Friday October 28, 2011 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
|  | Parshat Noach Candle Lighting at 6:24pm |
Wait (and Weight) Gain
Twelve festive meals in one week! Five solid pounds. Contrast this with the maddening magazines already bemoaning the weight gain that one Thanksgiving meal might incur, let alone fretting over recipes, guest lists and table settings for the one turkey dinner. Our month of feasting has culminated; the wait (and weight) is on as we begin the countdown to our next vacation. Four weeks of serious learning, uninterrupted classes, tests, quizzes, papers, drama rehearsals, sports practices are now ahead of us! How do we keep our (multiple) chins up as we trudge through the holiday-less month of "mar" (aptly named) Cheshvan?
First and foremost, we scan our WYHS calendar. The jam-packed month begins with a great Rosh Chodesh program, and continues with the Freshman Parent Melava Malka, a number of Guest Speakers, a slew of Seminary and Yeshiva presentations, Shabbatonim, Kumzitzes, Senior Sunrise Davening at the Beach, Freshman Elections, the JUMP Seminar in New York, the Light the Night Walk and our Open House.
But if the dizzying, dazzling calendar is not sufficient to carry you through the next month, keep in mind that "when you watch the clock, the pot never boils." In fact, as we learn from Yaakov Avinu, even seven years can feel like yamim achadim, (several days), when your work is purposeful and your day filled with meaning and growth. What a fitting (pun intended) time to concentrate on actualizing your new year's resolutions and immerse yourself in your Torah learning and college prep studies. Using this time wisely will undoubtedly yield much gain from this wait. To quote Tim Gunn, "make it work" and the sweet potato pie of November 24th will be all that much sweeter.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner
School Principal
Good & Welfare
Upcoming Attractions
Mazel Tov!
Adina Tepper ('05)
on her engagement
to Josh Schwartz
of Monsey
Jason Dov Mann on his engagement to Aliza Falick of Hollywood, FL
Erik & Jodi Blum
on the birth of a boy
Yocheved Fox ('06) & Josh Gordon on the birth of a boy
Mrs. Amy An on the loss of her father
This Sat Nite (10/29)
Freshmen Parent Melava Malka
Thurs Nov. 3 Light the Night Walk
Sun Nov. 6 WYHS Journal Dinner
Mon Nov. 7 Parent-Teacher
RPT Goes to College
Thurs-Sun Nov. 24-27 Thanksgiving Break No Classes
WYHS Annual
Journal Dinner
| Honoring
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner
Mrs. Jessica Schultz
Mrs. Lorys Stiel
Tribute Committee
(In Formation)
Ellen & Jay Adler
Tammy & Aaron Attias
Lisa & Phil Baratz
Alyssa & Menachem Baumgarten
Evelyn & Al Begas
Dafna & David Ben-Zikry
Michal & Avi Ben-Zikry
Helene & Abbey Berkowitz
Batzi & Billy Berman
Carol & Howard Bienenfeld
Darlene & Michael Bokor
Yael & Steven Charlap
Laura & Meyer Cohen
Sheri & David Dennis
Tammy & Jordan Ditchek
Ileana & Martin Flics
Mona & Alan Fisher
Wendy & Jonathan Gelman
Dorit & Ben J Genet
Monica & David Genet
Rachel & Neil Greenbaum
Simone & Charles Griff
Naomi & Jeffrey Gross
Ilona & Isaac Grynsztein
Ana & Stanley Haar
Lynn Hahn
Jodi & Jeffrey Harris
Shari & Moshe Hirth
Elaine & Merv Jacobs
Sarah & Steven Jacoby
Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky
Ora Lee & Michael Kanner
Caroline & Daniel Katz
Evelyn & Shmuel Katz
Sharona & David Kay
Shaindle & Tzvi Kilstein
Judi & Gary Krasna
Arlene & Sam Lasko
Marissa & David Levenson
Linda & Robert Levy
Joshua Light & Sara Jackson
Debbie & Dov Linzer
Seema & Joseph Loskove
Sara Levine & David Markowitz
Joyce & David Muller
Cindy & Bruce Nimhauser
Jill & Michael Rose
Hindy & Stuart Rubin
Diane & Ben Saketkhou
Dana & Barry Schechter
Judy & Steven Schultz
Naomi & Reid Shapiro
Yael & Ephraim Sobol
Ellen & Zorik Spektor
Shaani & Adam Splaver
Sharon & Marshall Stauber
Lorys & Mitchell Stiel
Linda & Ted Struhl
Donna & Benjamin Tripp
Estelle & Norman Wald
Risa & Michael Zimmerman
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News Brief
E. (correct as is) Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Grades take the PSAT Exam
Graphic by Jonah Stein ('13)
Written by Graham Schiffman ('13)
To some, the PSAT is disregarded as a tedious experience and a waste of time. However, at WYHS, the PSAT is taken very seriously and utilized to its full potential. The point of the PSAT is to practice for the actual SAT, and WYHS students in grades 9-11 take full advantage of this invaluable preliminary exam.
Moreover, the PSAT is more than just a mere practice run for the junior grade. When testing in 11th grade, each student's PSAT score is submitted to the National Merit Scholarship Competition. If a student places in any level of the competition, he or she becomes eligible for scholarship money and academic recognition. Placing in the National Merit Scholarship Competition is quite prestigious and can prove extremely lucrative when it comes to applying for college.
Furthermore, while most schools only offer the PSAT in eleventh grade, every student in grades nine through eleven at WYHS takes the exam. This allows each student a preliminary testing experience which helps them ascertain their test taking ability and see whether or not they should begin preparations for the SAT. WYHS always emphasizes the need to challenge oneself to achieve more, and the importance of the PSAT at WYHS is a great example of the WYHS Way in action.
News Brief
Financing the Future
5 Tips for Making College
More Affordable
Graphic by Jesse Slomowitz ('13)
1. Look into all types of aid - financial aid can be comprised of scholarships, loans, and/or work study. All should be considered.
2. Check for government grants - The U.S. Department of Education can help pay for college. Visit www.studentaid.ed.gov for more information.
3. The FAFSA - The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) helps both states and private institutions determine if you are eligible for financial aid. Visit www.fafsa.ed.gov for more information
4. Merit-based scholarship - These are awarded based on the person's accomplishments, character and grades. Look online or call the college's admissions office to see if they offer this type of scholarship.
5. Work Study- this program can help offset cost of books, supplies and dorm by providing students part-time employment in college.
Special Thanks to Director of College Guidance, Mrs. Marcy Roberts for coordinating this event and to Yeshiva University's Director of Student Finance, Robert Friedman for sharing his experience and advice.
Feature Story
Caring and Sharing Sophomores & Juniors volunteer around South Florida  Graphic by Jonathan Razon ('13) Written by Jared Samilow ('14)
After the exhausting challenge presented by Wednesday's PSAT, the sophomore and junior classes participated in chesed activities aimed at encouraging students to take a greater role in helping the community. At approximately 1:00 p.m. four different divisions of students set out to assist a multitude of South Florida organizations.
The tenth-grade boys clambered onto a bus, and about thirty minutes later found themselves at the Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options Organization (JAFCO). Students were assigned the task of washing nearly every window in the JAFCO village, after which Executive Director Sarah Franco spoke to the tenth-graders at the sanctuary in the main building. She explained JAFCO's mission, the need for philanthropy and volunteering, and the impact its work is having in the community and beyond. Moshe Levenson ('14) described his experience: "Today we had a great opportunity to perform a direct act of chesed on behalf of Jewish children who need our help. Mrs. Franco explained that washing windows, a seemingly insignificant task, helped her save money that she could then use for the children." At the end of the visit, JAFCO presented WYHS with a certificate of appreciation acknowledging the service that WYHS provided to Jewish children in need.
The sophomore girls assisted a local organization called Boca Helping Hands-which provides meals to struggling families and helps them meet their everyday needs. The students came to understand the importance of the Helping Hands organization by actively participating in its daily functions; the tenth-grade girls worked in a food pantry and prepared packages and bags of food to be distributed throughout the community. Samantha Leff ('14) recounts that the students "greatly enjoyed helping out- seeing the organization at work gave the students a greater appreciation of the impact Helping Hands' is having on people's lives."
The junior boys enjoyed the privilege of helping a unique organization called "Habitat for Humanity." This nationwide project provides assistance to people who are unable to live in their homes for financial or various other reasons. Eleventh-graders helped construct a house for an elderly woman who had been forced to leave her home due to a mold-problem. Aaron Zimmerman ('13) explains, "Participating in the building of the house was a rewarding experience. Our participation showed that if many people collaborate on one effort, any task can be accomplished. Not only did we give back to the community, but we had fun together as a group." The juniors directly participated in the building of the house and earned a feeling of accomplishment that the boys' work would help people for years to come. Additionally, some junior boys visited The Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service and assisted in preparing packages for Jewish families at the Kosher Food Pantry located there.
The lives of many residents at The Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC) were brightened today by the presence of WYHS junior girls. These girls learned about JARC's mission to help developmentally challenged adults. The juniors entertained the residents by playing bingo with them. "I had a great time playing Bingo at JARC this past Wednesday" explains Eliana Feldan ('13). Additionally, four junior girls volunteered at Dress for Success, an organization committed to helping women maintain employment and locate job opportunities. Dress for Success provides underprivileged women with appropriate clothing for job interviews, thus increasing the likelihood of their finding employment.
The various projects to which the sophomore and junior classes dedicated their time heightened students' awareness of the needs of both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. As captured in the words of Anne Frank, "how wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
There's no "I" in Team
Freshmen team building
Graphic by Binyamin Feit ('12) Written by Daniella Cohen ('15)
This week, after finishing the PSAT exam, the ninth graders participated in a series of unifying activities led by Young Israel of Hollywood's youth director and acclaimed magician, Avi Frier. Students were split up into teams to complete various puzzles and projects. Through seemingly simple tasks, each group quickly learned that in order to accomplish the goal of any given event, every student needed to give his or her full effort and cooperation.
Hannah Katz ('15) remarked that her favorite activity was when Rabbi Houben, warming up the crowd, told each group that the entire group must stand on a single chair for at least 10 seconds. Despite struggling with the task, by its end, all students were laughing in harmony. "It helped us learn how to work as a team and enjoy ourselves at the same time," Hannah explained.
Freshman Kayla Petrover ('15) said that she enjoyed "The Egg Capsule" activity the most. During this assignment, students had to build a capsule for an egg using only bendy straws and tape. Kayla appreciated the uniqueness of the activity, and noted that, "even though it was extremely challenging at first, everyone eventually listened to one another as we voiced our ideas. By the end, we created a great egg capsule!"
At the end of the program, all the ninth graders agreed that the activities were both exciting and helpful. It was particularly meaningful for the freshmen since not every student knows each other and it was an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with classmates. As a result of this thrilling post-PSAT activity, the ninth graders at WYHS are definitely more cohesive as a class.
Seminary Seminar
Alumni and Faculty Discuss the Israel Gap Year

Graphic by Josh Firestone ('13)
Written by Rashel Maikhor ('12)
This past Tuesday, alumni David Clements ('09) and Martha Baumgarten ('10) spoke about their experiences in Israel via Skype to the eagerly listening parents of WYHS seniors at the Annual Israel Yeshiva and Seminary information program. Both of them emphasized how learning in Israel the year after high school is extremely important to students' growth.
For instance, they expounded upon the many useful skills and ideas students typically learn in Israel to ease their transition into college. They also commented on the unique situation of being around other Orthodox high school students that are also seeking to grow spiritually and become more mature and independent.
The program allowed parents to hear first hand experiences about how a post high school Israel experience is more than a gap year--it is a year used to grow in character, spirituality and maturity in a way that will undeniably benefit every student.
Interview Department
Advice from Mrs. Weiss
Math Teacher Visits Former Students in Israel
Interview by Jessica Hopen ('13)
Mrs. Beverly Weiss is one of the most respected and loved teachers at WYHS. Her unique way of educating her students in math by constantly challenging their intellect is just one of the aspects of her position as Math Department Chair. She captivates her students and forms connections that last long past graduation. Mrs. Weiss maintains many lasting relationships with her students, and she sat down with me to tell me more about some of them.
Jessica Hopen: Why is it important for you to keep in touch with students?
Mrs. Beverly Weiss: I enjoy the relationships that develop over the years, as high school students mature into young adults and professionals. It is such a pleasure and honor to be part of their lives.
JH: When, if ever, do you visit your students?
MBW: I have started a tradition with my AP Calculus class to go out for dinner in Jerusalem during Succot. I already go their every year to visit my son, his wife and more importantly the grandchildren. Since their favorite restaurant is the Waffle Bar, I decided to start to take the AP class there as well. We all hope to get together again when I go back to Israel in January. Also, over the years there are many students that I see regularly here in Florida as well as in New Jersey. I chaired the Math Department at Frisch for 22 years, so many of my students are here and in New Jersey.
JH: Rumor has it that you give up your own personal time to teach former students over a holiday break or vacation. Who are some of the students that you've recently worked with?
MBW: I helped Jacob Levenson ('11) when he was in Israel for 6 months with his family. I wanted to make sure he would be all caught up when he rejoined the math class. Josh Stadlan ('11) told me he said he missed Math and wanted a book for Calculus 3, so I schlepped the weighty calc book to Israel for him.
JH: Do you ever attend weddings of past students?
MBW: Yes, weddings are so great. I think that sometimes I kvell as much as the parents of the bride and groom, such as at the recent wedding of Holly Hampton ('09).
Ashreinu is a weekly publication of Divrei Torah compiled by the students of WYHS. Click on the graphic above to view this week's edition of Ashreinu.
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff | 
| Sarah Struhl Editor-in-Chief |  |  |  |  |  |  | Ezra Kurtz Senior Editor | Aaron Rose Technical Editor | Shoshana Linzer Creative Editor | Rashel Maikhor Creative Editor | Jeffrey Herr Layout Editor | Darren Jacoby English Editor |
 |  |  |  |  | Aaron Zimmerman Chief-of-Writers | Amir Tsarfati Chief Photographer | Josh Firestone Video Editor | Binyamin Feit Asst. Tech. Editor | Jonathan Razon Asst. Tech. Editor |