The Weekly Newsletter of the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat Ki Tisa Friday, March 9, 2007 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:08pm
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
“With great power, comes great
responsibility.” Spiderman’s insight couldn’t be
truer in any area than it is in technology.
The internet, e-mail, text messaging and IM
have made our lives both considerably easier, and
infinitely more difficult. On one hand, we can find any
piece of information and contact almost anyone at any
hour of the day. On the other hand, these technologies
give equally easy access to our children by predators
and every type of immorality known to man.
A parent’s most basic responsibility is to protect
his child. We greatly underestimate the dangers
posed to our teenagers by technology. It is as
dangerous as leaving our doors unlocked, crossing
the street without looking both ways, and driving with
someone under the influence. We need to guard our
children from potential harm that can come the way of
their computers or cellphones.
Please come this Wednesday evening at
8:00pm to hear a prominent computer forensic
investigator explain to parents what they need to know
to keep their children safe from these dangers. Mr.
Phillip Rosenthal is himself the parent of a yeshiva
high school student in New York, and he understands
the world that we and our children live in.
Our students will be meeting with Mr. Rosenthal
during the school day on Wednesday to learn how
they can spot predators and other dangers which are
disguised to get them to let their guards down. It is as
important that we as parents learn how to do what we
need to do. It may just save your child’s life.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below
link to these
five websites
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 14 With Phil
- Faculty Inservice @ 11:53am
- 9/10 Grade Assemby @ 2:29pm
- 11/12 Grade Assembly @ 4:18pm
- Parent Internet Program @ WYHS at
Hollywood Family Shabbat
March 16-17
SPBC Federation Super Sunday
Sunday, March 18th @ 5:00pm
Rosh Chodesh Nisan Chagigah
Tuesday, March 20th @ 9:10am
WYHS Spring Comedy "Rumors"
Wednesday, March 21st @ 7:30pm at Crest
Come See "Rumors"!!!
WYHS is pleased to announce its spring comedy,
Come watch the WYHS thespians on Wednesday,
March 21st at 7:30pm at Crest Theater for one
night only!
Tickets are on sale now. Buy in advance and receive a
special reduced price! Please email Mrs.
Saddler, our drama director at mes@wyhs.net
for more details and to purchase tickets.

Click On
Picture Above For An Amazing Slideshow!
Chagiah 5767
Students, Families And Alumni
By Danielle Wolkowicz ('09)
As one of the most anticipated events of the
school year, the annual WYHS Purim Chagigah
has lived up to expectations and more!
Students, parents, faculty, and alumni gathered at the
Embassy Suites Hotel on motzei Shabbat for a
night of dancing, fun, and the ever-present WYHS
This year’s costumes were some of the best yet—
everyone and everything from Roman gladiators,
vegetables and leprechauns were seen.
Kicking off the chagigah was a Megillah
reading by our own Rabbi Ben Sugerman, followed by
some of the most intense and lively dancing
ever! With music provided by WYHS’ own Chazak,
students, teachers, rabbis, and even a few brave
parents hit the dance floor!
The highlight of the night was
undoubtedly WYHS Funniest Home Video Contest.
The audience was treated to four videos that were
filmed, edited and starred by students from
WYHS. Not only were the videos extremely
professional and creative, but they had the entire room
roaring with laughter. Congratulations to Shai Barel
(’07), Jon Scheiner (’07), Oren Hizkiya (‘07), Amiel Abir
(‘10) and Stephanie Trachtenberg (’07) on their
winning video! As the grand prize, they will will have a
limo pick them up from school and drive them down to
Dougies in Miami for an all you can eat dinner.
Everyone had an incredible time and
can’t wait for next year’s chagigah! A special
thank you to Rabbi Josh Spodek, Ethan Wasserman
(’07), Rebecca Isaacs (’07), Dina Abramson (’07),
Meira Pearl (‘07) and the entire Purim Committee for
making this the best chagigah yet!
Thank you to Merv and Elaine Jacobs for
generously sponsoring this year's incredible Purim
Power Of
GivingWYHS Donates
Mishloach Manot
To The Needy
By Jordana Kaminetsky ('07)
While the giving and
receiving of
mishloach manot is a fun and
integral part of
Purim, not many want to deal the
massive amounts of
food received only weeks before
Pesach. For the third
consecutive year, WYHS has run the
Mishloach manot drive and has
pounds upon pounds of food from all
over South
Florida to donate to a local
food drive.
Donating this food is a win-
win situation.
Not only were we able to feed the
needy, but we were
also able to clear our houses of the
post-Purim food
overload in preparation for Pesach.
After just a few emails and phone
calls, there was
an incredible, almost immediate
response. The food
started pouring in, and in the span
of just one week,
over one hundred pounds of food
collected, everything from candy
to canned food.
Ali Cristina (’07), Aleeza Rubin
(’09) and I
personally delivered the food to the
Caring Kitchen in
Delray Beach, where we were
greeted with smiles
and open arms. They were filled
with such
gratitude, and were astounded by the
sheer amount of
food that we managed to collect.
Thank you so much to all those
who donated food
and participated in this worthwhile
project. Not only were we able
to help
ourselves, but more importantly
we were able
to help others.
Me Out
To The
Ball Game
Boys Baseball Team
Suits Up For
The Season
By Eli Albert ('09)
Despite a bumpy start, the WYHS
baseball team is working hard
and getting ready
for a great season!
This past Tuesday, the Storm took
on Donna
Klein—while they lost 9-1, a few
players shined on the
field. Doron David’s ('09)
excellent pitching
helped keep the score relatively
in check, while
Lior Goldstein ('09) scored the
solitary run with a
great slide into home.
The Storm also played Lake Worth
on Thursday
and despite a great fight were
beaten 11-2. Captain
Yoni Horowitz ('07) drove in Elie
Baratz ('08) on a
well hit
double, and Yoel Goldberg ('09)
outran a
precarious “pickle” situation and
Beaten but not defeated, the
boys baseball
team is ready to take on the next
Come watch the
take on
Trinity at 8:30pm
@ Pinewoods Park!
Click On
Picture Above For A Trip Down Memory Lane!
Braving The
Class Of '08 Enjoys
Amazing Class Ski
By Harry Ganz ('08)
The idea of sliding down a
mountain on
thin strips
of carbon fiber was not very
appealing to me,
but the
junior trip to Sugar Mountain in
Carolina ran
as smoothly as ice. Many of the
had never
skied before, and a few had never
even seen
After a 12 hour drive to Blowing
Rock, North
Carolina, the junior class almost
hit the
slopes. The first day was a unique
experience, as
many tried skiing and snowboarding
for the
first time.
Despite the numerous wipeouts,
everyone had a
time learning together, and many
the bunny slopes after just a few
After a delicious barbecue and a
rest, the
junior class headed back to the
mountain for
amazing night skiing! Despite the
the juniors had an amazing time
zooming down
the mountain in the beautiful
The next day featured
even more
skiing and snowboarding, and an
of tubing. The juniors had a
blast as
they hurtled
down the track in massive human
chains and raced
each other down the snow.
Unfortunately, the juniors had to
pack up
and head
back on the bus for another long yet
memorable bus
ride. While the trip ended far too
soon, the
we created on the junior trip
drew us
closer as a
class before our final year at WYHS.
Thank you
so much to Rabbi Josh Spodek, Mrs.
Cohen, Justin Kolhagen ('04)
Julie Rosenberg and Daniel Shimansky
for making
this an unforgettable class trip!
Getting In The Ring
Dmitriy Salita
Champion And Hero
By Shira Borzak (’07)
This past Wednesday night’s weekly boys
mishmar was a little different than
usual. In
addition to dinner and learning, the boys were
honored to hear from champion professional boxer
and religious Jew, Dmitriy Salita. After
moving with his
family to Brooklyn from Odessa, Ukraine at
the age of
nine to escape religious persecution and
discrimination, Dmitriy quickly rose through
the ranks
of amateur to professional boxer and has won
numerous titles. Dmitriy was a hit at WYHS,
as he
entertained and inspired the boys with his
story and insight. Below, we asked Dmitriy
about his
time in South Florida, and of course, boxing.
How did you get into boxing?
I used to do karate when I lived in Odessa,
and did it
when I moved to America. When I was thirteen my
brother suggested I go to a boxing club. I
used to
watch fights on TV and get motivated by them.
So, I went to
the club, and immediately got a special
feeling, and it
It must be tough to box professionally and be
observant—how do you manage this?
A lot of fights are on Friday night, but a
lot are on
Saturday night or Thursday night. I am luck
to have a
great fan base, and as long as they show up, the
promoters will make it happen for you. In the
beginning of my career I sacrificed a lot,
but now its
much less of a problem.
What were some of your impressions of WYHS and
the Boca Raton community?
The school and the whole community are great. I
stayed at Rabbi Ben Sugerman’s house and he
treated me like a family member. It’s a great
community, very tight—the synagogue is great
because it has so many different flavors.
There is
every kind of minyan you could ever want.
What life lessons have you learned through the
process of boxing? Did you learn anything
new about
I learned about human nature and my own nature in
ring. Boxing is very taxing, physically and
its very demanding. I’m only 24, but I’ve
experienced a
lot of the things that matured me. A lot of
lessons I’ve
learned will help me in the future, outside
the ring.
Any final words?
I want to thank the school, Rabbi Sugerman
and the
entire Jewish community here for taking me in
showing me a lot of love. It’s been a great
experience, and I look forward to visiting again.
“I will never
compromise my beliefs. I have a personal
relationship with God that I won’t compromise. My
is such a big part of my life, but it
won’t get
the way of
my religion. It can’t, and it won’t.”
-- Dmitriy Salita, champion boxer
and observant Jew
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Alexa Bryn (’08) |
Assistant Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Alana Dweck ('09) |
Assistant Photo Editor |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |
Danielle Wolkowicz ('09) |
Chief of Correspondents |