The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Vayakhel Friday, February 29, 2008 Shabbat begins in Boca @ 6:04
From the desk
Dr. Laura
What a pleasure it is to be part of this vibrant school! I
hope to help all WYHS students take further steps
the path to becoming "self aware students."
are "self-aware students?"
Students who are organized and
so that they
can handle our school's challenging dual
and their religious obligations and find the inherent
satisfaction in doing so.
Students who take advantage of the extra-
curricular opportunities at WYHS, rather
than just
watching from the sidelines. They join clubs,
try out for
teams, enjoy a range of experiences,
contribute to the
school, and have fun in the process!
Students who understand that they must
ahead, develop their skills, think about
what they
(or may want) down the road.
Of course, this requires a delicate balance.
become so focused on the future that you lose
sight of
your intellectual and spiritual journey or
those rock-
solid Jewish values we expect to guide your
lives day
in and day out.
Also, don't miss out on the pleasure of being
schoolers. It can and should be a great four
years of
sociability, school spirit, and general
personal growth-
years upon which you will look back at fondly.
At the same time, we live in a competitive
world. It's
dangerous to assume that putting one foot in
front of
the other for four years will automatically
get you
where you want to go!
Need support? Seek it out. We're
here to
help you succeed!
Ivy League bound? Good grades and
boards are not enough. Take challenging
courses, be
involved outside the classroom, find
opportunities for
leadership, and make a difference.
Underachieving? You need good math,
reading, and analytical skills to succeed in
life. C's or
low college boards reduce your chances of
acceptance at competitive colleges such as
YU, Stern,
Maryland, and Rutgers.
Maximize your options. Post-high
plans are critical to your future. Don't be
This is why I want every student to work at
being self-
aware. You don't have to know what you want
to be
when you grow up or be sure what college you
to attend. However, just as you are learning how to be
a better
Jew through study and practice, be a better
through study and practice. Use your
abilities in class,
engage in good activities outside the classroom, and
find out
what you can do and what you like to do.
Avoid the situation where you look back and wonder "If
only I had
such and such differently, maybe I would have
able to_______." Work hard, play it straight,
and give
yourself the best shot at all possibilities.
It will enrich
your four years at WYHS, and provide habits and
experiences for success and fulfillment after
It is my goal to see every student at WYHS
succeed to the best of his or her
abilities. I
welcome the opportunity to meet with any and all
students and parents to help ensure this
Thank you for the privilege of working at
this wonderful
Shabbat Shalom,
Dr. Laura Becker
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
10 Year Anniversary Journal Dinner
Join the Tribute
the Ad
Tribute Committee (in formation)
Leslie & Sal Abady
Pamela & Prosper Abitbol
Ellen & Jay Adler
Idit & Jonathan Agus
Diane & Jeffrey Aiken
Lisa & Phil Baratz
Alyssa & Menachem Baumgarten
Deborah & David Benaim
Helene & Abbey Berkowitz
Batzi & Billy Berman
Carol & Howard Bienenfeld
Elaine & Mark Birnbaum
BNY Mellon
Deena & Steve Borzak
Liz & Joel Brauser
Broad and Cassel
Stacey & Howard Busch
Yael & Steve Charlap
Claudia & Doug Cohen
Shulamit & Stephen Danis
Mona & Alan Fisher
Tilda & Mark Fisher
Susan & William Ganz
Judy & Tony Gelbart
Dorit & Ben J. Genet
Monica & David Genet
Rachel & Neil Greenbaum
Miriam & Levi Grunhaus
Ana & Stanley Haar
Jodi & Jeffrey Harris
Anita & Samuel Heering
Shari & Moshe Hirth
Elaine & Merv Jacobs
Sarah & Steven Jacoby
Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky
Sue & Dan Kaskel
Caroline & Daniel Katz
Judy & Moshe Klein
Judi & Gary Krasna
Lori & Harold Landa
Ellen & Jon Lasko
Arlene & Sam Lasko
Marissa & David Levenson
Ruth & Gideon Losinski
Joyce & David Muller
Cheryl & Ari Pearl
Fay & Jose Poliak
Brenda & Alan Pritzker
Elanna & Gary Rosenbaum
Hindy & Stuart Rubin
Diane & Ben Saketkhou
Chani & Bennett Salamon
Dana & Barry Schecter
Naomi & Reid Shapiro
Yael & Ephraim Sobol
Ellen & Zorik Spektor
Loren & Eric Stein
Linda & Ted Struhl
Haya & David Tepper
Barbara & Donald Tirschwell
Miriam & Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Pam & Jonathan Turk
Miriam & Rabbi Chaim Wielgus
Fay & Jeffrey Wolkowicz
Upcoming Events
Junior Class Trip
Sun.- Wed., March 2-5
This Coming Friday, March
7 Rosh
Chodesh Adar II
1) Girls Talent Show &
Boys Lazy Man
2) Color War Costume Contest
Remember To Wear Your Grade's Color!
Good & Welfare
Mazel tov to
Elana (Kasztl '04) & Justin Kohlhagen ('04)
on their marriage
Shira Melcer ('02)
her engagement to Marc Freitag
Amanda Ruben ('05)
on her engagement to Yehoshua Pramsky
Mrs. Heather
Andron on being honored at the Chai
Lifeline dinner
Condolences to Michelle
on the loss of her mother
and a Whole Lot of Bonding
9th Graders Experience
Incredible Night Out
By Racheli Mizrahi ('11)
The Freshman Night Out was
extremely fun, and we all had
a wonderful bonding experience. The night
started off at Quiet Water Park.
As soon as
we got to the
park, the boys grabbed the footballs and
frisbies and the girls ran straight to
Next we ate a delicious BBQ cooked by a
few of the
boys in the grade consisting of hotdogs,
hamburgers, and
even pickles.
Mrs. Stein painted
the heat
players' numbers on our faces to pump us up for the
game. We cleaned up, davened Ma'ariv, and boarded
the buses ready to go.
At the Heat game, we had a great time cheering
on the
After a long losing streak, the Heat finally pulled off
a win, and we
were all there to see it! The Weinbaum Yeshiva High
School Freshmen were welcomed to the game via the
jumbotron, and a few boys even made it to the screen.
This was a
great night out. Everyone had an amazing
time. Thank you to the Freshmen and the
chaperones for
making it the best
Freshman Night
Out ever!
The Heart Of A Champion
The Surprise Ending
As the sun went down last Friday afternoon, Bassie
('08) thought all was lost. She had shot only 5 three
point baskets in 45 seconds (she had shot 9 in the
regional round of the three point competition).
Certainly the other girls would do better.
Even if by some miracle the three girls competing
against her only tied her when they shot Friday night,
the FHSAA said that she would have to forfeit, as she
would not be present Shabbat afternoon to compete.
Bassie and her classmates Sarah
Gross and Tamar Koeningsberg then drove to the
home of the hospitable Chabad rabbi and
rebbetzin of Tampa, Yossie and Sulha Dubrowski to
spend Shabbat.
While the girls were singing zmirot Friday night
in Tampa, a small miracle occurred. The highest
scoring competitor only got in 5 baskets- tying
Bassie's score!
Shabbat morning in Boca, Palm
Beach Post subscribers were greeted by a front page
announcing "Observance of Sabbath Costs Yeshiva
Athlete Shot at Title". The FHSAA was quoted
as saying that Bassie would be awarded co-
champion of the 1A schools, but would not be afforded
the opportunity to participate in the "Queen of the Hill"
competition, which would take place Saturday
afternoon at 5:45pm. Back in Tampa,
Bassie had no idea that she had tied.
As Shabbat progressed, Bassie started to fell
increasingly worse. Rabbi Dubrowski asked a
neighborihood physician to look at Bassie. "I'm sorry,
but this girl has appendicitis". Bassie
was rushed to the hospital, and had her appendix
removed Sunday morning.
The doctor told Bassie if she had played Saturday
afternoon, her appendix would have burst. G-d
certainly wrote an unpredictable ending to this
kiddush Hashem story.
The final chapter of the story appeared on Wednesday
in a front page story in the Palm Beach Post.
The Executive Director of the FHSAA promised that in
the future Jewish athletes will be afforded the
opportunity to compete before or after Shabbat.
Bassie won after all!
Serving Up A STORM!
The Tennis Team's Amazing
By Rachel Benaim ('10)
After being rained out for the three
previous matches, the WYHS boys and girls tennis
pumped up to play Donna Klein on Thursday. Our
weeks of practice finally paid off with the
Storm's first
tennis win of the season! The girls won every
match played. Newcomers Holly Hampton ('09),
Jackie Berger ('10), Nadia Bakst ('10), and
Tornopsky ('09) proved to be excellent
winning all their matches with near shut-out
They boys played extraordinarily as well.
Rosenbaum ('08) and Chaim Thoma ('09), new to
tennis team, proved worthy choices with their
Australian Open speed serves. Daniel Shimansky
('08) and Brett Aiken ('09) played incredible
and wiped the court with their
opponents! The
Storm looks forward to many more successful
like the Donna Klein
Tues. March 4th
at Levis JCC
in Boca at
Come Cheer us On!!!
Up Close and
with WYHS' Newest Alumni
By Daniella Greer ('09)
This past Thursday night, WYHS hosted a
beautiful Sheva Brachot for the alumni
couple Justin & Elana (Kazstl) Kohlhagen ('04)
at the home of
Rabbi & Mrs. Tirschwell. I spoke to newlyweds Justin
and Elana
about how WYHS has shaped their lives, and about
how the values they have learned at WYHS will guide
them as they start their new lives together.
Where did you meet?
He Said/She said: We met at WYHS in 10th
What's it like for you to have the WYHS faculty and
staff host a Sheva
Brachot for
He said: It's so sweet. We really
this school, and they have played such a
pivotal role in
our development. Being here tonight,
surrounded by
WYHS faculty, really shows how much the school
cares for its students and alumni. We are so
thankful for that. We wouldn't be who we are today if it
for this
She Said: It's so incredibly nice that
doing this for us. It's amazing to still be a
part of this
What is your favorite WYHS memory?
He Said: The senior trip where we
went on a
road trip through the East Coast. An
experience like
that can never be repeated.
She Said: The weekend of the senior
trip. We
were in Baltimore, and being with my class that
weekend was an unforgettable experience.
What lessons have you learned from WYHS that
you plan on implementing?
He Said/She Said: To always be looking to
grow. There's always more to life, and there's
never an
end to learning.
This past week
was Iran Awareness Week at WYHS. Many of the
students were clueless as to what this week was all
about. Below are some options as to What
Awareness Week?
"I am repeatedly touched by the care and
the time that
you put into ALL your students,
past (alumni) to
the future (prospective
don't have the words to appreciate all that
you do.
-- Dori Zahgi, WYHS Parent