The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Shlach Friday, June 8, 2007 Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:54pm
From the desk
of Rabbi Perry
What does a model graduate of WYHS look like?
Who do we want to inspire our students to
WYHS has always tried to paint as clear a picture as it
could of its model graduate. We want our graduates
Continue their religious and academic
growth at yeshivot and universities.
Academic and religious growth are the core of our
mission. Learning doesn't stop at 18- the best is yet
to come.
Keep the Faith in their relationships with
others and their relationship with G-d. They should
strive to be the most moral and Torah observant
person they can be.
Make Israel an important part of their
lives. Spending the year after high school
in Israel is the first step. A number of our young
alumni have already made aliyah.
Make a difference wherever they go.
Maximize their G-d given and self-actualized talents
for the good of others. Be the best that they can be.
The Class of 2007 "got it". They understood
our message, imbibed our mission. 98% of them are
dedicating next
year to spiritual growth and deepening their love for
Israel at yeshivot or seminaries in the holyland
before continuing on at university.
Their personalities are wide ranging, their career
aspirations are varied, their backgrounds are diverse,
but the mission of each WYHS graduate is the
Shabbat Shalom and have a great summer,
Rabbi Perry
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
Upcoming Events
Freshman Class of 2011 Orientation
Friday, Aug. 24 @ 9:00am
New Parent Orientation
Sunday, Aug. 26 @ 10:00am
All Student Orientation
Monday, Aug. 27 @ 12:00pm
Big Brother/Sister Program
Monday, Aug. 27 @ 3:00pm
Good and Welfare
Mazel Tov
Melissa and Jon Pereira on the upcoming
marriage of their son.
WYHS Storm Athletes for winning the
Sportsmanship Award for South Florida.
Mrs. Suzanne Scheiner on the loss of her
Click On
Picture Above For A Exciting Slideshow!
Celebrates Achievements Of
Beautiful Graduation Ceremony
By Shira Borzak ('07)
Last Wednesday evening, the
sanctuary was packed with WYHS faculty, students,
and of course, the graduates of the WYHS class of
Beginning with mincha, the ceremony was both
and bitter sweet.
As the students walked down the aisle decked out
their caps and gowns, the excitement, pride and joy
obvious on each face.
The tone for the evening was set with the singing
of the Star Spangled Banner and Hatikvah, led by
Executive Director Shimmie Kaminetsky, and opening
honoring both the graduates and the school by
President, and proud parent, Dr. Sam Lasko. Principal
Tirschwell then spoke of "The Journey Taken" by
class of 2007. He stated that the attribute
displayed by
the class of '07 was leadership, and described and
the indispensable and inspiring leadership shown by
all of
the graduates, in both formal and informal roles.
Following Rabbi Tirschwell's touching speech, the
Senior video was shown. Produced by Mrs. Carla
and written by and starring all of the graduates, the
video was a hilarious spoof of James Bond 007 that
reflected on the funnier moments of the four years at
WYHS. The video, which had the audience roaring
laughter, was a testament to all the hard work put
into it,
and each graduate will receive a copy to treasure.
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner, Associate Principal, spoke
of "The Road Ahead" and bid farewell to a beloved
who, as she put, "got it and got into it."
After her emotionally charged speech, each senior
up to accept his or her diploma. As the graduates took
stage, a short clip was shown of each graduate
reflecting on a favorite WYHS memory followed by
of praise specific for each senior by Mrs. Carla
and Director of College Preparatory Studies Mr. Adam
After accepting the diplomas, and beautiful,
siddurim, and the traditional throwing of the caps,
and family gathered in the ballroom for pictures,
congratulations and a dessert reception. The newest
were then whisked off for a delicious Senior Banquet
the staff and faculty, where they celebrated their
graduation and had a chance to personally thank their
teachers and
mentors for the past four years with a framed
picture of
the graduating class. After dinner, the graduates
the bus for an unbelievable 5 day senior trip.
Mazel Tov to all the graduates of 2007. We'll miss
Good luck next year!
Job Well
End Of The Year Dinner
By Rabbi Josh Spodek
How do you express thanks and appreciation
to the entire faculty at WYHS for helping to make
2006/2007 the best year yet? Well, quite honestly, you
feed them!
This past Thursday night, after the last of the finals
was taken and our students had finally finished their
year, the teachers and faculty gathered for an
evening of good food and laughs.
It truly was special to see the entire faculty and
their spouses get together at the home of the
Tirschwells to reflect on what has been an
incredible year at WYHS.
The highlight of the night was Rabbi Tirschwell's
expression of gratitude and appreciation to our faculty.
Rabbi Tirschwell explained that just like the Torah
teaches us that not all Prophets were created equal
and that Moshe Rabbeinu was on a different
level than Aaron and Miriam, so too, not all
faculties are created equal.
Rabbi Tirschwell explained how he feels truly
privileged to be working with such a dynamic and
unified team of teachers, staff and administrators
and he would never really be able to fully thank the
faculty for all that they do for our students.
Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Tirschwell for making
this evening so special and for providing an
opportunity for the entire faculty to spend a memorable
and fun evening together before heading off for
summer vacation.
The Results Are
Student Council In Place
By Rabbi Josh Spodek
In what proved to be the most exciting and
talked about elections in our schools
students casted their vote and elected 16
members of the 5768 WYHS Student Council.
In addition to some returning veterans,
next years
Student Council will feature a number of
who are eagerly anticipating the start to
year. Discussions and meetings have already
begun as this group of dynamic and talented
students look to make Freshman
Orientation and
Upperclassmen Orientation memorable and unique.
Plans are already underway to pair our
freshmen with older siblings through our Big
Brother/Sister program and the theme for
Teshuva campaign is already being worked on.
Every member of Student Council is working
on a
list of new goals and fresh ideas for
next year
in order to ensure that 5768 will be the best
year in our
schools history.
The following is a list of our Student
Council 5768:
Presidents: Julie Rosenberg
Anosh Zaghi
Vice President of Programming:
Vice President of Community Outreach:
Jackie Itzkowitz
Vice President of Torah Affairs:
Avital Abir
Vice President of Communications:
Jeremy Hodkin
Vice President of Finance: Josh
Vice President of Athletics: David
Senior Presidents: Jessica
Friedman & Michel Skura
Junior Presidents: Devora
Lieberman & Doron David
Sophomore Presidents: Daniella
Litwin & Michael Mizrachi
Freshman Presidents: Elections
will be held at the beginning of next year
Click On
Picture Above For A Great Slideshow
Horses, Bonfires and
Tons Of
An Awesome and Memorable Senior
By Jordana Kaminetsky ('07)
Our Senior Class did not miss a beat as they
the buses for their exciting senior trip.
We arrived in D.C, and though a tad tired, we
appropriately started our trip at the Holocaust
Following a delicious deli lunch, the class took
a "Duck
Tour": a land and sea tour of the D.C area. It really
us a
feel for the city and some behind the scenes facts not
everyone knows. Our first day culminated in an
National's baseball game where the class sat
bonding under the stars and watching the
Bright and early the next morning, our class
the bus for an amazing Dunkin Donuts breakfast and
horseback riding. Though some girls horses didn't
follow the trail, everyone had a great time as we
through the forest and pond on our horses.
The spirit of Shabbat was really captured as we
sat together for one last Shabbat meal and sang
zemirot. Shabbat afternoon, everyone could
sense the
culmination of
the entire four years at the girls and boys respective
kumzitzes. As Shabbat and our experience at
came to a close, everyone was a able to share
they felt and allow the sense of unity to envelope the
Sunday's day of white water rafting was second-
none. As we rafted our way down the river and
encountered some "obstacles" everyone stuck
and helped each other overcome. It really proved to
entire class just how well we work together.
Out trip culminated in a day at King's Dominion
amusement park. Everyone rode the rides and saw
shows, but the highlight of the day was definitely the
matching Crazy Seniors '07 hats we all purchased!
All in all, the trip was amazing. It really was
perfect way to end four years together and can be
added to the long list of memories we all share
together! Thank you to Rabbi Spodek,
Claudia Cohen, and alumni Danny Krasna ('04) and
Yael Koenigsberg ('04) for chaperoning this
memorable and unforgettable trip.
Said It
Behind The Scenes With
Dedicated Highlites Staff
By Daniella Greer ('09)
Each week this year, a team of talented and
students came together
to create what you are reading now. The eve before
final edition of this
years highlights had arrived, I was privileged to speak
to the
members of
the committee; Danielle Wolkowicz ('09), Benjamin
Shai ('07),
Shira Borzak
('07), Alexa Bryn ('08), Alana Dweck ('09), and Jordana
Kaminetsky ('07)
about their time spent working on the Yeshiva
What has your experience been like working for
Jordy: Highlights have been awesome. Think
about it- almost
every week I got
to work with a small group of peers and put together
mass production.
In just one weeks time, we created a newsletter
capturing a
whole week of
events that went out to thousands of people.
Danielle: I really enjoyed working with everyone
so much
and I bonded so
much with the whole committee. Also, it made me
all the hard work
that goes into the highlights. People don't realize how
time and energy
it takes to put out a weekly email.
Alana: Its been so amazing. Everybody really
respects each
others opinions
and the committee gets along together great. Its so
Ben: Its been an amazing learning experience
and I've
grown much closer to
the people involved with the highlights.
What have you gained through your experience
on the highlites
Danielle: I gained responsibly and
organization; two vital
traits that I
know will carry on with me forever.
Alana: My photography abilities have definitely
improved and
I also gained
the ability of working in a group and voicing my own
Shira: the professional experience I've gotten from
Highlites is
priceless--since I want to go into journalism, working
and managing a
staff, dealing with deadlines, being involved in the
and creative
sides will help me in a job in the future.
Alexa: Doing interviews, I got to know so many
people in the
school I
wouldn't of known otherwise and I realized how much
so many in our
school possess.
What has been your favorite memory working for
Alexa: I loved doing the interview with Mr.
Rosov because I
found out so
much about him that no-one knew and it was so
that I was able to
share what I learned about him with the whole school
Alana: The meetings are great! Everyone really
has so much
respect for the
rest of the committee and everyone is so funny which
makes the meetings so
Shira: As crazy as it sounds, I LOVED the late, late
Thursday nights I would
spend with Rabbi Spodek, Ben and Claudia at her
house in the
beginning of the year.
We would all be joking, eating, and of course, working
together, putting all
the pieces together. We were one big, stressed out,
tired, happy
Ben: Being with Claudia, Shira, and Rabbi
Spodek until five in
the morning
working on templates is a great memory I'll always
Number of adjectives used by Mrs. Greer at
6 Number of the Class of "07 who
understood them

5 Number
of days of the Senior Trip
4 Number of states visited on
Senior Trip

6 Number
of rafts on the river
5 Number
of boats that flipped over

"The graduation ceremonies last night
brought a
realization to me that I was
privileged to
teach one of the
most charismatic,
intelligent, loving
and talented groups
seniors I have ever
had the
pleasure of knowing
during my long teaching
career. "
-- Jewish History
Teacher and
long serving faculty member, Mr. Chaim Rosov
commenting on our
dynamic Class of 2007
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Alexa Bryn (’08) |
Assistant Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Alana Dweck ('09) |
Assistant Photo Editor |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |
Danielle Wolkowicz ('09) |
Chief of Correspondents |