The Weekly Newsletter of the Weinbaum Yeshiva High SchoolErev Chanukah Friday, December 15, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 5:13
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
An example of our school's innovative approach to
issues is our attendance policy. We trust
parents to decide when their children should stay
home. We believe that distinctions between
excused and unexcused absences (for students or
teachers) motivate people to “fib”, and are counter
Class time is precious. The opportunity to
in a discussion, to hear the inflection of the voice
and to see the body language of a teacher is
irreplaceable. Excessive absences harm a student.
We allow students to miss each class a maximum of
six times a trimester. A few caveats;
We want to know that you know that
your child is not at school.
Parents should call or e-
mail us and say that they know their child is
out. If not, we will attempt to reach the parent.
If you want your child to leave school
early, you must send (or fax) a note to the
school office by the end of breakfast, so we
can put it on the daily attendance list that the
teachers receive.
If you pick up your child, please come to the
office to sign him or her out of school. In case
of an evacuation or lockdown at school, we need to
know exactly who is in the building.
Juniors and seniors (only) are allowed to
campus during the day if they have a double
free. They must
sign in and sign out (also due to evacuation and
Check out the brand new links below to our
school's newspaper (Brainstorm), Torah publication
(Chodesh Chidush), Hebrew newspaper
and the new archive of High-lites videos.
I'm happy to announce that report cards & PSAT
scores went in
today's mail. Yeshiva High-lites will appear next after
Chanuka, on Monday, December 25.
Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below
link to these
Upcoming Chanukah Events
Rabbi Brander Visit
Monday, Dec. 18 @
9:20am 3rd day of Chanukah
Boys Varsity Basketball
Monday, Dec. 18 @
2:00pm @ American Airlines Arena 3rd day of
Teacher Auction
Tuesday, Dec. 19 @
1:10pm 4th day of Chanukah
Annual Chanukah Chagigah
Wednesday, Dec. 20 @
5:45pm 5th day of Chanukah RSVP at office@wyhs.net
Mesibas at the Rebbes
Thursday, Dec. 21 @
9:20 am 6th day of Chanukah
No School Friday, Dec. 22 / Rosh
Tevet 7th day of Chanukah
News Flash!
Mazel Tov
Zvi Rantz (’02) on his engagement
Mrs. Miriam Mara (mother of Chaim
Thoma ’09) on her wedding
Mrs. Ruth Friedman on the birth of twin
Mrs. Carla Greer on being featured as
Terrific Teacher of the Month at
Jessica Friedman ('08) who played the
role of El Gallo/Narrator, was accidently
omitted from last week's
article about "The Fantasticks"
Spicing Things
WYHS Teachers Put A New
Spin On
By Danielle Wolkowicz ('09)
Teachers at WYHS are always
seeking to create
new and exciting ways to get students more involved
and to increase motivation to succeed.
To spice up his Gemara shiur, Rabbi
Houben has instituted NGL, or the “National Gemara
League.” The boys from his shiur are divided
into three teams, complete with captains and team
mascots. Each week, students compete in quizzes,
chavruta answers, and class participation. In
each of these categories, the team members’ scores
are averaged together, and the 1st place team earns
three points, the 2nd place team earns two points,
and the 3rd place team earns one point. In addition
to the weekly competitions, each team chooses
three “starters” for tests whose scores are averaged
together to gain more points. David Clements (‘09)
believes that “the NGL motivates each student to
study more for tests and participate more during
class, while working together to help his team
In Rabbi Schochet’s Jewish Philosophy
elective, the students had a chance to
become “teachers for a day.” Divided into
of three, students chose a Jewish Philosophy topic
interested them, such as magic, free will, why bad
things happen to good people and man’s purpose in
the world. After independent research from a range
of different sources, students used a wide variety of
mediums from posters to Power Point presentations
movies to present their project to the class. Iliana
(’09) felt the presentations “taught me about things I
always wondered about in an interesting way.”
NGL and the Jewish Philosophy presentations are just
examples of the innovation in WYHS’
classrooms, as well as the teachers’ creativity
and constant desire to help their students succeed.
Building A Better World
Students Volunteer At Habitat For
By Ali Cristina (’07)
WYHS students gathered this past
Sunday for the year’s first Habitat for Humanity build.
The juniors and seniors gave four hours of their
time to volunteer
for the non-profit organization
that builds homes for the homeless. As the
students arrived, they were given
hammers, rakes and building gear and quickly got to
work. Each student worked on crafting a
aspect of the house, so that when they finished
building, each person could see their own personal
contribution in this amazing chesed. As Jen
Fisher (‘07) put it, “It was really incredible to give
back to the community and have so much fun at the
same time.” After a day of hard work, all the
students felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment
when it was over.
Many times, when you do a mitzvah, you
don’t see it materialize right away. However, what
was so unique about this chesed project was
that the students saw their work pay off right
before their eyes. I would like to personally
thank all of the students who selflessly gave of their
Sunday to help others. Come out to the next Habitat
for Humanity build—have fun, get some Chesed
hours done, and most importantly, do a
The Storm Is Here!!!
Storm Spirit Takes Over WYHS
By Jon Kaweblum, Athletic Director
This week, the Storm has taken over
WYHS! Storm Week, designed to boost Storm
Spirit throughout the student body, is a week
filled with Storm-related programs and activities, all
culminating in the boys varsity basketball game in the
American Airlines Arena.
Loads of free Storm gear was given out
throughout the week in an effort to have everyone
attending the AA Arena game wearing Storm colors
as a
unified force.
The week began strong, with the first 20 people
dressed in the school colors or wearing Storm gear
receiving free Storm paraphernalia.
Tuesday’s lunch featured the exciting Deal or No
Deal, where students and staff were asked Storm
Trivia to win great prizes. Congrats to Rabbi
Schochet and Ilana Weberman (’07), whose
Storm knowledge won them free tickets to Monday’s
AA Arena game. Students enjoyed a basketball
on Wednesday, complete with sports jams and fresh
popcorn in the background, with the winners
receiving even more Storm gear!
Storm Week was a huge success, thanks to the
students’ enthusiasm and school spirit,
will surely carry over past the AA Arena game to the
of the year.
He Said/She
With the Class
of '07
By Alexa Bryn (’08)
On Monday, December 11th, the class of ’07
participated in the craziest night out in WYHS
history—Senior Iron Chef. Seven different
teams of seniors cooked up a storm, competing for
the title of Iron Chef, as well as sharing a delicious
dinner made by the class. Below, seniors David Atkin
and Meira Pearl discuss the night out and tell us
what’s going on with the class of ’07.
How was “Senior Night Out”
different than all the other ones you experienced at
He said: “Senior Night Out” was really
different this year. We broke off into teams and had
cook-off. Because we were split into completely
random teams and had to work together to buy the
ingredients, make and present the food, we really got
to bond. We had an amazing time while doing a
hands-on activity.
She said: This “night out” was definitely the
most creative one yet. You could tell that class
presidents Jordy and
Chaim put so much hard work into this. It was a
really cute idea and we all bonded so much.
What types of fundraising projects have you been
doing and why is fundraising so important to your
He said: We’ve been doing bakery orders,
selling pretzels and strudels during lunch and
breakfast, and selling senior shirts and more to come.
reason we focus so much on fundraising is
because we want every kid to have the opportunity
to come on our class trip. It’s an experience
we wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on.
She said: I’ve been involved in selling
pretzels, challah and strudels. I’m really devoting
myself to selling those things because our class trip
is expensive and it’s so important that we are all
there together. Yearbook, senior shirts, even the
pretzels—they all really pay off.
How has your class changed and developed over
few months as seniors?
He said: We’ve really started to mature.
We’ve started to think about our lives post-high
school, about Israel, college, and beyond. We’re
starting to realize the goals we have for ourselves.
Yet even through all the serious decisions we’re
making, we’re still having so much fun this year.
She said: We’ve all been working really
hard, with our college and Israel applications and
taking on new responsibilities and leadership roles. At
times it’s scary but we’re all facing it together.
Hopefully when we graduate, we’ll be prepared to
take the next step in our lives.
Number of students
who are on a Storm sports team
1 Number of Storm
9 Number of products being sold by
the senior class
Number of people who
actually buy them
"There are two
ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a
miracle, or
you can live as if everything is a miracle."
--Albert Einstein (1879-
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Alexa Bryn (’08) |
Assistant Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Alana Dweck ('09) |
Assistant Photo Editor |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |
Danielle Wolkowicz ('09) |
Chief of Correspondents |