Friday, November 19, 2010 12 Kislev 5771 |  | Parshat Vayishlach Candle Lighting at 5:12 PM |
Coming Home
Not a single alumnus has been on the payroll of our young school. Until Now!
Four extraordinarily talented alumni are playing important roles this year at our school.
Physical conditioning was a wildly successful program inaugurated this fall by Yogev Berdugo ('01). This twice-a-week, after-school mandatory requirement for students who wanted to try out for one of our six winter sports teams was instituted to help us keep up with the greater competition we face in the 200-400 student 2A division.
One of the most memorable moments during my 13 years at WYHS was Yogev speaking to over 100 students explaining that this program was as challenging physically as the school is academically. "I should know," he said, "because I went to this school." He was true to his word- each Wednesday and Friday (the days after these 90 minute workouts) students limped through the hall!
Expanding the academic bandwidth of the students we serve has been facilitated by Ilana (Weberman '07) Bendel. Though we have had a highly talented learning specialist for many years, we have never provided Judaic support (until now). In addition, Ilana davens with girls at our explanatory minyan, and capably advises our Committee on Israel Action (CIA), AIPAC and IDF Clubs.
A successful businessman who got his start at WYHS, Jeremy Hodkin's ('09) famous 2008 Open House Video won an award at the PEJE (Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education) Conference in Baltimore last month. Jeremy has since expanded from creating promotional films to other aspects of the entertainment field with several thriving businesses which he ably runs.
Come to the Open House this Sunday to see that Jeremy has out done himself with this year's Open House video! He has a true vision for advertising, and a standard of excellence that we at WYHS strive for. Jeremy is creating videos of this year's plays and graduation as well.
Our first class drama program has "brought us Broadway" for years. To assist in the changing of the guard from Mrs. Liz Saddler to new director Marla Gideos, Erika (Stiel '04) Rothschild will be coordinating the publicity, ticket sales and playbill for Seussical the Musical (Thursday, December 29) and our spring comedy.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our Annual Golf Tournament this coming Monday. Please contact Shimmie if you would still like to participate.
Yeshiva Highlites will appear next on the Second Day of Chanukah, Friday, December 3.
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Thanksgiving,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell Head of School
Coming Attractions
Sun Nov 21 Open House
for Prospective Students & Their Parents
Mon Nov 22
Golf Tournament
Sponsorships still available. Click here to e-mail Shimmie Kaminetsky.
Thurs Nov 25-
Sun Nov 28
Thanksgiving Vacation
No school
Tues Nov 30 Last Day of
First Trimester
Chesed hours due
Wed Dec 1
First Night of Chanukah
Thurs Dec 2
Mesibas at
the Rebbes
No first and second period
Plan Exam for Sophomores No afternoon classes
Condolences |
Drama Director Mrs. Marla Gideous on the loss of her father |
Refuah Shleimah
Eliyahu Refael ben Zehava
News Brief
You Say NY
Students Leap Into
Leadership Project

Written By Elana Kaminetsky ('12) Graphic By Amir Tsarfati ('13)
This past Sunday and Monday, juniors Chana Leah Batt, Amy Glaun, Ariana Genet, Elana Kaminetsky, Rashel Maikhor, Shoshana Linzer, and Sarah Struhl, along with faculty advisor Shira Englander attended the NCSY JUMP leadership seminar in Tarrytown, New York. The conference kicked off this new program and introduced the 2010 JUMP challenge: running school-wide chesed, Torah, fundraising, and Israel advocacy events. WYHS will be competing with Jewish day schools from all over the country in creating these types of events.
After listening to prominent speakers, including Yeshiva University President Richard Joel and Rabbi Steve Weil, the students participated in various workshops to improve leadership skills such as public speaking and team building. These activities reinforced the purpose of the program--to impress upon us that we are the future, and we must make a difference.
We wish the WYHS JUMP team much luck and we look forward to seeing great results.
News Brief
The First Amendment at its Finest
Junior Petitions Congressman
To Implement
Iran Sanction Bill

Written By Rashel Maikhor ('12)
Graphic By Amir Tsarfati ('13)
Earlier this year, I launched a petition to the school and greater South Florida community, which encouraged Congress and the President Obama to sign 100 percent of the legislation on the Iran Sanction Act, which at that point only 75 percent of the bill had been signed. With the help of WYHS, the Boca Raton Synagogue community, and a fellow student from Hillel Community High School, I got more than 500 signatures.
On Tuesday November 12, I then met with Congressman Ted Deutch to present him with the petition. The Congressman said he was honored to be a part of such an amazing display of a student taking political initiative.
Since our meeting, he has taken the petition full of local signatures to Washington D.C. There, he has been working together with the other Congressmen and Congresswomen to introduce this petition on the Congressional floor on Capitol Hill.
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Feature Story
Speaker Fever
Distinguished Guests Address Students
Written By Aaron Zimmerman ('13) Graphic By Andy Agus ('13)
Are speakers spoken for, or not? What makes their message so significant that our school is willing to sacrifice class time for them? Well, speakers are viewed as crucial to WYHS because they offer enlightening new perspectives to various religious and philosophical issues that otherwise would go unmentioned in class. Moreover, they also permit students to learn in a different fashion to learn without the pressure of grades, or the rigors of notes.
Through this unusual approach, students are able to enjoy the pure intellectualism emanating from world class experts on various issues. Speakers offer a refreshing break from the traditional classroom, with unparalleled scholarly lessons and innovative approaches to educating the student body. So yes, the need for speakers IS spoken for.
Accordingly, WYHS brought in five guest speakers over the past week and a half. The fun began last Thursday when the CIA, the Committee for Israel Awareness, brought in Mr. Yosef Singer ('03) to inform the committee about the advantage of making an Aliyah to the State of Israel. Next, upperclassmen were privileged to hear from Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services at Touro College, Dr. Henry Abramson. He gave a well researched presentation on the archeological evidence for Yetziat Mitzrayim and explained how it can serve as a powerful catalyst for belief in Hashem.
This Monday, the school invigorated the students week with presentations by Rabbi Yosef Weinstock for the boys, and Rebbetzin Gila Manolson for the girls. Rabbi Weinstock enlightened the boys as to the historical origin of the kippah, as well as the significance it plays in today's world. Rebbetzin Manolson spoke to the eleventh and twelfth grade girls about the importance of shomer negiah, while the ninth and tenth grade girls were treated to a speech about the proper guidelines for tzniut dress.
Finally, on Tuesday, Director of Political Sciences at Touro College, Dr. Luchins, gave an informative lecture on the current state of American Politics, with particular emphasis on the affect the Tea Party will have on American Jews. The plethora of illustrious guests and riveting speeches this past week truly enhanced the intellectual breadth of many students.
Interview Dept.
An Apple a Day Keeps
the Health Club at Bay
Written By Jessica Hopen ('13) Graphic By Jason Mark ('14)
The Health and Wellness Club at WYHS is a club that educates people about the importance of nutrition and a healthier way of living. The club has been holding monthly meetings to discuss some of the many interesting nutrition facts that are so relevant to the WYHS student body. I sat down with Rebecca Saragossi ('12), who co-founded the club with Gilad Bengio ('11) and help from Athletic Director Mrs. Rachel Yudewitz, to discuss the latest addition to the thriving extra circular activities at WYHS.
Jessica Hopen: What motivated you to start The Health and Nutrition Club at WYHS? Rebecca Saragossi: I started this club because I really believe that nutrition and fitness are vital aspects to everyone's lives, and more people at WYHS should be aware of how important it is. At our school, I felt many people were curious about the topic, but it was never addressed fully, so it was the perfect opportunity to start an informative club.
JH: What kind of ideas and concepts do you hope to relay to the members of the committee? RS: At the health and wellness meetings, we try to emphasize that health and wellness should be part of your lifestyle, and not just a quick diet. People need to make a conscious effort to be more aware of the consequences of the things they eat, and how their food choices will affect them in the long run. Also, we have created a bulletin board that we post new information on weekly in order to keep everyone informed.
JH: What are some health tips that you can offer to the WYHS student body? RS: In order to stay healthy, I would suggest eating in moderation, and picking a variety of foods. This provides an excellent nutritional balance, which is a vital aspect of achieving good health
Storm Soccer Season Starts
Get an inside look at the team, both on and off the pitch
Concept By Leora Litwin ('12)
Graphic By Josh Firestone ('13)
Where They Are Now
A Medical Marvel
Alumna Raises Awareness on Jewish Medical Ethics
Written By Andrew Wald ('12)
Graphic By Jonah Katz ('12)
Yael Hirth graduated from WYHS in 2006, taking with her the immense appreciation for Judaism she gained from her four years at WYHS. She studied at Machon Gold seminary in Israel for a year and currently attends Stern College for women, where she is Vice President of the Yeshiva University Student Medical Ethics Society.
Recetly, her committee held the 5th annual Medical Ethics Society Conference, focusing on mental health issues. With over 500 students in attendance, it was the largest conference of its kind in YU history. Featuring renowned speakers like Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Herschel Shachter, Dr. David Pelkowitz, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, and Dr. Abraham Twerski, the conference addressed three main topics-eating disorders, substance abuse, and suicide prevention.
Additionally, nine 45-minute breakout sessions focused on subtopics such as Obsessive Compulsion Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, bullying, and child abuse. The committee also held a separate conference exclusively for students, during which Dr. Chaim Nissel spoke.
Click on the image above to view this weeks edition of Ashreinu.