The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Ki Tisa Friday, February 22, 2008 Shabbat begins in Boca @ 6:00
From the desk
Rabbi Perry
A 17 year old shouldn't have to choose between
keeping her faith and competing in a state basketball
All public and private high schools in the state
compete in the Florida High School Athletic
Association (FHSAA). The FHSAA divides Florida into
four geographic regions, and six divisions of schools,
based on enrollment. WYHS student Bassie
Orzechowitz ('08) is the 3 point champion of South
Florida for the small schools (1A).
The competition for the coveted "Queen of the Hill"
3 point state title is scheduled to take place Saturday
afternoon from 5:45-6:25pm, before
Shabbat is over in Lakeland, Florida. It is
followed by the state girls varsity basketball
championship game and an awards ceremony.
The FHSAA, based in Gainesville, is allowing
Bassie to shoot her 3 pointers this afternoon before
Shabbat with the girls from other divisions.
Bassie will then spend Shabbat 40 miles away
with two of her teammates at the home of Tampa's
Chabad Rabbi and Rebbetzin. If the three other 1A
champions tie Bassie's number of 3 pointers, or if
Bassie beats them, the final competition will take
place on Shabbat.
The FHSAA refuses to move the final
competition from before the championship game
to afterwards (approximately 8:30pm- after
Shabbat). It will cost them nothing. The officials
are already there, and they won't loose press
coverage, as reporters will be waiting for the
championship. One can't say that the other athletes
would be inconvenienced, as none of them know yet if
they will be competing in the championship.
Congressman Wexler, State Senator Ted
Deutsch, and the Anti Defamation League have
contacted the FHSAA. Articles appeared today in the
Palm Beach Post and the Sun Sentinel, and many e-mails
have been sent to FHSAA officials.
Parents communicate to their children that they
can become anything they want, as long as they
work hard. This is why our parents and grandparents
came to America- the land of opportunity. If sabbath
observant Jews can run for president,
they should certainly be able to compete in a
basketball tournament.
important lesson to our students is if someone closes
a door in front of you, knock harder. If the FHSAA
doesn't change its mind, we will continue to persevere
until Jewish athletes in the State of Florida are
afforded every opportunity to
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
10 Year Anniversary Journal Dinner
Tuesday, March 25 @
Join the Tribute
Download the Ad
Tribute Committee (in formation)
Leslie & Sal Abady
Pamela & Prosper Abitbol
Ellen & Jay Adler
Idit & Jonathan Agus
Lisa & Phil Baratz
Alyssa & Menachem Baumgarten
Deborah & David Benaim
Helene & Abbey Berkowitz
Batzi & Billy Berman
Carol & Howard Bienenfeld
Deena & Steve Borzak
Liz & Joel Brauser
Broad & Cassel
Stacey & Howard Busch
Claudia & Doug Cohen
Shulamit & Stephen Danis
Mona & Alan Fisher
Tilda & Mark Fisher
Susan & William Ganz
Judy & Tony Gelbart
Dorit & Ben J. Genet
Monica & David Genet
Rachel & Neil Greenbaum
Miriam & Levi Grunhaus
Ana & Stanley Haar
Jodi & Jeffrey Harris
Anita & Samuel Heering
Shari & Moshe Hirth
Elaine & Merv Jacobs
Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky
Sue & Dan Kaskel
Caroline & Daniel Katz
Judi & Gary Krasna
Lori & Harold Landa
Ellen & Jon Lasko
Arlene & Sam Lasko
Marissa & David Levenson
Ruth & Gideon Losinski
Joyce & David Muller
Fay & Jose Poliak
Brenda & Alan Pritzker
Hindy & Stuart Rubin
Chani & Bennett Salomon
Dana & Barry Schecter
Naomi & Reid Shapiro
Yael & Ephraim Sobol
Loren & Eric Stein
Linda & Ted Struhl
Haya & David Tepper
Barbara & Donald Tirschwell
Miriam & Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Pam & Jonathan Turk
Fay & Jeffrey Wolkowicz
Upcoming Events
Freshman Night Out
Tuesday, February 26 @
Last Day of Second Trimester
Friday, February 29 Chesed Hours
Junior Ski Trip
Sunday, March 2-5
Girls Talent Show & Boys Lazy
Friday, March 7
Good & Welfare
Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Noel
Epstein on the birth of their son, Yosef
Mazel tov to Yocheved Popiol ('05)
on her engagement to Josh Ginsberg of Lawrence, NY
A Gadol in our Midst
Rav Hershel Schachter Speaks to
By LeeLee Borzak ('10)
This past Friday, the students of the Weinbaum
Yeshiva High School were privileged to hear from
one of the most esteemed Rabbis in the
world, Rav Hershel Schachter. As Rav Schachter
the school, he was welcomed by Rabbi Horowitz's
Shiur who sang and danced in his honor as they
walked him into the Beit Midrash.
When Rabbi Houben, a former student of Rav
Schachter's, introduced his Rebbi, the students
were awed to hear about Rav Schachter's
accomplishments including becoming a Rosh
Yeshiva at
Yeshiva University at the age of 26, younger
than any of the Rebbeim in our school.
Rav Schachter's inspiring speech, helped the
students gain a better understanding
of the differences between Shabbat and other
holidays and between a Shul and the Beit
HaMikdash. Hopefully, Rav Schachter's captivating
description of Hashem's Shechina coming to
each and
every one of us on the holidays will enrich our
experiences and awaken our longing for the Beit
HaMikdash where Hashem's presence is
forever felt.
This opportunity of hearing from one of the
HaDor will be forever remembered by all
students as one of the most awe inspiring
experiences they had
while attending the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School.
on the
WYHS' Permanent Campus Take
By Shimmie Kaminetsky, Executive
WYHS has made significant progress with the
plans for our permanent campus. Over the
past few weeks and months, our professional
and lay leadership has met with an
architect to design the school, which will
be located on The Jewish
Federation of South Palm Beach County campus. I am
pleased to inform you that the schematic
design phase has been completed. Our state
of the art campus will include a Beit Midrash
large enough to accommodate four hundred
students, a Sephardic Beit Midrash,
dining room, twenty classrooms (with space
for 10 more), chemistry lab, biology lab, art
studio, regulation soccer field, and offices
to accommodate our school's anticipated
growth. Feel free to stop by my office to
view the exterior of the building (shown
above) and the floorplans.
This past Wednesday, our land planners had
their initial meeting with the Palm Beach
County Building and Zoning Division. The site
plan will be formally brought to their review
board during the next few weeks. We expect
the county approval process to take ten
months. We are hopeful that we
can begin construction shortly after the process is
completed. Over the next few
months, our architect will create
engineering, cooling, landscaping, and other
The building committee of lay leaders has
worked with the architect, met with tax
exempt bond experts, and has helped launch a
Capital Campaign to raise the funds needed to
make this project a reality.
I look forward to keeping all of you
informed of our progress over the next
several months.
Home Run!!
Boys Baseball Kicks Off a Great
By Eli Albert ('09)
The Storm lost a tough battle to the
Wellington Christian School in Thursday's
game. Team Captain Elie Baratz ('08), made his
season debut, playing what was possibly
the best
game of his high school career. He went 2 for
2 at the
plate with two major doubles, one of which
cleared the fence. He has clearly shown major
improvements from last year and is ready to
lead the
team in what promises to be an exciting season.
Similarly, the team is really
starting to
pull things together fielding wise, turning
their first
double play of the year! Although their
hitting is still a
little shaky, the team will continue to put forth
effort and will
greatly improve with the help of their coach, Earl
On Tuesday, the Storm lost a close
game to Barean Christian with 4-1 as the final score.
Team Captain Yoel Goldberg got on base by a
Hit By
Pitch, and pitcher Doron David drove him in
for the
team's first run of the year. The team is
looking good
and has much depth with its 17-man roster.
Up Close and
with Shira
By Daniella Greer ('09)
With the 10 Year Anniversary Dinner soon
approaching, many people are working
diligently to
make the evening a meaningful and momentous
occasion. Shira Englander Executive
Assistant at
WYHS, has been working on the journal for the dinner.
spoke to Shira, who in
her short
time at the school has already endeared herself
tremendously to the entire student body,
about herself
and the upcoming dinner.
Where did you work before coming to
Shira: I was in NY working as the
coordinator for the Hebrew Academy of Long
What aspect of being an executive
assistant at
WYHS do you enjoy the most?
Shira: My interactions with the
students. I love
helping them and talking to them on a daily
What does it take to get ready for the
Journal Dinner?
Shira: I work on collecting ads,
out the mailings, and giving the material to the
What do you think will make this
Journal Dinner
the greatest yet?
Shira: WYHS is honoring two very
couples who have given a lot to the school.
Additionally, this is WYHS's ten year
anniversary and
we're looking forward to 100% participation. Shimmie
and the
committee are working hard to make the
dinner a
very enjoyable and successful night.
20 Number of
classrooms in the new building

100 Number of
girls in the school

50 Number of
girls in the talent show

60 Number of
minutes it took to come up with this weeks

"It was such an amazing
hearing Rav Schachter speak. I
felt extremely honored
and fortunate to be in
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Danielle Wolkowicz
(’09) |
Chief |
LeeLee Borzak (’10)
Editor |
Mrs. Claudia
Cohen |
Director of Technology
Alana Dweck(’09)
Photo Editor |
Daniella Greer(’09)
Features Editor |
Josh Kaminetsky(’09)
Layout Editor |
David Petrover(’10)
Assistant Photo
Editor |
Aleeza Rubin(’09)
Chief of
Correspondents |
David Spektor(’10)
Assistant Photo
Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |