The Weekly Newsletter of the Weinbaum Yeshiva High SchoolParshat Bereishit Friday, October 20, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:31
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
Utilizing advances in technology is a priority
at our school. Each year we create a Technology
Plan, (click here to read this
year’s), which we revisit regularly.
WYHS' being on the cutting edge is due to the
skill and dedication
our Director of Technology, Mrs. Claudia
This year (and this week in particular), we
leaped forward with a number of technological
advances, including;
Our first Smartboard went on line
yesterday, which turns the whiteboard into an
interactive computer touch screen, and enables
teachers to save anything written on the board to
the internet.
Yeshiva University has given us
videoconferencing equipment, enabling
WYHS to participate in real time in
activities and classes around the world. Kudos to
our founder,
Rabbi Kenny Brander!
Welcome to the first edition of the new
format of our
newsletter, which provides a number of useful
features. Work began last May on these
The videos which you have seen in the highlites
have been produced by our students on a
powerful video editing computer
which we purchased over the summer.
The school’s new student newspaper,
Brainstorm, is formatted by students using the
layout program Indesign.
Starting this year, applications for
admission will be online, enabling
parents to monitor what has been submitted, and
saving us valuable time and money.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below
link to these
five websites
Upcoming Events
Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:00am
Chaim Dovid Concert
Friday, Oct. 27, Periods 1 & 2
Freshman Student Council Elections
Friday, Oct. 27, 5th Period
Freshman Parent Melava
Sat. Night, 9:00-11:00pm @ the Tirschwells
Open House for Prospective Students &
Sunday, Dec. 3, 9:30am
Good and Welfare
Mazel Tov To:
P'nina Edelstein (’03) on her
Rabbi Benjy Horowitz, Chasan
Torah of the Boca Raton Synagogue
Brauser Maimondes Academy on
enrolling its 400th student.
Laura Tokayer on the loss of her
Class of '07 Gets Into
By Jordana Kaminetsky (’07)
As the class of 2007 begins our momentous
senior year, we are faced with college and
seminary decisions, senior yearbook pictures, many
fundraisers for our class trip, and special chesed
opportunities, all to help make this year the best
of our lives!
Amidst all the buzz about seminaries and
yeshivot in Israel, WYHS offered
an “Israel Day” and “Israel Night” to better inform
seniors and their parents about the options and
application process. Alumni Donna Sabag (’02),
Shulamit Atkin (’04) and Amanda Ruben (’05) spoke
the girls about their respective seminaries, while Avi
Amsalem and Danny Kransa (’04) filled in the boys
about their yeshiva experience.
While underclassmen took their PSATs this
Wednesday, seniors had a jam-packed day posing for
professional photographers for yearbook pictures,
interviewing with YU and Stern admissions officers,
and meeting with a Chai Lifeline representative to
discuss becoming a “Big Sibling” for children
suffering from a serious illness or have a family
member who is suffering from such an illness.
Seniors are also constantly fundraising to meet
the financial goal for their class trip. Don’t forget to
buy class shirts designed for each grade in both long
and short sleeves. Also, be sure to look for seniors
selling drinks and snacks at the Storm games. Finally,
challot and flowers are being sold every Friday.
Parents no longer need to be overwhelmed with
errands; now students can bring these
Shabbat necessities straight home from
school! To order, please call the front office.
Lasers, Laughter
Loads of
Big Brother and Big Sister Program
By Ali Cristina (’07)
This year, the Big Brother/Big Sister
Program has created many exciting activities to help
the freshmen feel “at home” in their new
WYHS environment. From decorating lockers,
phone calls, and school-planned activities, the
seniors have taken the freshmen under their wings to
help ease their adjustment process.
A few weeks ago, seniors and freshmen
enjoyed a special breakfast in the ballroom for a
special Big Brother/Big Sister breakfast program.
everyone had finished eating, the siblings were given
a questionnaire about WYHS that “siblings” had to
work together to answer. By the end of the
breakfast, everyone was laughing at the fun
questions and creating special memories.
This past Wednesday, seniors and
freshmen enjoyed yet another Big Brother/Big Sister
program. The girls went to Laser Quest, where the
“siblings” teamed up to rack up the most
points, and the boys went to Quiet Waters Park
for Ski Rixen, where they had a blast as they
zoomed around the lake and cheered each other
Through the year’s Big Brother/Big Sister
programs, the “siblings” have already formed new
bonds that will stretch above and beyond the
hallways of WYHS. Stay tuned for upcoming Big
Brother/Big Sister events that are sure to be a hit!
Going, Going,
Gone... Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball
Top Off Fantastic Seasons
By Elan Aiken ('09)
& Jennifer Fisher (’07)
Boys Soccer:
The boys soccer team took the field for its final
game of the ‘06 season, with a single goal in mind:
win one for the seniors. The Storm put up a
tough fight against Morningside, with Shai Barel
(’07), Max Singer (’09) and Arie Grunberg (’10)
the team in offensive plays. Michael Schiff (‘08) and
Marc Finklestein (’08) displayed such stellar defense
that the opposition was completely shut down,
ending the game in an impressive 0-0 tie.
Though the entire team played excellently,
seniors David Belolo, Jon Schenier, and Oren Hizkiya
played with extra heart, as this was the last
game of their high school careers. Thanks for an
awesome season, boys, and see you next year!
Girls Volleyball:
As for the girls, this year’s volleyball team has
been the best that WYHS has ever seen. In their last
games this past Tuesday and Thursday, the
players portrayed their hard work and tremendous
progress. The closest game yet was against
Donna Klein at districts, where each player was able
to produce all of the skills learned this year. Thanks
to our amazing coach, Gui Peres.
Despite some losses, the team played with
lots of spirit, and we can’t wait for next season
to show our stuff. Farewell to our seniors, who will
sorely missed: Malka Hizkiya, Leah Bensimon, Jen
Fisher, Jordana Kaminetsky, Shira Borzak, Stephanie
Trachtenberg, Raquel Amram, and Manager Meira
Pearl. Yeshi-what?
on the picture for an amazing Chesed
He Said / She
Said- Sibling Style!
By Alexa Bryn (’08)
Over the past few weeks, Chesed has been an
integral part of WYHS. Students gave of their free
time during Sukkot vacation to volunteer at the
Center for Youth Activities, Joe Dimaggio Children’s
Hospital, and homeless shelters. Carrying their
excitement back to school, students had a
special “Chesed Day” and volunteered at preschools,
hospitals, and day care centers. Avital (’08) and
Amiel (’10) Abir, siblings from Boca Raton who
participated in many of these activities, tell us below
what they love about Chesed:
It takes a rare teenager to
give of
vacation time to help others. What compelled you to
do so?
He Said: You hear about all these kids who
need help and this is when you have the time to help
them. Instead of just hanging out all vacation, you
are able to put smiles on their faces.
She Said: If you have so much free time,
you should use it for something productive -- helping
Why was it so important that all of the Chesed
Day activities dealt with children?
He Said: You want to directly help people
who can relate to you. You aren't an adult to them --
you are their friend.
She Said: The kids' need alot of extra love
and care.
Describe the one moment during Chesed Day that
impacted you most.
He Said: I was helping this boy named
Michael and when I said I had to go, he pulled on my
arm and said, "Are you coming to play with me
tomorrow?" It really made me want to go back.
She Said: I was pushing a girl on the slide
and she saw her friend alone on the swing. She said
to me, "He can't be all alone. We are all friends."
How has WYHS instilled in you the importance of
doing Chesed?
He Said: The atmosphere at WYHS is one
where everyone wants to help. People get so
involved in the school community that it makes you
want to get involved in the greater community.
She Said: The fact that they let us miss a
day of classes for Chesed shows how important it is
to WYHS that we volunteer.
Yashar Koach to all of the students
volunteered over Sukkot:
Ali Christina (’07)
Amiel Abir (’10)
Avital Abir (’08)
Kayla Wasserman (’10)
Ethan Wasserman (’07)
Malka Hizkiya (’07)
Oren Hizkiya (’07)
Shai Barel (’07)
Raquel Amram (’07)
Jake Abitbol (’10)
Jon Scheiner (’07)
Perla Maikor (’10)
Alyssa Cohen (’09)
Aliza Wallerstein (’09)
Shira Sabag (’09)
Amanda Markovitch (’07)
Rebecca Isaacs (’07)
Stephanie Tractenberg (’07)
Hadar Gerlitz (’09)
5 Number of
boys who have Rabbi Horowitz for a minimum of four
classes a day
Minutes these boys will spend
in class with Rabbi Horowitz during the school
184 Number of students currently
enrolled in WYHS
183 Number of WYHS alumni
120 Combined hours of work that the
Highlites staff put in every week
7.24 Seconds the average Highlites
reader spends reading
the Highlites
"I will always
have WYHS in my
Lyndsay Zubchevich
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Alexa Bryn (’08) |
Assistant Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Alana Dweck ('09) |
Assistant Photo Editor |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |
Danielle Wolkowicz ('09) |
Chief of Correspondents |