's season opener at the American Airlines Arena, competing against the faculty in front of 250 fans, winning the South Florida JDS Tournament, and being led by WYHS Alumnus Head Coach Yogev Berdugo ('01) and Assistant Coach Uri Yudewitz, they are pumped for playoffs this coming week, and Yeshiva University's Red Saracheck Tournament in March.
For the first time in Storm history, a WYHS Team went to Regionals! Boys Soccer, 10-4 in regular season, played three fantastic games during Winter Break; shutting out their opponents 7-0 in the first game, winning their second game 3-2, and losing to the number one seeded team 2-1 in a hard fought third game. The consistency of our long time Coaches Scott Lublin and Dr. Gary Lieber has made all the difference.
Boys JV Basketball enjoyed many successes as Coach Uri Yudewitz aligned the program philosophically with the Varsity. Highlights this year include the unforgettable experience of playing in the Triple A and our first ever victory over Calvary (in overtime). Yaashar koach to Assistant Coach and motivational speaker Steve Danis.
Back in districts, the Girls Soccer had several victories this season and wonthe first round of districts against rival DKJA. New coach James Gray brought the team to new heights this year.
Personally, I don't really care who is going to win the Superbowl. Yeshiva Storm sports interest me much more! I do know the student-athletes who wore their Yeshiva Storm uniforms were winners this year. Thank you Storm for making us proud Jews and a proud WYHS Family!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell Head of School
PS. Thanks to Alumnus Michael Feit ('10) and prospective student Simcha Stadlan for their help this week
Coming Attractions
Sun-Tues. Feb. 5-7Yeshiva University Model UNSun. Feb.12
Shabbat Feb. 18
Senior Girls' Shabbaton Sun- Mon Feb 20-1 Presidents Weekend No School |
Good and Welfare
Mazel Tov
Rebecca Fuchs ('10) and Yonatan Siev
Chani & Jeremy Gelbart ('05)
Chava (Rubin '07) & Aaron Schultz
Chava (Turk '02) and David Epstein- a girl
Dr. Michael and Ora Lee Kanner on the birth of a granddaughter
On the passing of WYHS former Jewish History teacher Chaim Rosov
News Brief
Scholastic Scholars
WYHS Students Win Scholastic Writing Awards
Graphic By Eric Ditchek ('14)
Written By David Hopen ('12)
The Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards is a prestigious Creative Writing contest that gives young writers the unique opportunity to utilize their voice and showcase their writing talents. As a recipient of the Gold Medal for the past few years, I have noticed that the same few schools seem to dominate the contest year in and year out. Standing there as the lone WYHS representative, I felt proud to bring honor to my school and always thought that WYHS possessed enough talent to one day compete with these literary powerhouses.
This year, I am happy to report that four other students will join me at the ceremony. Congratulations to Bracha Brauser ('13) for also winning a Gold Medal, to our Silver recipients Kelley Tripp ('13) and Joseph Hostyk ('13), and to Megan Wasserstrom ('13) for her Honorable Mention.
Thank you to Mrs. Greer for encouraging us to participate and guiding us. I wish the school luck in the future, and hope that WYHS continues to carry on a legacy and presence at the Awards.
College Guidance

Graphic By Jonah Stein ('13) While you were sleeping... skiing... snorkeling... or otherwise engaged over winter break, your College Guidance team was hard at work!
Mrs. Bejar spent two days in Orlando (not at the theme parks!) at the University of Central Florida where she had the opportunity to explore the campus, learn about the academic opportunities there, schmooze with our admissions officer, network with students active in the Hillel, and see the kosher café at the stadium.
Mrs. Roberts traveled to Jupiter to visit the Harriet Wilkes Honors College, affiliated with FAU, where two of our recent graduates are enrolled.
There, she sat in on an honors class about the BP oil spill and its impact on our state, learned about intriguing research opportunities at the Scripps and Max Planck Research institutes, and met with various deans.
She also attended a day-long symposium at Lynn University featuring internationally-renowned speakers on easing the transition from high school to college especially for students with learning disabilities.
In addition to these "field trips," your counselors also came in to school (it was so quiet without students around!) to meet in person with and have conference calls with admissions officers and directors about applicants from WYHS to various college. |
Feature Story
 Graphic By Jonathan Razon ('13)
Written By Simcha Stadlan ('16) The excitement in the room was palpable when Sam Simon took center stage to perform an amazing hypnotic performance. This past Thursday, approximately one hundred 8th graders from Hillel Day School, Brauser Maimonides Academy, and other local middle schools gathered at WYHS, together with the rest of the WYHS students, for a special program. The event began with inspiring and educational dvrei torah from Mrs. Kanner for the girls and Rabbi Tirschwell for the boys. The middle school students were then treated to a great lunch of pizza and french fries. Finally, the grand show began and 24 high school students were called upon be hypnotized.
With mind controlling words and gestures, Sam Simon, the hypnotist, caused the students on the stage to act out hilarious motions and shout hysterical remarks. From dancing and spitting out pretend watermelon seeds to falling asleep, the hypnotist made them do it all. The audience was extremely entertained and laughed uproariously throughout the entire performance. All of the 8th graders enjoyed the program tremendously and appreciated that WYHS included them. It gave them a first-glance at the diverse entertaining events that the school has to offer. After leaving the exhilarating program, the soon-to-be-9th graders could not wait to enter the halls of WYHS as freshmen next year. | Click on the image above to see Hypnotist Sam Simon.
Graphic By Amir Tsarfati ('13)
News Brief
Run WYHS, Run!
Students Participate in the ING Miami Marathon to Raise Money for Various Causes
Graphic By Michael Feit ('10) Written By Joseph Hostyk ('13)
On Sunday, January 29th, in the wee hours of the morning, nine WYHS students waited tensely for a gunshot. And, over the course of the next few hours, each and every one of these spirited people pushed him or herself to the limit and completed the Miami ING Half-Marathon.
Beginning in late October, a troupe of students, many of whom had never run more than a mile in their lives before this year, started training for three hard months in various manners and locales. Some jogged as a group in Hollywood Beach, others sprinted loops on Montoya Circle, while a few simply went solo on the treadmill. The students strove to increase their mileage and decrease their time by sacrificing many hours of their free time in order to prepare for the race.
In addition to the physical training, the students undertook a separate task: Instead of simply running the 13 miles for exercise, each one of them used the race as an opportunity to raise funds for organizations that aid those who are less fortunate. Together, the nine students raised over $18,000 for four different and important causes. Gadi Dreyfuss ('14), Yitzi Griner ('13), Yehuda Phillips ('13), and I ran for Team WYHS, WYHS's first running team. Team WYHS raised funds to benefit the American Cancer Society, a non-profit organization that assists victims of cancer and sponsors research to find a cure to cancer.
Ariel Wallerstein ('14) participated as part of Team Lifeline in order to support Camp Simcha, an incredible over-night program that gives seriously-ill children an unforgettable experience. Team Yachad, a group "dedicated to addressing the needs of all individuals with disabilities and including them in the Jewish community", was represented by three WYHS students: Eliana Feldan ('13) and Gabriella and Danielle Sobol ('13). Sarah Struhl ('12) ran to fundraise for Emunah, an organization that provides essential shelter and programs for Israeli children who come from broken homes. Gabriella Sobol explained the significance of the event as she noted that "knowing that the money we raised would help so many people made this half-marathon one of the most meaningful accomplishments any of us have ever achieved."
Despite the overwhelming number of runners (the race reached its maximum limit of 25,000 people!) and one of the most humid race-days on record, the nine WYHS students prevailed, through determination, conviction, and motivation, and showed the world their altruism and endurance.
Boys Soccer
Click on the image above to watch the
Boys Soccer video.
And click here to view a slide show of the "highlites" of the Boys Soccer season.
Click on the image above to view
this week's Ashreinu. |
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff | 
| Sarah Struhl Editor-in-Chief |  |  |  |  |  |  | Ezra Kurtz Senior Editor | Aaron Rose Technical Editor | Shoshana Linzer Creative Editor | Rashel Maikhor Creative Editor | Jeffrey Herr Layout Editor | Darren Jacoby English Editor |
 |  |  |  |  |  | Aaron Zimmerman Chief-of-Writers | Amir Tsarfati Chief Photographer | Josh Firestone Video Editor | Binyamin Feit Asst. Tech. Editor | Jonathan Razon Asst. Tech. Editor | Bracha Brauser Creative Staff |