YESHIVA HIGHLITES The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Friday, May 19, 2006 36th Day of the Omer Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:44
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
I am so proud that so many of our students
attended the funeral of Daniel Wultz (see article
below) after school on Tuesday, following a morning
performing chesed in honor of Lag
B’omer. Since Wednesday, the halls of the school
are covered by signs proclaiming the virtues of this
year’s Student Council candidates, who addressed
the student body in a truly dignified fashion on
Thursday. Students cast their ballots for the highly
coveted positions today as they leave school.
Graduation at WYHS is a humorous and
inspirational celebration of our seniors’ growth
during the course of their high school experience. It
takes place this Tuesday, May 23 at 7:30pm
(mincha at 7:15pm). Afterwards, the Class of
2006 will be whisked away to a senior dinner and
week long senior trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto and
Montreal, returning in time to spend Shavuot
with their families. You are all invited!
Due to graduation, we will be starting school on
Wednesday at 9.30am sharp. Shacharit
and breakfast will be followed by periods 2 & 3. There
will be no periods 1 & 4. Buses will pick up in
Hollywood and NMB at 8:15am and in Miami Beach at
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
Waves, Ropes, and Ruach An Unbelievable Freshman Retreat
by Joshua Kaminetsky ('09)
This past weekend was the Freshman
Shabbaton. To start off an amazing weekend,
boys set out for an exhausting yet exhilarating
day of knee
boarding, football, and wipeouts at Ski Rixen at Quiet
Waters Park.
The girls
donned harnesses and helmets and spent the day at
the FIU ropes course for a great bonding activity.
The entire class reunited at a hotel in Galt Ocean
where the students prepared for one of the most
meaningful weekends of their lives.
Shabbat began at the Shul with a beautiful
davening followed by a delicious meal and
inspirational divrei torah from several of the
students. The boys and girls were then separated
for the highlight of night: the “MAD TISCH” that
was filled with more words of Torah, singing and
ruach. The next day, the students
enjoyed a shiur from Rabbi Tirschwell, free
time, a hysterical skit and rousing mental and
physical challenges presented by the teachers and
As the freshmen shabbaton drew to an end, the
students and teachers continued to make the
shabbaton as meaningful and spiritual as possible by
singing and hearing more divrei torah
throughout Seudat shlishit. After
the students headed home with amazing
memories and a feeling of unity among the grade.
The amazing Shabbat atmosphere is
to the hard work of the teachers and effort of the
students to make the Shabbaton as great as it was.
Thank you to the Judaic faculty for
accompanying the freshmen class on their
Shabbaton, and to the class presidents, Holly
Hampton and Josh Kaminetsky for helping to make
this trip a reality, and a very special thanks to Rabbi
Spodek for all his hours of work and effort to make
the shabbaton as outstanding as it was.
Saluting Accomplishments of Our Student Athletes
by Chava Rubin ('07)
On the eve of Lag Ba’omer, WYHS hosted its first
official Sports Recognition Dinner in the schools
history! It was a very exciting event that
celebrated the dedication and athletic talent of the
school’s student athletes who played on a total
of ten sports teams throughout the year.
When the athletes and their families entered the
elegantly decorated dinner room, they were
surrounded by dramatic action shots showing
game highlights from all ten teams.
Head of Sports Department and Boys Varsity
Basketball coach, Jon Kaweblum, Rabbi Perry
Tirschwell and special guest speaker, Rex Walters,
coach of the FAU Mens Basketball team, all spoke
on the deeper meaning of sports; of the
commitment, the respect, the persistence and the
willingness to learn and change that playing on a
Later, the coach of each team spoke
movingly on each of their players and handed out
personal achievement trophies to each player.
Several outstanding athletes from each team
received MVP and MIP awards.
This ceremony was a great way to recognize
the efforts and talents of each of the students
and the coaches in a public yet personal
Thank you to Marcel Bouganim on putting together
this event and to Head of Sports, Jon Kaweblum on a
fantastic year.
by Ali Cristina ('07)
As the school year is coming to a close,
students were given a final day dedicated to
chesed on Lag B’Omer.
After davening and a special Lag B’Omer
breakfast, students loaded the busses and headed to
a North Ft. Lauderdale organization called Kids in
Distress, which is a network of foster homes and
services for children in need. There, the students
split into small groups and interacted with kids
who were victims of abuse, addictive parents and
The opportunity to collaborate with Kids in
Distress helped students appreciate their lives
and helped to bring awareness of the suffering
endured by thousands of children in the area.
Students were able to walk away from
Chesed Day with feelings of
accomplishment, gratitude, and awareness.
B’Omer was a perfect day
for such a program; as we remember Rabbi Akiva’s
slain students and learn the importance of ahavat
chinam, we are able to actually implement these
lessons with young children in need.
Thanks to Chesed Coordinator, Mrs.
Heather Andron, and the Vice-Presidents of
Chesed, Ali Cristina (’07) and Yoni San Solo
(’07) for such a meaningful day.
Students Mourn a Loss Close to Home
Chava Rubin ('07)
On Tuesday afternoon, WYHS students and staff,
along with over 700
other mourners, attended
the heartbreaking funeral of Daniel Wultz, whose
death was the result from injuries sustained in a
suicide attack in Tel Aviv during Chol Hamoed
Pesach. Daniel was
16 years old and a student at David Posnack Hebrew
School in Plantation.
Students stood outside in the rain to hear
the moving and emotional eulogies about Daniel
by his family and friends. These tributes to Daniel
were all incredible; he was truly a person worth
emulating and can be a role model to all.
Daniel Wultz was a passionate advocate for
Israel, Judaism and religious growth and was beloved
by all. Relatives, friends and strangers were all
brought to tears as his loved ones said goodbye.
Daniel Wultz’s funeral was an extremely moving
ceremony; the students of WYHS were very
fortunate to be able to say good bye to such a
special person.
Thank you to the school for providing buses so
students could attend the funeral and honor a fallen
Siyum Celebration Seniors Make History with Gemara
Mordechai Siev ('06)
This Monday, the senior boys celebrated a
school milestone--the
first time an entire class has finished the
tractate (mesechet) of Talmud
(Gemara). The
students learned the mesechta b'chavruta (in
groups of two or more), making the experience much
more fulfilling and memorable. Only with the help and
direction of Rabbi Benjy Horowitz, who guided the
class on its journey of Torah knowledge, could such
incredible feat be accomplished.
The siyum was attended by the
whole school,
as well as proud parents and Rabbis from the Boca
community. Every member of the class participated
in the siyum by
finishing the Gemara, reading lines from the
hadran, and saying the Kaddish.
It was truly a milestone in WYHS history
that will
hopefully be repeated.
Memories That Last A Lifetime Buy The Yearbook!!
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422