YESHIVA HIGHLITES The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Friday, May 26, 2006 43rd Day of the Omer Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:48
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
Distance gives us perspective, which we
need to
reflect and synthesize events. With three days of
class and a
week and a half of final exams left, it’s hard to make
sweeping generalizations about the 2005-2006 /
5766 school year.
I can say, however, that everything I can think
the best in WYHS history. The best graduation,
best Chanukah, the best Rosh Chodeshes,
most successful year in Storm Athletics, most active
Student Council and Committees, we raised much
money, and, of course, the best Yeshiva Highlites.
Tov L'hodot L'Hashem. May G-d continue to
bless our endeavors to inspire
and challenge Jewish teenagers in South
Please note that the last day to change an
grade from this year is June 30, and the last day
change a community service grade is August 20. A
student may not start school in the fall without
having made up any completed courses and
completed the previous year’s community service.
Condolences to Mrs. Wendy Gordon on the
loss of her mother.
Condolences to Dr. Merna Matilsky on the loss of her
Mazel tov to all our alumni who
graduated college this month, including Noam
Salamon (’01) who received the Malka Fishhaut
Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies and
the Professor Morris and Gilda Silverman Memorial
Award for Excellence in History and Shalom Weiss
(’01) who received the Mina Belkin Memorial Award
For Service and Dedication to Yeshiva College. We
look forward to the alumni sharing their
accomplishments with us.
This is the last regular edition of Yeshiva
High-lites for the 2005-2006 / 5766 school year. I
therefore want to take this opportunity to wish
everyone a well deserved and invigorated summer.
We look forward to an even better year next year.
Shabbat Shalom, Happy Memorial Day, Chag
Shavuot Sameach, and Have a Great Summer,
Rabbi Perry
Click here for
Summer Reading Lists (9-12)
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
Student Council '07 Hits the Ground Running
By Raquel Amram ('07) Student
This year’s election for the Student Council
of ’06-’07 was the best yet, with extremely qualified
students running for a myriad of positions on next
year’s Student Council. The student body
was intensely involved in the election process,
and carefully cast their ballots last Friday.
Beginning on Wednesday, the school's hallways
covered with creative campaign
posters. On Thursday, candidates for president and
the five vice president positions gave speeches to
the entire student
body, each focusing on a figure from
Tanach who best represented him or her
and their plans for the upcoming year. The nominees
for president of each grade wrote an essay for their
classmates to read, making the case for why he/she
should be elected.
As the new female president of Student Council,
have great hopes for next year. With the
successes of this year still fresh in everyone’s
memories, the expectations are high, but I am
confident that the new members of Student Council
are up for the challenge.
I know that next year is going to be the "best
year ever,” because all the members of Student
Council all have the same goal: to make WYHS an
even better school. Members have already
working on next year’s programs, trips and
and will continue working throughout the next
academic year.
On behalf of the new Student Council,
thank you to the student body for voting- we will
not disappoint you. Get ready for next year!
Yearbook '06 is Here & Yearbook '07 Is In High Gear!
by Chava Rubin (’07) Editor-In-
The creation of the 2007 yearbook is already in
high gear and school year hasn’t even started
yet! Students from all four grades are part of the
yearbook committee, making this a school wide
yearbook committee.
The yearbook not only affords students the
opportunity to develop leadership skills. It gives
students a venue to express themselves through
graphic art, layout, humor, technology, and
creativity. Students not only use their
previously developed talents, but they learn new
skills that they will have for the rest of their lives.
Because yearbook has sections about each all
grades, sports, programs and extracurricular
activities, many students can find their own niche.
Yearbook is already off to a great start, and we
are excited to be working on it through out next
An Inspiring Yom Yerushalayim
by Rachel Marcus ('09)
This Thursday was Yom
Yerushalayim, and as usual, WYHS organized
an inspirational and enlightening
After a delicious breakfast of French toast,
pancakes, croissants, and orange juice, the
student body gathered for an exceptional speaker
from Yerushalayim, Rabbi Nissel. Several
students were privileged to have Rabbi Nissel
as a Rebbe on the Michlelet summer
program. Boca Raton
Synagogue Assistant Rabbi Aaron Levitt, introduced
Rabbi Nissel as his beloved teacher and mentor.
In commemoration of Yom Yerushalayim,
Rabbi Nissel gave an intriguing and entertaining
lecture about Yerushalyim’s overwhelming
holiness. His message was simple yet
extraordinary: Jerusalem is like the sun. It is
impossible to see anything while staring into the
blinding light of the sun; however, during an eclipse,
some of the sun’s intensity is obscured and it is then
possible to appreciate some of the sun’s intensity.
So too, Jerusalem is so infused with spirituality
that if
you live there, as Rabbi Nissel does, it is impossible
appreciate its splendor while dealing with the details
of one’s day-to-day life. Rabbi Nissel then urged
students to take in all Yerushalayim has
to offer by looking at the city indirectly—talking
to “ordinary people” and learning their inspiring
Rabbi Nissel’s speech was moving and exciting—
he urged us to take a better look at the city that
inspired Jews for thousands of years and truly
helped us to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim.
Chesed, Drama and Sports Begin Preparing for Next Year
By Shira Borzak ('07)
While this school year may be winding down,
things are just starting up for next year!
Yesterday, Drama Director Mrs. Liz
with students interested in both the winter musical
and spring comedy for next year. Familiar and new
faces all met to preliminarily discuss the
upcoming drama
productions and to begin preparations over the
summer. Of course, the over 60 new students who
will be joining WYHS in the fall will be welcome to
participate as well.
The Athletic Department is gearing up
next year. Coach Jon Kawelblum led a boys varsity
basketball clinic last Sunday to start training.
Boys and girls soccer scrimages are taking place
weekly and are open to any interested
students. Scrimages will continue throughout the
spring and summer.
Chesed finished up an amazing
year with many students attending the last Habitat
for Humanity project of the year. Students who
have participated each time WYHS went have
the construction of an entire house, from start
to finish.
Current juniors met with a representative
from Chai Lifeline to discuss the Big Brother/Big
Sister program for next year’s seniors. Each
student is paired with a sick child or the sibling of a
sick child, and helps their “sibling” during this difficult
time in their lives. Students were very excited to
begin and have even planned on starting this thrilling
new project over the summer.
The 2006-2007 school year is already off to
a great start and looks extremely promising.
you next year!
Memories That Last A Lifetime Buy The Yearbook!!
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422