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From: Rabbi Perry Tirschwell <>
Subject: Yeshiva Highlites featuring Sports Banquet and Hebrew Play
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Yeshiva Highlites featuring Sports Banquet and Hebrew Play

The Weekly Newsletter of
Yeshiva High School

Parshat Behar Bechukotai
Friday, May 11, 2007
Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:40pm


From the desk of
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

I frequently hear principals, parents and day school advocates express the opinion that federations do not support Jewish education enough. Frankly, that has not been our experience with the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

Our Federation has been extremely kind to us. Before we opened our doors nine years ago, they provided us an office. Since our opening, the SPBC Federation has provided scholarships for deserving students to attend WYHS. This year, Federation has also funded our Chesed and Israel Coordinator as a "program package". This year's total Jewish Federation support to WYHS comes to $200,000.

Federation has invited us to join them on their impressive 100 acre campus in west Boca Raton. There are many strengths to being located on the Federation campus: many chesed opportunities (JARC, Menorah House, Alzheimers Patients), joint programs and shared resources with other day schools (HDS & DKJA), security, and accessibility to the Florida Turnpike.

Along with a cadre of dedicated lay leaders, Shimmie and I are spending a number of hours a week in meetings with land planners, architects, attorneys, tax free bond financers, and Federation. Our goal is to move to the Jewish Federation campus in the 2009- 2010 school year.

The credit for this relationship goes to WYHS' true friends in the lay and professional leadership of the South Palm Beach County Federation. In particular, we wish to thank CEO and President, Mr. Bill Bernstein, Chair, Mr. Stewart Harris, Director of Planning, Richard Jacobs, Director of Operations, Mel Lowell, and Immediate Past Chair, Mrs. Etta Zimmerman for their past, present, and future support.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

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Upcoming Events

  • Freshman Shabbaton
    Friday, May 11- Motzei Shabbat, May 12

  • Yom Yerushalayim Chagiga
    Wednesday, May 16 @ 12:00pm

  • Boca Raton Community
    Yom Yerushalayim Chagiga

    Wednesday, May 16 @ 6:15pm @ Hillel

  • Student Council Elections
    Friday, May 18

  • Good and Welfare

    Mazel Tov

  • Mr. & Mrs. Rainbeau on the birth of a grandson

  • Elie Berkowitz on his recent engagement

  • Helen Esquenazi ('05) on her recent engagement

  • Lazer and Yehudis (Halbstein '03) Steinberg on the birth of a baby girl

  • Meira Pearl ('07) being WYHS' first Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship Recipient


  • Alex Beck ('02) on the loss of his father.


    Click On Picture Above For A Exciting Slideshow!

    Dinner Is "Served"!

    WYHS Celebrates Student Athletes

    At 2nd Annual Sports Banquet

    By Danielle Wolkowicz ('09)

    This past Monday night, WYHS hosted its second annual Sports Recognition Dinner. It was a very exciting event that celebrated the dedication and athletic talent of the school's student athletes who played on a total of ten sports teams throughout the year.

    Student athletes and their families had the privilege of hearing from guest speaker Tony McAndrews, who encouraged the students to never give up and always pursue their goals.

    Later, the coach of each team spoke movingly on each of their players and handed out personal achievement trophies to each player. Several outstanding athletes from each team received MVP and MIP awards.

    This ceremony was a great way to recognize the efforts and talents of each of the students and the coaches in a public yet personal setting. Thank you to Marcelle Bouganim on putting together this event and to Athletic Director, Jon Kaweblum on a fantastic year.


    Scoring At The Top

    WYHS Juniors Among

    Highest National Scorers

    on 2006 PSAT

    By Shira Borzak ('07)

    Last October, more than 1.4 million high school juniors across the U.S. took the 2006 PSAT, an abbreviated version of the SAT. This exam serves as the screening test for the National Merit Scholarship Program, a nationwide competition for recognition and awards. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation recently notified the 50,000 students who scored highest nationwide on the October PSAT.

    WYHS is pleased to announce that among the students honored are four of the 33 members of the class of 2008 :

    Alexa Bryn, Anosh Zaghi, Harry Ganz and Shira Poliak.

    While only 3.6% of students who take the PSAT are eligible for the program nationwide, 12% of the juniors qualified.

    Next fall, the 16,000 highest scoring entrants will be notified that they have been selected as National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. The remaining 34,000 students will be named Commended Students.

    Eligibility for semifinalist status is determined on a state-by-state basis, with the top 1% of scorers statewide qualifying. WYHS will offer the PSAT to next year's junior class on October 17, 2007.

    Congratulations and good luck to the four contenders!


    Tisches, Kumzitzes, And A

    Whole Lot Of Chulent

    By LeeLee Borzak ('10)

    It was a bittersweet day on Monday, May 7, as the Class of 2007 had their last day of classes at WYHS. To mark the special day, and to reflect on the past four years, we celebrated WYHS style with a Kumzitz for the girls and Tisch for the boys.

    As the boys sat down for their Farewell Tisch, they were immediately served chulent, a crowd favorite, while the senior boys led their fellow peers in inspiring song accompanied by guitar members of our band, Chazak.

    The highlight of the Tisch was when Hillel Lefkowitz ('07) spoke about how important decisions are and how they can impact your life forever. Rabbi Horowitz spoke to the students about how "in high school you must begin to think for yourself and that the steps you take in high school will set you up for the rest of your life." Rabbi Sugerman also explained to the seniors that the end of high school marks the start of real responsibility and the beginning of a new life.

    As soon as the girls entered the ball room, they sat down to start the Kumzitz. Sitting in a circle and holding song sheets, we sang inspirational songs. Seniors Andrea Marder, Shira Borzak, Ali Cristina, Stephanie Trachtenberg, Esti Tokayer and Rachey Berkowitz all spoke about the lessons they learnt throughout their WYHS years. Their powerful words and meaningful messages left a tremendous impact on our underclassmen.

    Thank you, class of 2007 for a great four years and Mazel Tov on your upcoming graduation.


    Click On Picture Above For A Great Slideshow

    Laughter, Donuts, and

    "Ha'Levaya Ha'Chorfit"

    WYHS Enjoys First Ever Hebrew Girls Play

    By Shira Poliak ('08)

    On Friday, May 4th, the advanced girls Hebrew class performed its much anticipated Hebrew play, "A Wintery Funeral" before the WYHS female student body.

    Written by Chanoch Levin, "A Wintry Funeral" is an absurdist comedy in which the sudden death of a family member, the bride Velvetziya's aunt, threatens to postpone her wedding and leaves her family fleeing to the beach and to the Himalayas in an attempt to dodge the news from her cousin, Latcheck Bobbecheck.

    The advanced girls Hebrew class assiduously rehearsed the play over the past three months and through their practice, learned to embody the eccentric characters and convey humor in a foreign language.

    Although the Hebrew skills of the WYHS student body are varied, the actresses were able to communicate the story with their enthusiasm and skills, and the entire audience was roaring with laughter.

    In addition, WYHS' first ever girls Hebrew play affirms WYHS' commitment to bring Hebrew to life, to explore mediums of humor and theater in other languages and cultures, and to develop unique curriculums to best meet its students' needs.

    The talmidot in the play would like to thank Mrs. Alcalay and her daughter Sharon for their dedication, encouragement and expertise, and Mrs. Kanner for enabling them to explore a different Hebrew medium. Thank you to WYHS for providing the girls with a delectable Dunkin Donuts breakfast that made the play even sweeter.


    He Said/She Said

    With Hillel Lefkowitz and Meira Tirschwell

    By Daniella Greer ('08)

    As the last days of school for the Seniors of 07' come to a close, Hillel Levkowitz (07') and Meira Tirshwell (07') spoke to us about their experience at WYHS, their last kumsitz/tish, and gave to the underclassmen advice on how to spend their remaining years at WYHS.

    If you were to describe your four year experience at WYHS in one sentence, what would it be?

    Hillel: A great adventure and journey with lessons I learned that will remain with me for the rest of my life.

    Meira: WYHS has shaped me academically and spiritually and I owe my accomplishments and future goals to this school.

    What were your thoughts and feelings during your final tish/kumsitz at WYHS this past Monday?

    Hillel: It really made me think about how far I have come since I was a freshman. In 9th grade I was a little shy and unsure of myself, whereas opposed to now I'm so comfortable and I feel as if this school is my second home.

    Meira: I realized how much my grade and I have grown since 9th grade and how much wisdom and knowledge we have to pass on to the rest of the school, which was very inspiring to me. I also felt so much unity within the room as we were all singing and as the underclassmen listened to the seniors' advice on how to get through high school.

    In what ways will you apply what you learned at WYHS for your upcoming years in Israel, college and beyond?

    Hillel: I have learned at WYHS to not wait for tomorrow to get things done. I will always remember in the future to not procrastinate and to get things done as soon as possible.

    Meira: WYHS' passion towards Israel has inspired me to want to move to Israel "biezrat Hashem", and to attend university there. I've also learned to take my academics more seriously and recognize the need to set goals for myself.

    What final message would you like to leave the students at WYHS?

    Hillel: Think about what's important and what you should really be doing. High school is a crazy time but when you're seniors everything ends up coming together so don't worry!

    Meira: Think of the future, live in the present, and remember the past.


    115 Number of people who saw the Hebrew play

    2 Number of people who understood it 

    41 Number of CRAZY
    Seniors '07

    16 Number of goldfish used in the Senior Prank


    "Another feather in WYHS' cap; this evening was

    wonderful. It was gratifying to hear the parents

    of freshmen so pleased with the school and the

    classy way WYHS does everything!"

    -- Parent and Executive Board Member, Lisa Baratz,

    commenting on our sports banquet


    Yeshiva Highlites Staff

    Shira Borzak (’07)


    Alexa Bryn (’08)

    Assistant Editor

    Mrs. Claudia Cohen

    Director of Technology
    Alana Dweck ('09) Assistant Photo Editor

    Jordana Kaminetsky (’07)

    Senior Editor

    Benjamin Shai (’07)

    Photo Editor

    Rabbi Josh Spodek Staff Advisor

    Danielle Wolkowicz ('09)

    Chief of Correspondents

    Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
    7902 Montoya Circle
    Boca Raton, FL 33433

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