The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Va'era Friday, January 4, 2008 Shabbat begins in Boca @ 5:24
From the desk
of Shimmie
It is hard to imagine that just ten years
our school opened its doors to 40 students.
Baruch Shehecheyanu V'Kiymanu Lazman
We are proud to kickoff the 10 year anniversary
of our school that will be celebrated in several
ways over the next twelve months. Check out our
beautiful new logo located in the banner above and in
future editions of Yeshiva Highlites.
The major event celebrating this momentous
occasion will be our 10 Year Anniversary Dinner
scheduled for Tuesday evening, March 25, 2008
at 6:00 pm at Bnai Torah Congregation in Boca
Raton. The guests of honor for the dinner will be
Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky and Rabbi Perry &
Miriam Tirschwell. I am certain that this is an
event you will not want to miss. Please click here to
download the
ad blank for the dinner.
Our Tribute Committee is in formation.
There's still plenty of time for you to join. A minimum
donation of $1,800 will entitle you to a full page ad in
our special 10 year anniversary journal, two seats at
the dinner, and your name listed as a member of our
Committee on the dinner invitation and in the weekly
Yeshiva Highlites.
Please click here to confirm that you'd like to be part
of this committee.
In addition, we invite you to participate in any or all
of the following:
Alumni Shabbaton over the weekend
February 1-2 in Fair Lawn, NJ. This weekend will be a
great opportunity for all alumni to spend a weekend
with their former classmates and faculty members.
Alumni interested in attending or helping should
please click here
to email Rabbi Spodek.
Alumni, please
click here in order to update your contact information
Inaugural Golf Tournament on
November 24, 2008 at the beautiful Grande Oaks Golf
Club in Fort Lauderdale. A committee is currently in
formation for this major fundraising event.
Please click here to email me if you are interested in
joining the committee.
Family Picnic on December 25, 2008
we hope to hold on the site of our future campus on
the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
We are also planning to create a special
year anniversary section of the journal which will
include a page for each of the graduating classes as
well as current classes in the school (2001 - 2011).
On each page, we will have pictures highlighting the
events of that year as well as articles from students
who were in that class. All alumni interested in
contributing articles or time to this project should
please click here
to email me.
Baruch Hashem, we've accomplished so much
over the past ten years. Let's celebrate together!
Shabbat Shalom,
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
Upcoming Events
Boys Alumni
Friday, January 4-5 in Israel
SSAT for Prospective
Students Sunday, January 6 @
Habitat For Humanity
Sunday, January 6 @ 1-5 pm in Boynton
Rosh Chodesh Shvat Chagiga
Tuesday, January 8
Midterm Study Day
No Classes
Thursday, January 10
10 Year Anniversary
Tuesday, March 25 @ 6:00pm
Midterm Schedule
Friday, January 11
10:15am - Science Midterm
12:15pm - Navi Midterm
Monday, January 14
10:30am - Math Midterm
12:45pm - Girls Chumash Midterm
12:45pm - Boys Gemara Midterm
Tuesday, January 15
Midterm Study Day
Wednesday, January 16
9:00am - History Midterm
11:00am - Girls Tushba/Gemara Midterm
11:00am - Boys Chumash Midterm
The Power of
WYHS Students Recognize the
Importance of Davening
By LeeLee Borzak ('10)
Consisting of students, parents,
teachers, and other community members, davening at
is arguably one of the strongest
aspects of the school. People are drawn to the
atmosphere during davening due to the respectful
attitude and the overall recognition of the seriousness
At WYHS, there is a minyan for
everyone. There are four shacharit minyanim
every morning: the main minyan,
Sephardic minyan, and separate
minyanim for both Rabbi Schochet and Rabbi
Houben's gemara shiurim. The addition of
minyanim help the boys achieve ultimate
kavannah during davening. On
the girls side of the mechitzah, the quiet
atmosphere shows that each girl is truly focused on
her tefillot.
The students at WYHS truly
understand the importance of davening. Every
Tuesday, all of the minyanim
daven together. On these days, davening concludes
with each student saying his or her own personal
perek of Tehillim. This way, the entire
collaborates to complete the entire book of
Tehillim. Additionally,
special tefillot are said for the Israeli MIA's,
and for peace in the
State of Israel. There are two minyanim for
Mincha, one for freshmen and sophomores and
the other for juniors and seniors, and many members
of the community are frequent visitors.
Those who daven at WYHS on
Rosh Chodesh are truly privileged. The
Chazanim beautifully sing Hallel using
innovative and "catchy" tunes, and one cannot help but
sing along.
Davening is a crucial part of Judaism,
and the students at WYHS truly understand the the
impact that powerful prayer can
Alumnus Lives His Dream
Moshe Genet ('06) Gets Sworn
into the Israeli
By Aryeh Genet ('08)
My family and I experienced one of the most
inspirational and moving moments in our lives this
past week in Israel. We didn't go to Israel to swim in
the Dead Sea or to check out Yeshivot for next year
like the rest of the people at our hotel. We went to
Israel in order to watch my brother, Moshe Genet ('06),
be sworn into his army unit at the holiest
place in Israel, the Kotel.
Surrounded by many of his friends from high
school, his American and newly adopted Israeli family,
Moshe stood proudly and swore his
allegiance to defend the Jewish homeland. We
watched in awe as this proud young Israeli soldier
received his gun and Tanach.
Moshe is sending a powerful message to rest of
us. Instead of going directly to college, he
has decided to give up 18 months of his life in order to
serve his country. Moshe feels that it is his duty to
serve in the Israeli army just like every other Israeli
citizen his
age. The amount of courage he has, is
incredible. Many people have expressed to me
how proud they are of him and how inspired they are
by his actions.
Having a brother in the Israeli army
strengthens and deepens my connection
to Israel.
Saying the prayer for the safety of the Chayalei
TZAHAL is definitely
more meaningful to me. May Hashem protect
and the rest of the Chayalei TZAHAL.
The Storm is Brewing!
JV Basketball vs Faculty Games
By Shira Englander(Executive Assistant) and
Josh Kaminetsky
Weinbaum Yeshiva High School has
always been known as a place where students and
faculty bond both inside and outside of the classroom.
Last Saturday night's inaugural basketball game
between the Girls JV vs. the Old Lady Storm afforded
all that were involved a new way of connecting.
Led by Coach Cara Sweet, the Girls JV
got off to an early lead that the Old Lady Storm
was never able to conquer. The JV executed plays
well, hustled, and crashed the boards for rebounds,
with Rivkah Begas('11) as the high scorer for the night
with 8 points. Those present agree that the Old Lady
Storm played well and exceeded everyone's
While the foul count was high and the
scoring was low, both students and faculty
competed in a fun and exciting game. The
teams practiced hard and played harder, and the Girls
JV emerged victoriously with a 25-18 win over their
esteemed opponents.
But the girls weren't the only ones to
take on the faculty. Following the girls' game, the boys
JV basketball team got their shot against the
school's male faculty members. Excitement and
intensity filled the gym as the teams
alternated possession.
The game remained relatively close
until the JV team gradually gained steam and
slowly pulled ahead to more than a 20 point lead!
But the staff members were not out for the count
as they narrowed the JV lead to only five points. In the
end, the JV team came out on top with a final score of
It really was an incredible bonding
experience for both the students and the faculty,
and everyone is looking forward to playing again next
with Ms. Dana Sardano
By Daniella Greer
With midterms soon approaching, students are
already starting to feel the pressure and stress that
can accompany these tests. Below, I speak to
learning specialist Ms. Dana Sardano to get
helpful and effective tips on how to organize and
prepare for the upcoming midterms.
How should one organize his/her study
Ms. Sardano: Students should collect and
correct any old tests and quizzes, even the ones
crumpled in the bottom of their locker. Everyone
should organize their notebooks, filling in areas that
they might have missed along the way.
When should students start reviewing their
Ms. Sardano: They should all start reviewing
right away! Students should additionally prepare a list
of questions to ask their teacher such as the format of
the test or any unclear topics they come across.
How do you suggest students make a
reasonable study schedule?
Ms. Sardano: Students should make a list of
their exams and prioritize by the amount of hours they
will invest in studying and when the exams will be
taken. Then they should create a study schedule
based on this list.
How many hours should a student study each
Ms. Sardano: It is not wise to study for three
hours one night for a test when one can split it up
into three one hour nights. This way, the student has a
better chance of retaining the information because
he/she has reviewed it in smaller pieces.
What's the most important piece of advise you
can give students before they start to study?
Ms. Sardano: Do not panic! When the brain is
in distress, it shuts off. Take your time, pace yourself,
and it will all pay off.
"I had the opportunity to daven with the
school this
morning and I must tell you that I
was very
with the decorum and the actual
davening. Keep up the
job that you are doing in educating our children."
-- Mark Greenberger
Parent of a Student
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Danielle Wolkowicz
(’09) |
Chief |
LeeLee Borzak (’10)
Editor |
Mrs. Claudia
Cohen |
Director of Technology
Alana Dweck(’09)
Photo Editor |
Daniella Greer(’09)
Features Editor |
Josh Kaminetsky(’09)
Layout Editor |
David Petrover(’10)
Assistant Photo
Editor |
Aleeza Rubin(’09)
Chief of
Correspondents |
David Spektor(’10)
Assistant Photo
Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |