The Weekly Newsletter of the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Parshat VaYechi Friday, January 5, 2007 Shabbat begins in Boca at 5:25
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
Why does our school have both trimesters
midterms? Why don?t we divide the year in two
(semesters) or four (quarters) and have midterms at
the end of a marking period (first semester or second
quarter)? Does it make sense to have midterms in the
middle of a marking period (second trimester)?
WYHS is a college preparatory high
Grades in
college depend heavily on high stakes exams after a
half a year of study. Long term memory and
remembering large amounts of information are
significantly more challenging than short term exams
or quizzes. Our students need to learn how to
prepare for such exams.
On the other hand, our students take a daunting
dual curriculum. In the language of the college
admissions officers, most high schools students take
four ?solids? (English, math, history and science).
The Torah sheb?al Peh/ Gemara, Chumash,
Navi, and Hebrew or Beit Midrash which
WYHS students take each year bring their load to a
total of eight solids.
If parents and students would only receive report
cards twice a year (semesters), it would be too late
them to effect a change. If we had quarters,
students would have four ?crunch periods? a year.
Three marking periods are ?just right?- they
enough feedback without making school go
constantly from major test week to major test week.
After a study day (no classes) this coming Thursday,
midterm exams begin next Friday. Please
note that,
due to student input, this year we will beginning
school on midterm days with davening at
9:00am, followed by breakfast, lunch and two
midterms. Click on the Edline calendar icon below for
the exact schedule and dismissal times.
Yeshiva Highlites will next appear after
vacation, on
Friday, February 2. Please help pace your children?s
studying. I wish everyone
successful midterms and an enjoyable winter
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below
link to these
five websites
Midterms And Beyond
Thursday, Jan.
11Study Day/No
Friday, Jan. 12
Navi Midterm:10:15 -11:45am
Science Midterm:12:15 -1:45pm
Monday, Jan. 15
Gemara/Tushba Midterm:10:15-
Math Midterm:12:15 -1:45pm
Tuesday, Jan. 16Study
Wednesday, Jan. 17
Chumash Midterm:10:15 -
History Midterm:12:15 -1:45pm
Thursday, Jan. 18- Sunday, Jan.
Winter Vacation/No Classes
Buy The Fantastiks DVD!
The DVDs for WYHS?s Production of The Fantastiks
are ready. For only $20 you will receive a
professionally recorded and edited video that will
you a lifetime. Please send cash or check to
the front office. You
can email Mrs. Saddler, our drama director at mes@wyhs.net
for more details.
The Year Off Right
Girls Enjoy First Ever
Wo-Mad Shabbaton
By Danielle Wolkowicz('09)
What is the best way to
spend the last Shabbat of 2006? At the
Mad Shabbaton! This past Shabbat,
the girls at WYHS were given an extraordinary
opportunity to spend an incredible Shabbat
together in the school?s first ever Wo-Mad
Shabbaton in Boca.
Teachers welcomed students into their homes for
Friday night dinner, and while the food was delicious,
the highlight of the night was definitely the
kumzitzes. Each grade had their own special
kumzitz, and the girls came together,
sharing words of Torah and singing late into the
night. Devora Lieberman (?09) remarked
that ?there was so much ruach at the
kumzitz, and it was nice to be with all the
girls in my class.?
On Shabbat morning, the girls davened in
the Teen Minyan at BRS and heard a powerful
drasha from Rabbi Goldberg, Senior Rabbi of
the Boca Raton Synagogue. After lunch and a few
hours of rest time, the girls returned to shul and
heard an inspiring shiur from Mrs. Kanner who
encouraged the girls to ?be their own person and
not be influenced by others.? After seudat
shlishit all the girls came together for a spirited
kumzitz which continued well after
Shabbat ended. Every girl returned from
the Shabbaton truly moved and inspired by the
sense of unity and energy that permeated the
Shabbaton. We are all certainly better
prepared to start the new year off right.
Special thanks to Rachey Berkowitz and Mrs.
Kanner and all the female Judaic faculty for helping
create this amazing Shabbat experience.
What Can
You Do
To Prepare For College?
By Mr. Adam Dobrick, Director of College
This week, a presentation was given to
sophomore parents entitled ?What We Can Do Now to
Prepare for College.? Parents heard important
that will not only help students prepare for college,
but also help create success in all aspects of life.
High school students must maximize their
potential in three critical areas - academics,
extracurricular activities, and testing.
Concentrating on these areas will maximize a
student?s chance of acceptance to a college of his or
her choice.
Academically, all students must take the
most challenging curriculum in which they can
be successful. This is perhaps the most critical
component of a student?s high school career.
College admissions officers want to see that students
can take on challenges and be successful.
Extracurricular activities give students a
chance to demonstrate success outside of the
classroom. Through participation and filling
leadership roles in a wide variety of activities,
students show that they can work with others to
achieve goals as they actively strive to make a
difference in the world around them.
Each year, WYHS prepares its students to
achieve the highest scores in standardized tests.
Success on tests such as the SAT, ACT, and
AP Exams is a central part of the WYHS curriculum
and will greatly influence acceptance to top
colleges. PSATS are given to all students in the
ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades. The diagnostic
PLAN exam is given to sophomores to prepare them
for the ACT. Students are given further guidance in
junior year with a comprehensive test prep course.
WYHS provides its students with a dynamic
program that offers students the opportunity
to engage in a rich and rigorous curriculum, an
extracurricular life that allows for the full expression
of our students? many talents, and a testing program
that allows students maximize their potential in the
eyes of college admissions officers.
Girls Storm
Slam Dunk Season!
By Shira Borzak ('07)
The girls varsity basketball
team continues to show strong effort and
fantastic results. Led by captains Leah
Bensimon (?07) and Alyssa Muckley (?07) and Coach
Charlie Rotsztajn, the Storm is only getting better
game by game.
Tuesday?s game was a decisive one for the Storm
as they played their way to victory over Morningside
Academy with the final score of 50-40. Tamar
Koenigsberg (?08) played strong with her slick
dribbling skills and firm control of the court, and
rookie Daniella Litwin (?10) proved herself on the
court with some impressive shots.
Thursday?s game against Boca Christian was a
learning experience for the team. Even though the
game resulted in a loss, the Storm kept on
hustling and fought hard the entire game.
Bassie Orzechowitz (?08) continues to stun the
crowds with her gravity-defying shots.
Congrats to the girls varsity basketball team on
their win as they continue their impressive season.
Come support the Storm and cheer them to
Class Of 2010 Enjoy Sushi And Sumo Night
By LeeLee Borzak ('10)
When the last bell rang on Wednesday afternoon,
the freshmen class stepped out of WYHS and into
Japan! For their first ever night out, the class of
2010 was treated to a night of music, sumo
wrestling, and of course sushi. ?It was the first
time our whole class came together so it was very
exciting,? said David Rand (?10).
The freshmen had a blast ?sumo wrestling? each
other. After donning two huge inflatable sumo suits,
which makes the wearer the size of a 600 lb. sumo
wrestler, students faced off and tried to push the
other out of the ring. ?Everyone was involved,
even if they weren?t the ones in the sumo suits.
Everyone had fun cheering on their friends,?
says Shira Wolkowicz (?10).
Another activity was the ?Gladiator Joust.? While
the goal of the game was to try to stay on the
podium for as long as possible, all the fun was falling
off. ?Not only was it fun to battle in, but it was just
as fun to watch everyone else,? says Lizzy
Markovitch (?10).
Boca Raton?s very own sushi master, Rabbi
Reuven Boshnack, taught all the students the art of
making sushi, and students got to customize their
own hand-made roll. Lior Goldstein (?10) commented
?it was more fun making our own sushi because,
besides for trying something new, we got to put
exactly what we like in the roll.?
The freshmen returned home filled with good
and great memories of their Japanese night out.
Thanks so much to Rabbi Boshnack for teaching
us, and to Ms. Sardano and Rabbi Houben for
chaperoning. Thank you to Rabbi Spodek for planning
one of the greatest freshmen nights out in WYHS
Teacher Profile
Farewell to Dr. Steve
By Alexa Bryn (?08)
On Thursday, December 28, WYHS bid farewell
and happy retirement to Dr. Steven Cohen, a
founding member of the WYHS faculty, teacher and
college guidance counselor. During his time at WYHS,
Dr. Cohen implemented many significant changes in
the college guidance department. Below, Dr. Cohen
talks about his time at WYHS, the way it has
impacted him and his plans for the future.
What has been the college guidance department?s
most significant
accomplishment this year?
85% of the seniors have been accepted to
college as of January 1st. Many of
the students finished their college applications very
close to the
beginning of the school year. Planning early has really
paid off.
How has the college guidance approach at WYHS
changed during your career?
In the past few years, we started recommending
that our students take the
ACT, because students can take the ACT many times
and then choose their
best score to send to colleges. Additionally, in order
to predict which
standardized test a student should focus on, all
students, beginning in 9th
grade, take the PSAT and the PLAN (practice
What will you miss most about working at WYHS?
I will really miss the students. I am so close with
them and plan on
keeping in touch with them as I have with some
many of those who have
What has been your proudest moment as a guidance
Seeing the look on my students? faces after
receiving the ACT or SAT score
that they had been working so hard for.
What will you be doing with all your free time?
Playing lots of golf and traveling. Hopefully I?ll find
my way to Europe.
?I want to
express our immense gratitude for helping my
daughter and our family live through a
amazing dream (reality!!) during the last 18
of our lives. Thank you
and your
wonderful staff?
--Parent of a Senior
Yeshiva Highlites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Alexa Bryn (’08) |
Assistant Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Alana Dweck ('09) |
Assistant Photo Editor |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Staff Advisor |
Danielle Wolkowicz ('09) |
Chief of Correspondents |