The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Noach Friday, October 12, 2007 Shabbat begins in Boca @ 6:35
From the desk
of Rabbi Perry
With a month of school behind us, I'm happy to report
that WYHS is bigger and better this year, qualitatively
and quantitatively. To service our biggest
body yet (199
and our biggest grade yet (61 students), WYHS has
added a number of important program features this
year. A sampling of these new classes and features
Electives for Juniors for the first time in the
A fantastic and experienced College Guidance
Counselor- Mrs. Marcy Roberts
Six levels of Hebrew language for both boys
and girls
A fifth level in Math in eleventh grade (there are 5
juniors studying AP Calc!)
Weekly Math Club, run by a FAU
A new science course- Environmental
Study Skills Class in ninth & tenth grades,
extra help 3 periods a week
Due to popular demand, Sephardic
Halacha is now a 10th & 11th grade
For those who choose SAT/ACT prep- an
period per week
Intel Science Talent Search- an enrichment
As Rabbi Spodek told you earlier this week, WYHS
was on television on the South Florida ABC
affiliates three times this week (the last time was the
best). They really
captured the energy of the school. To see all
short clips, CLICK HERE . Thanks to Chesed,
and Israel Coordinator Mrs.
Heather Andron for arranging this.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October
Senior Pictures and YU/Stern
Interviews 9:00-4:00pm @WYHS
PSAT's for Grades 9 - 11
9:00 - 12:15pm
Chesed Afternoon for Grades 9 -
YU/Stern Presentation for Prospective Parents
7:30pm @ the home of the Zaghis
Good and Welfare
Mazel Tov To:
Elana Kasztl ('04) and Justin Kolhagen ('04)
on their engagement
Mia Sava ('03) and Mitchell Slugh ('04)
on their engagement
Yael Weiss '04 on her engagement to
Yonatan Orlinsky of Teaneck
P'nina (Edelstein '03) and Benji Gabler
on the birth of a son, Uriel Tzvi
Deborah (Fein '02) and David Pearlman
on the birth of a daughter, Leora Miriam
Click On The
Picture For An Exciting Slideshow
of Horowitz Baby Boy
By LeeLee Borzak ('10)
When WYHS students first found out about the
birth of twins- a boy and a girl- to faculty members
Rabbi Benjy and Mrs. Amy Horowitz over the school
intercom, the excitement was insuppressible!
One week later, the Horowitzes named their baby girl
Meirav at shacharit at WYHS. The following day,
the entire student body attended the Brit Milah of
Meirav's brother.
Every student who has ever attended WYHS has been
touched by Rabbi and Mrs. Horowitz in the classroom,
in the Ukraine, on yearbook staff, in Kiryat Bialik,
through Tefilla, by color war, through Boys Israel
Guidance and most notably, in the evenings and on
Shabbatot at their home. The presence of two
dozen alumni at the bris was a testimony to
Horowitz' long lasting impact on their students.
After davening, the bris, and a bagel
breakfast, Rabbi and Mrs. Horowitz explained to the
300 people in attendance why they chose the
Elisha Yaakov for their baby boy and Meirav Elisheva
for their baby girl.
The close relationship that the students have
with the
Horowitzes was reflected at this
WYHS "family"simcha. Thank you
to Rabbi
and Mrs.
for sharing their simcha with all of us.
Click On
Picture For A Great Video
First Ever Arba
Program at WYHS
By Joshua Stadlan ('11)
Students previously unable to tell an
etrog from a
lemon suddenly had a Rabbinic understanding
of the
halachot regarding the lulav
and etrog,
after attending the first ever WYHS
Arba Minim
program. On the Monday before
Sukkot, Rabbi
Sugerman taught students in a 40-minute crash
course how
to properly pick out kosher lulavim
and etrogim
and enlightened them with astonishing facts.
Laughter filled the room while he
SUKKOT SHAKE, a hilarious video clip
of random
pedestrians in Israel dancing with a
lulav and
Sugerman made the
difficult task of absorbing information quite
through an exciting interactive PowerPoint
slideshow, featuring dozens of images of
kosher and
pasul sets of arba minim.
Everyone had the
opportunity to identify the different
sections of the
etrogim as they were passed around the room.
Students also
Sukkot origami: how to fold lulav
leaves to
create rings to attach the aravot
and hadasim
to the lulav. Thanks to this
program, never again will a WYHS student
shake the
lulav without a complete understanding of
the arba
Best Season Ever!!
Girls Volleyball Reach
By Jessica Friedman ('08)
As the volleyball season winds down,
is a great
time to reflect on what was truly one of the
Girls Varsity
Volleyball team's best season ever.
countless games, and much fewer practices,
our team has
memorized playing positions, spiked a ton,
and become a
true team.
Our players have progressed dramatically
over the
course of this season- whether it be their
over-hand serve,
spikes, or team spirit. Our final games will
be bittersweet for
seniors, Jessica Friedman ('08) and Jackie
('08), who will be truly missed next year.
Our next
game is
Oct. 16
at 5:30pm @ Ft. Lauderdale
Cheer Us On!
He Said/She
By Daniella Greer ('09)
Each year, a freshman and a senior are paired
together in what is called the Big Brother/Sister
program to familiarize the
freshman more with the school and help ease their
transition to high school. After a special
davening and breakfast held this Tuesday, I
spoke to "Big Sister" Yocheved Tirschwell ('08), and
her little sisters Ann Berman ('11), and Shlomit
Heering ('11) on their time so far in the program.
Why do you think it's important to have a big
sister/little sister program?
Shlomit Said: On the first day of school,
we all
went bowling and it really helped my grade meet
people and it made our adjustment into school so
much easier.
Yocheved Said: The freshmen don't
really feel that
comfortable when they first start high school so I think
it's really important that they have someone who they
can look up to for guidance on how to get through
freshman year.
Ann Said: Kids come not knowing
everybody and so
having your big Sister introduce you to everyone is
really helpful and important.
What was your experience like at the big
sibling/little sibling breakfast?
Shlomit Said: It was amazing being
able to talk to
all the seniors about how this year has been so far. It
was also nice to eat breakfast in a smaller
environment then normal.
Yocheved Said: It was fun because
despite our age
differences, we all got to have extremely interesting
discussions. The breakfast enabled us to spend
more time together which was really nice!
Ann Said: It was so whacky, fun, and there
was so
much sugar! I especially loved answering the
Is having a big sister who has already been at
the school for three years making the transition into
WYHS easier?
Shlomit Said: Definitely! The first month
especially is
very difficult and my big sister has really helped me
out and has been so reassuring.
Ann Said: It has absolutely been so much
easier for
me because I have had someone to help me settle
into high school and make me feel so much more
What do you think is the most important lesson
big siblings should be teaching their little siblings?
Yocheved Said: That they should try their
hardest in
school and take advantage of the four years they are
going to be at WYHS. You only have once chance to
have an amazing WYHS experience.
Over a special breakfast this past
week, the
and seniors answered some fun WYHS trivia
during their Big Brother/Big Sister program.
Below are
three of the questions asked and their funniest
answers. Enjoy!!
Where is Terry from?
a) An island near
Trinidad b) Not
America c) Iran

How many teachers in the
school are
a) 0 b) 5 c) 1

What is
Terry's last name?
a) Hatcher b) It's just
Terry c) Miller

"Kol Hakavod for the great
Kiddush Hashem.
Keep up your great work!"
-- Rabbi Ari Winter, Director of
Michlelet Esther in Israel
commenting on
the ABC News Broadcast featuring
Campaign for children in Sderot
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Danielle Wolkowicz
(’09) |
Chief |
LeeLee Borzak (’10)
Editor |
Mrs. Claudia
Cohen |
Director of Technology
Alana Dweck(’09)
Photo Editor |
Daniella Greer(’09)
Features Editor |
Josh Kaminetsky(’09)
Layout Editor |
Aleeza Rubin(’09)
Chief of
Correspondents |
David Spektor(’10)
Assistant Photo
Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |