The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Bamidbar Friday, May 30th, 2008 Shabbat begins in Boca @ 7:50
From the desk
Rabbi Perry
I'm often asked "how much time goes into
producing this newsletter every week? Even
before Yeshiva Highlites is sent into cyberspace, the
staff meets to plan next week's edition. What pictures
will we need? What are we writing about and who's
writing it? Who is taking video footage and who is
editing it? Who are we interviewing, who's doing By
the Numbers, etc.
It wasn't always this way. This newsletter was the
brainchild of Stewart Harris, who is presently the
Chair of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach
County. As a WYHS board member, Stewart observed
that WYHS parents were often in the dark about the
great things going on at school. "Send out a weekly
newsletter, perhaps by e-mail," he suggested.
Originally, Highlites was a word document without
pictures or graphics. Mrs. Claudia Cohen
revolutionized Highlites into a multimedia
newsletter. I wrote the text, she took and posted the
pictures. It was a two man show.
Rabbi Josh Spodek took Highlites to a new level,
transforming it into a student-created run publication,
as he did with every aspect of WYHS that he touched.
Never one to rest on his laurels, "RJS" lead two
makeovers of the Highlites. As Rabbi Spodek
assumes his principalship of the Cooper Yeshiva
High School for Boys in Memphis, we express our
deep gratitude, and wish him more peaceful Thursday
This is the last regular edition of Yeshiva Highlites
for the school year. WYHS will be sending out two
special editions before the summer- one covering
graduation and the senior trip, and the other featuring
our alumni's accomplishments this year.
All six years of the picture-filled Yeshiva Highlites are
available by clicking
here. We hope that they capture the energy and
excitement of WYHS, and invite your feedback (just
hit "reply" to this e-mail) as how to make the school
and newsletter even better.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
Upcoming Events
Sunday, June 1 @
12:00 pm
Senior Trip
Sunday, June 1
Final Exams
Tuesday, June 3-12
Good & Welfare
Mazel tov to
Yocheved Popiol ('06) on her marriage to
Joshua Ginsberg
Ilana Singer ('05) and Dovi Lamet ('05)
on their engagement- WYHS' 5th Couple!
Condolences to
Rebbetzin Meira Davis on the loss of her
Refuah Shleima to
Mrs. Leah Pearl
Mr. Jules Weiss
Click on the Picture for an
Students at
SLAB Salute Rabbi Spodek
WYHS' 3rd annual SLAB
By LeeLee Borzak ('10)
Students play a major role in every
function of
WYHS, from coordinating school events with the
student council to contributing to the
newspaper. This past Friday, WYHS hosted its
annual S.L.A.B. (Student Leadership Award
awards in order to honor the student
leaders of
WYHS who run programs, publish newspapers, plan
trips, and dedicate themselves to the school.
After a delicious breakfast of croissants,
pancakes, waffles and juice, students were
to watch an unbelievable and humorous student-
produced movie featuring all the committees
in the
school and their leaders. This
skillfully-produced video
saluted all the student leaders in WYHS
who have
worked selflessly to make this year the
best one
in school history. Every student who
participated in a
committee was presented with a framed picture
of that
committee which will enable students to cherish
these memories for years to come.
This year's S.L.A.B. awards were dedicated
to our
beloved program director, Rabbi Josh Spodek, who
will be leaving WYHS and taking on Tennessee
as the
principal of Cooper Yeshiva High School for
Boys in
It is impossible to describe all that Rabbi
Spodek has
done for the schools since he joined the
faculty six
years ago. Since then, he has expertly planned,
coordinated, and organized unbelievable
chagigas, memorable class trips,
newsletters, a dedicated student council and
so much
more. Under his expert planning, Color
War-one of
the most anticipated times of the
year-reached new
heights. His selfless dedication and
commitment to
our school serves as an inspiration for
everyone at
WYHS. Rabbi Spodek is an ideal role model
from day one, empowered students to take
and become leaders. He will forever be
remembered, and greatly missed, at WYHS. Thanks
for everything, Rabbi Spodek!
Thank you to all the devoted student
leaders at
WYHS who made this year one of the greatest
years in
the school's history!
Click Here for Part 2 of the SLAB Video
Click Here for Part 3 of the SLAB
Video-Tribute To Rabbi Josh Spodek
Click on the Picture for an
Hebrew's Dramatic Side
WYHS' Girls' Hebrew
By Holly Sue Hampton ('09)
One of the many exciting events
during WYHS' Lag B'omer program was
two Hebrew plays performed by Morah Nili
classes to the girls.
Hoping to start a new trend, they acted out
sections of
respective Neta books in Hebrew after preparing
during the two weeks
leading up to the production. The first class
depicted a famous story
about a king and the potential consequences of a
misunderstanding. The second play was a
musical, with Juniors Nonny Gross on
the guitar and Bayla Halbstein on vocals,
that taught
the importance of
including everybody.
Both productions were a huge success
and enjoyed
by all, and the girls are anxiously awaiting
to begin
preparing for the
next one!
Gearing up for 2009
Student Council Members
By Doron David ('09)
The common assumption of many is that the
more popular candidate is the better candidate.
However, in WYHS this is not the case.
Students take
the election process very seriously resulting
in an
extremely successful and productive Student
Council each year.
The candidates start the week leading up to
elections with a bang - signs, stickers, and
lots and
lots of candy!! This is all good and fun but
not enough
to win. The students look forward to the
speeches that
are held on the last day of school and base
their votes
on whoever seems most fit for the position. The
positions available are: two Class
from each grade , VP of Athletics, VP of
VP of Programming, VP of Communications, VP of
Torah Affairs, VP of Chessed, and two Student
The system truly is a democracy and therefore
each vote counts. Before running, the
students are
assessed and evaluated by the faculty and
administration. This process ensures that the
candidate is not only suitable for the
position but
responsible enough to be a student leader and
represent the student body. I look forward to
with the students both elected and not
elected in
leading the school in the upcoming year.
Click on the Picture for an
The Storm that
Kept On
WYHS Honors its Student Athletes
Sports Award
By David Clements ('09)
This past Wednesday night, WYHS hosted its
annual Sports Recognition Dinner. It was a very
exciting event that celebrated the
sportsmanship, and athletic ability of every
student-athlete from all ten teams.
A tremendously exciting and heart-pumping
was also shown to summarize and highlight
all of
the great accomplishments that WYHS student-
athletes achieved this past school year. Such
Bassie Orzechowitz's ('08) memorable road to be
the co-state three point champion, Elie
Baratz's ('08)
over-the-fence homeruns, Aryeh Genet's ('08)
to the All County First Team in Soccer, Zack
recording of the first no hit shutout in WYHS
and the girl varsity basketball team's national
championship at the annual Miami Beach
After giving each student-athlete a
trophy commemorating their accomplishments and
dedication, the select outstanding
from each team received MVP and MIP awards.
This banquet was truly a great way to
the dedication, sportsmanship, and talents of
single student-athlete in a public setting.
Thanks to
all the fans, coaches, and student-athletes
for making
5768 the best year in WYHS sports history and to
Marcelle Bouganim and Shira Englander for
this whole event together. A very special
thank you
to Athletic
Director Jon Kaweblum for his years of service,
dedication and contributions to the
WYHS sports program. You will be greatly
missed. Click
Here for a tribute to Coach Jon
Behind the
with our Dedicated Highlites
By Ilana Ben-Ezra ('10)
Each week this year, a team of talented and
dedicated students came together to create
what you
are reading now. The eve before the final
edition of
this year's highlites had arrived, I was
privileged to
speak to the members of the committee: Danielle
Wolkowicz ('09), LeeLee Borzak ('10), Alana
('09), Daniella Greer('09), Josh Kaminetsky
David Petrover ('10), Aleeza Rubin ('09), David
Spektor ('10), about their time spent working
on the
Yeshiva Highlites.
What has your experience been like working
for the Highlites?
Alana: Overall, the highlites has been
a great
learning experience that taught me to be an
independant go-getter who can adapt and work as
part of a
Aleeza: I really enjoyed the meetings.
I like
how we
really are a team; without one of us, the
would not happen. Everyone works hard to get
his or
job done, being that "it is an assembly line"
everyone is dependant on the person before them.
Josh: Tiring! My job is the last to
get done so it
often requires my staying up late Thursday
night. But
when I sit down at my desk Friday afternoon
and see
our final finished product, I know all the
effort put in
was well worth it.
What have you gained through your experience
working on the highlites committee?
LeeLee: Aside from the weekly
satisfaction of
knowing that thousands of people around the
are reading what I have to say, I have come
away from
the highlites with improved writing skills.
David Petrover: The highlites gave me
real life
experience that I'll be able to learn from
and use for
the rest of my life.
Danielle: Through my role as
editor-in-chief, I
have learned priceless leadership skills and the
ability to see a project to the end.
What has been your favorite memory working
the highlights?
Daniella: The interview I did with Mr
Rosov. I
learned so much from his life experience and his
words truly inspired me. Also, the last
meeting we had
this week where we celebrated our last
highlites really
reminded me how much rewarding and fun working
for the highlites has been.
David Spektor: Since I work with photo
get to see the photos that don't make it into
highlites and some of them are really funny.
Danielle: Last week's SLAB video
my favorite memory because it was so fun to
How would you sum up Rabbi Spodek in one
LeeLee: Highlitestafic
Alana: Hardworking
David Spektor: Hardworking
Aleeza: Enthusiastic
Danielle: Driven
Josh: Inspirational
Any other comments?
Whole Highlites Committee: We would
like to thank from the bottom of our hearts
the staff
advisor, Rabbi Spodek. Without his support and
guidance, the highlites would have in no way
what it has been. He has taught us so much
about the
importance of teamwork and he will be missed
by all
of us tremendously. Thank you Rabbi Spodek!!!
"Where in
College World
is Mrs.
By Mrs. Marcy Roberts, College
Aficionados of children’s television
remember a
popular PBS show called “Where in the World is
Carmen Sandiego?” that aired during the 1990s.
Nowadays, regulars of the NBC Today Show enjoy
viewing “Where in the World is Matt Lauer?”
pleased to announce its very own version of this
brainteaser: “Where in the College World
is Mrs.
Our Director of College Guidance has been
traveling the globe – or at least the
northeastern part
of the United States – visiting college
meeting with admission officers, and
discussing one
of her favorite things: our wonderful WYHS
Now that she is back in Boca, you, too,
can play
“Where in the College World is Mrs.
Roberts?” Just look at the pictures and
name that
college campus! Clues abound so look
closely! Then
test your college knowledge and answer the
questions below.
“Where in the College World is Mrs.
Roberts?” is open to all WYHS students,
parents, teachers, families, and friends.
Cash and prizes will be awarded to the
first ten
responders who answer the most questions
correctly. (Oops! This just in from the
Chief – no
cash, just fun summertime prizes.)
Follow these simple steps to play:
1. Identify the college in each of the pictures.
2. Answer the Super Sleuth questions below.
3. Earn Bonus Points by naming the WYHS
alumni and others in the photos.
4. Email your answers to Mrs. Roberts at
5. Remember, this is all in fun. But there
really are prizes!
Don’t delay…play our game today!
Winners will be announced in a future
edition of
Highlights, so stay tuned. Good Luck!!
“Where in the College World is Mrs.
1. Name this college.
2. Double Bonus: Name the man in the
photo with Mrs. Roberts.
3. Name the complex where the new gym
facilities at Lander College for Men are
4. Where is this college located?
5. How many girls eat in the “Caf” on a typical
Shabbat at Stern? (Pick one answer.)
A. 50-100 B. 100-150 C. 150-200 D. 200-
250 E. 250-300
6. Bonus: Name the WYHS alumnae in the
7. Bonus: Name the WYHS alumni in the
8. Double Bonus: How is one of the persons
named in number 7 above related to Mrs. Roberts?
9. Triple Bonus: What did Mrs. Roberts have
for dinner in the YU cafeteria?
10. What is the nickname for the shuttle bus
that runs between YU and Stern?
11. Name this college.
12. Name this college.
13. What is the name of the new student
activities center under construction at
14. Who is the new President of Barnard?
Bonus: Where is she coming from?
15. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Columbia Class
of ’76, is President of what country?
16. Name the new Chancellor of List College
of Jewish Studies (JTS).
17. For how many hours did Columbia
students dance at their 7th annual Dance
Marathon to
raise money for the Pediatric AIDS
18. Which college did Mrs. Roberts visit in the
City of Brotherly Love?
" I am making Aliyah this summer.
I know
that without the constant message conveyed
about Israel and Zionism,
I wouldn't be on
the path
that I'm on now "