YESHIVA HIGHLITES The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Friday, April 7, 2006 Erev Shabbat HaGadol 5766 Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:22
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
The worldview of the late Rabbi Joseph B.
Soloveitchik guides WYHS; mastery of all
knowledge, primacy of Torah study, embrace of the
State of Israel, and the relevancy of Torah in the
modern world. Since the Rov passed away during
Pesach, we celebrated his life last week with
a Morning of Study on the practical aspects of the
Laws of Passover.
We look forward to getting together with our
alumni who will be home for Passover. Young
women are invited to Mrs. Kanner’s house Sunday
April 16th at 7:00pm – 2nd day of Chol Hamoed
Pesach, and young men are invited to the home
of Rabbi Benjy and Amy Horowitz this coming Monday
night, April 10 at 7:30pm for a barbeque,
mincha and maariv.
Check out our new Gallery of Slideshows at
wyhs.net! Click on “Newsletter” on the top bar
and then on “Web Gallery”. There are 3 pages of
slideshows (all pictures are downloadable!)
from this year and more will be added.
Click on the image at the right to read the
Pesach Edition of the Chodesh Chidush, the
largest edition in this Torah journal's history!
Though it’s during vacation, this Sunday is one of the
busiest of the year at WYHS;
All day- Donate Your Chametz to the
8:00am - 1:00pm- ACT Exam
8:00am - 4:00pm- Car Wash & Blood
8:00pm - 10:00pm- Senior Concert @
Boca Tov
Condolences to Mrs. Amram and Mr. Maikhor on the
loss of their sister.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Kasher
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
"Got Halacha?" Students Celebrate Rosh Chodesh Nissan
by Chava Rubin ('07)
In honor of Rosh Chodesh Nissan and in
remembrance of Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik,
WYHS held a Yom Iyun, a special day of
Torah learning to prepare the students for
In school, class time is dedicated to the
inspirational aspects of Pesach and reviewing the
Haggadah; thus, it was necessary to learn the
halachot and minhagim of Pesach in a
special program outside of class. Rabbis from all
over South Florida came to WYHS to hold a “Round-
Robin” of halacha classes.
Students were privileged to hear enlightening
speeches from Rebbeim and Rebbetzins such as
Rabbi Davis, Rabbi Goldberg, Rebbetzin Goldberg,
Rabbi Jacob, Rabbi Sheiner, Rabbi Sugerman and
Rabbi Weinstock, who spoke informatively on topics
such as B’dikat Chametz, Chol Hamoed,
Kashering Kitchens, and “Kosher” Cosmetics. In
addition, special class was held for the Sephardic
student body on SephardicHalachot and
customs for Pesach.
This Yom Iyun was an inspirational way to
start off the month of Nissan and build up excitement
for the upcoming holiday. Elisheva Rigol (’07)
commented that “It really enlightened me to
things I had never thought before about Pesach.”
This Yom Iyun was an important
educational opportunity for all who participated and
was an excellent way to prepare for Pesach.
Chag Kasher V'sameach!
"She Touched Our Hearts" Celebrating the Life of Mrs. Ruth Rabinovitz
by Chava Rubin ('07)
Last Tuesday, the students and faculty came
together in honor of the Shloshim of Ruth
Rabinovitz, former librarian. Rabbi Goldberg of
BRS spoke about Mrs. Rabinovitz’s earlier life in
Poland, her studies in Brooklyn College and Masters in
Library Science and most importantly, her husband
and kids.
Mrs. Rabinovitz truly was a “people person.” She
worked in the high school in order to be surrounded
by the young students and the bubbly atmosphere.
She did anything and everything for the students,
whether it was going out of her way to help a
student find a book or staying late to keep the library
open. “We’re here for the kids,” she would always
say, and she truly was.
We can all learn a valuable life lesson from Mrs.
Rabinovitz on the importance of our relationships and
interactions with other people. Mrs. Rabinovitz
was known to be a kind-hearted, friendly and loving
individual who truly cared for anyone she
encountered. She will always remain in our
hearts as a true role model.
Yeshiva Storm Takes on Sarachek
by Zach Cohen (’06)
Last Wednesday night, the boys varsity
basketball team arrived in New York fully
prepared to play their best for the 15th annual Red
Saracheck Tournament.
Thursday afternoon, they arrived at an already
buzzing gym filled with screaming fans and teams
from across the country. The team played a tough
game against Rambam of Baltimore and were tied
until the last second; however, Rambam scored a
buzzer shot to win them the game. Although they
suffered an early loss, the Storm was not going
to go down without a fight.
The Storm played two more games against
Yavneh of Dallas and Columbus of Ohio and had
remarkable victories, scoring over 60 points in each
The final game was against MTA of New York to
defend our Tier II Championship title. Many fans
gathered in the gym, as WYHS students huddled
around their computer to listen to the game live.
While the Storm fought hard, MTA pulled away in the
last moments of the game.
While we didn’t walk away with a championship,
the Storm put their hearts into the games and
played amazingly.
by Jennifer Adler ('06)
A couple of Sundays ago, a large group of
from WYHS participated in the M.S. walk. The
purpose of this walk was to raise money for
Multiple Sclerosis, a neurological disease which
affects the body's central nervous system.
After gathering in Boca early that morning, we
grouped together and walked a whole six miles.
Plenty of drinks were supplied for all; we were
energized for and committed to the walk.
Various members of the communities sponsored
each participant in the walk to
further research that will hopefully cure this disease.
We all had tons of fun walking the miles together
and supporting the cause to find a cure and end
Multiple Sclerosis.
Though we will be on Passover vacation,
the Chesed opportunities do not stop:
Sunday April 23, you can help out the
American Red Cross. Please see Chesed
Coordinator, Mrs. Heather Andron for more information
Sunday April 23, JARC will be
hosting a baseball game against high school
students. Please see Devora Greer if you would like
to participate in this great game.
Buy Your Tickets For An Awesome Concert
Get Your Cars Cleaned At Our Annual Pre-Pesach Car Wash
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422