The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Weekly Newsletter Parshiot Tazria and Metzorah Friday, April 20, 2007 Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:29pm
From the desk
of Rabbi Perry
Why does WYHS carefully choose its students through
a thorough admissions process? Doesn't every
Jewish child deserve a Jewish education? Shouldn't
every child be given a chance?
We believe that all schools are good, and all students
are good. The job of an admissions process (for a
high school, college, seminary or yeshiva) is to identify
which school is good for which child. Every child
deserves a school at which he or she can reach his or
her academic, athletic, artistic, emotional and spiritual
WYHS is a school for children who want to grow
religiously and academically, can handle a college
preparatory program, and do not take away from the
learning of others. The overwhelming majority of
students who apply to WYHS fit that mold. Going into
our tenth year, we know with whom we do and do not
Each applicant to WYHS submits three years of report
cards, recommendation forms from English, Judaic
and Math teachers, parent and student
questionnaires, the SSAT aptitude exam and writing
sample, and is interviewed by two WYHS faculty
Eight committee members discuss students about
whom it has concerns. Sometimes they feel that the
issues will be resolved by the passage of time.
Sometimes they recommend that the concerns be
addressed before the student can enter the school. In
a small number of cases, they decide that the child
would be better served by another school.
Admissions is the most difficult aspect of our job, but
it is the most important. Our school's stability, growth
and success are due in no small part to our
commitment to attracting mission-appropriate
students. May it be G-d's will that WYHS be as
successful with the Class of 2011 as it has been with
the classes of 2001-2010.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below
link to these
nine websites
Upcoming Events
Yom Hazikaron Commemoration
Monday, April 23
Yom Ha'atzmaut
Tuesday, April 24
School Chagigah @ 8:00am
Program @ Mizner Park @
Girls Hebrew Play
Friday, May 4
Freshman Shabbaton
May 12-13
Good and Welfare
Mazel Tov to
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Grunhaus on the birth
of a daughter
Tzvi Schwarzbaum ('04) on his recent
Ilana Singer ('06) and Daniel Poliak ('06),
stars of the new Sanhedria
Children's Home Video
Click On
Picture Above For A Yom HaShoah Slideshow
Yom HaShoah 5767:
Never Again
By Danielle Wolkowicz ('09)
This Monday, in commemoration of Yom
HaShoah, the
students at WYHS experienced a truly inspiring and
program, looking back at the horrors of the
Holocaust, and looking
forward to the future.
The somber atmosphere was set as the students
walked through
hallways that were decorated with posters and
pictures of the
Holocaust. Most chilling was the entrance to the
ballroom, set up
as if students were entering a cattle car. Once
inside, student
council members read short excerpts from people's
diaries during the
Holocaust and lit candles to commemorate the lives
lost during the
The students were then privileged to
hear the heart-
breaking yet inspiring story of survivor Mrs. Ruth
Gross, who
survived the horrors of the Holocaust while many
members of her
family did not. Her story left many students teary-eyed.
Afterwards, students were
transfixed by a
powerful film put together by WYHS students,
warning that
although the Nazis have been defeated, anti-Semitism
is still a threat around the globe.
The program ended with a beautiful
speech by Mrs.
Kanner, who reminded students that although in every
people are out to destroy us, the Jews will always
prevail. Doron
David ('09) voiced the opinion of all who attended the
program when
he said "the program was intense, but I feel like I
have a better
understanding of the sacrifices and tragedies the
Jews in that
generation had to deal with and am prouder than ever
to be a Jew."
Click On
Links Below To View Powerful Yom HaShoah Video
Having The Last
Cast Of "Rumors"
Smash Hit!
By Chana Brauser ('10)
On Saturday night, the cast of the wildly successful
spring comedy, "Rumors," joined together for one last
time to celebrate their on-stage
accomplishments, watch the DVD of the show,
receive awards, and salute the graduating thespians.
Snacking on sushi and canapés at the Borzak
home, the entire cast gathered to watch themselves
performing on screen. During intermission, the cast
members voted for the annual "Saddler Awards," in
categories such as "Best Actor," "Best Breakout
Actress," as well as humorous awards like "Most
Likely to Flub Their Lines on Stage."
Director Mrs. Saddler presented everyone with
their awards, as well as special trophies to
seniors Avi Dennis, David Belolo, and Shira
Borzak to commemorate their efforts on stage
during the span of their high school careers.
The cast members walked away with a sense
of fulfillment and fun, and for some, hopes to
participate in future plays as well.
Thanks to the Borzak family for hosting the party,
and to Mrs. Saddler for a great run! Buy
your "Rumors" DVD and see you next year!
Click hereto
order a
professionally recorded and edited video for only $20!
Tennis Team Ends Great
By Rachel Benaim ('10)
This past Monday, the Boys and girls tennis teams
made it into the
District Tennis finals and made Storm history
by advancing
far into the playoffs.
Congratulations to Rachel Marcus ('09) and Elan
Aiken ('09) for
making it to the second round of singles matches,
and to Daniel
Shimansky ('08) and Elan Aiken ('09), who
advanced far in the
doubles rounds.
The Storm displayed tremendous heart and
although they all
ultimately experienced losses in the second round,
they all fought
hard and played extremely ferocious matches. Gaby
Markovitch ('09)
dominated her doubles match with strong
volleys and Martha
Baumgarten ('10) kept her opponent working hard with
her fierce
A special thanks to Coach Zoly who coached a
great season!
Thanks to all the great players for all their time
and dedication.
Click On
Links Below To View SLAB Awards Video!!!
Leaders, Lunches,
And A Whole Lot Of Notepads
Student Leaders Honored At
Second Annual S.L.A.B Awards
By Lee Lee Borzak ('10)
This Thursday, in honor of Rosh
Iyar, the students gathered in the brightly
decorated ballroom for
the second annual S.L.A.B (Student Leadership
Awards Banquet)
Awards and Andron Baby Bash where they were
treated to a
delicious lunch of spaghetti, meat balls and cake.
The students and staff welcomed back school
Chesed Coordinator
Mrs. Andron after giving birth to her adorable new baby
boy, Eitan
Levi. Rabbi Tirschwell spoke about the
selflessness and dedication
Mrs. Andron displays in her Chesed work with the
school and in
the community.
The luncheon was also to honor the
student leaders
of WYHS who run programs, publish newspapers,
plan trips, and
dedicate themselves to the school. Students were
privileged to watch
an unbelievable student-produced movie featuring all
the committees
in the school and their leaders and saluted all the
student leaders in
WYHS who have worked selflessly to make this
year the best
one in school history.
In accordance to honoring leaders, the
amazing video was
dedicated to Professor Liviu Librescu, a professor
from Virginia
Tech, who demonstrated the ultimate act of
leadership by sacrificing
himself to save his students' lives during the tragic
school shooting on
April 16.
Student Council presidents Raquel
Amram ('07) and
Avi Lasko ('07) then expressed their gratitude to
program Director
Rabbi Josh Spodek, without whom the
amazing programs
would not exist. He was presented with a scrapbook
filled with
pictures of programs from the entire year.
Thanks to the Rosh Chodesh Committee
for the
decorations and planning, to Raquel Amram ('07),
Ben Shai ('07) and
Jeremy Hodkin ('09) for producing the amazing video,
and to all of the
student leaders. Thanks for the best year ever!
Up Close and
Personal with
Chesed Coordinator and
Heather Andron
By Alexa Bryn ('08)
Though we are in the midst of the Omer, WYHS
chose Rosh
Chodesh Iyar to celebrate a great simcha: the birth of
a son, Eitan
Levi, to Eric and Heather Andron. At Thursday's "Baby
Bash," the
students got to meet Eitan for the first time and
celebrate for WYHS
Chesed Coordinator Mrs. Andron, the person who is
always there to
celebrate for us. Below, Mrs. Andron speaks about her
role in the
school and how she hopes to instill in Eitan her
passion for helping
How did it feel to be the focus of the "Baby Bash"?
The "Baby Bash" was a lot of fun. It was so nice to see
that all of the
students and faculty thought it was important enough
to use a Rosh
Chodesh chagigah, such a highlight of WYHS life, to
focus on Eitan
and me. It made me feel really special.
What has been your greatest accomplishment in
this year?
In terms of Tzedaka, the Chanukah Teacher Auction
was amazing. We
raised a record high of $4,062 for the Juvenile
Diabetes Research
Foundation. The greatest gift for me was seeing that
the students
were so willing to give their money to kids that they
didn't even know.
On the chesed end, our greatest accomplishment
was the
Thanksgiving food drive because the students brought
in so much
food that we did not have enough storage space for all
of it.
What has CIA (Committee for Israel Action) been
doing to help WYHS
students develop their connection with Israel this
Our main focus this year was connecting with Yaakov
Seligman ('04), a
WYHS alumnus serving in the Israeli Army. When
Yaakov spoke to
the students, he created a great awareness of how in
need the soldiers
are-how precious the blankets and additional clothing
we donated and
the letters we wrote were to them.
If you could impart one lesson that you have
learned through
doing chesed to your son Eitan, what it would be?
Always remember to take care of other people. There
is never a
shortage of people to be helped, or a shortage of your
time to give.
"Can we bear to
remember? Can we afford to forget?"
-- Yom HaShoah Video
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Alexa Bryn (’08) |
Assistant Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Alana Dweck ('09) |
Assistant Photo Editor |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |
Danielle Wolkowicz ('09) |
Chief of Correspondents |