The Last Two Weeks
Anything But a "Cool Down"
Especially when Pesach is so late, one might think that the last month of school is like a "cool down" at the end of a workout- slowing things down and preparing for final exams & summer vacation.
The exact opposite is true! The messages of the past 2 weeks were the most inspirational and challenging of the entire year.
Act on Your Beliefs was the message of the Yom Hashoah speaker, who shared his unbelievable personal story- the son of a Nazi officer who as a teenager learned about Jews, converted, went on aliyah and served in the IDF.
Sacrifice was the message of the Yom Hazikaron program, which focused on the dedication of Israeli soldiers in general, and from victims of terror in particular the Fogel Family. We too have to be prepared to sacrifice when necessary for what we believe in.
Push Yourself to the Limit was the message to all students during these two weeks of AP exams. Even if you didn't take an exam, the academic intensity with which the students studied was palpable throughout the entire school, and was inspiring to underclassmen.
Don't Take Israel For Granted was the message of Yom Haatzmaut at WYHS. A moving Hallel, the best lunch of the year, dancing, and a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament was enjoyed by our blue and white clad student body. The night before their last day of class, the Class of 2011 decorated the school in blue and white.
What's left? Are the remaining two weeks of class the "cool down"? Absolutely not!
Step Up will be the message of this coming Monday's Student Leadership Awards Banquet (affectionately called SLAB). FYI- no need to bring lunch- it is served for everyone by the school.
Come Together as a Class is the message of the Freshman Shabbaton, consistently rated by our alumni as one of the most memorable events of their high school career.
Practice Makes Perfect comes through loud and clear at next Sunday's hilarious School Play "Fools" by Neil Simon, a comedy featuring both boys and girls and open to all.
We Can Accomplish Great Things Together is the point of the following Monday evening's Sports Banquet, celebrating the achievements of our student athletes. Families and students should e-mail Rachel Yudewitz to make reservations today.
You've Got to Be in It to Win It- the exciting Student Council Elections Season is the last week of classes, culminating with elections during the last period of classes.
Academically, this is one of the most challenging periods of the year. Teachers are driven to finish their curriculum. End of trimester tests. Final Exams. SAT Subject Exams.
There might only be a month left until summer vacation, but it's arguably the most important month!