YESHIVA HIGHLITES The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Rosh Chodesh Iyar Friday, April 28, 2006 15th Day of the Omer Shabbat begins in Boca at 7:33
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
Which AP statistic is more unbelievable? That 82% of
our seniors are planning on taking at least one AP
test, or that 51% of our sophomores are taking an
AP? College level AP courses are very much a
part of the culture of WYHS. The high stakes
exams begin this Monday and are given over the next
two weeks. Students taking AP exams are excused
from the class the entire day of the exam.
Last Friday I met with the Director of Admissions at
the University of Florida in Gainsville. He told me that
the same thing we have been hearing for years from
the Ivy Leagues- that the most important aspect
of a students’ transcript is the level of challenge
of their courses. If a student can earn a B or more in
a higher class, he or she should step up to the plate
and take on the challenge.
Yom Hashoah at WYHS was incredibly
as will no doubt Yom Hazikaron and Yom
Haatzmaut. The school will be providing lunch for
the entire student body this Wednesday in
celebration of Yom Haatzmaut.
Take me out to the ballgame! The Marlins, Mets,
Hatikva, Kosher food and lots of Jews are
the ingredients in Jewish Heritage Day at Dolphins
Stadium. It takes place Sunday of Memorial Day
Weekend, May 28 at 12:40. Click here to
order tickets.
Condolences to Dr. Anita Heering on the loss of her
Shabbat Shalom and Good
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
A Day We Will Never Forget
by Chava Rubin ('07)
As the students walked into the building Tuesday
morning, through the infamous “Arbeit Macht Frei”
archway, and into the hallway covered with black
papers, barbed wire, and mock graffiti, the serious
tone for the day was already set. No one could
close their eyes to fact that it was Yom Hashoah
; it surrounded us everywhere.
This year’s commemoration of Yom Hashoah
was themed around children of the Holocaust.
The program began in a darkened room with the
moving reading of names of individual children who
perished in the Holocaust. Once everyone was
seated, students and faculty viewed an
emotionally powerful slideshow depicting the lives of
those who suffered during the Holocaust while
listening to diary entries left behind by children
as read by students. Many were moved to tears by
the haunting photos and emotionally charged
The school was honored to have survivor Norman
Frajman come and speak about his experiences as a
child from the Warsaw Ghetto, the Death March, and
concentration camps Majdanek, Skarzysko,
Buchenwald and Schlieben. Mr. Frajman brought
to life the horrors of what he and so many others
went through during the war. It was very
for students to be given the opportunity of hearing
about the Holocaust from someone who experienced
it personally, an opportunity that will unfortunately
not last much longer.
The program ended with a “Keil maleh
rachamim” and with each student lighting a
memorial candle which burned in the hallway
throughout the day. This Yom Hashoah
left the students with a penetrating message; it
gave students a strong sense of the horrors of what
these children went through and instilled an
appreciation of the Jewish life, community and state
that we have today.
Fundraising The Fun Way!!
by Mordechai Siev ('06)
Sunday, April 9th, the kick-off of Pesach
vacation, was a day full of fun activities for
students. First was the annual pre-Pesach car
wash, whose funds will go to the senior class trip
scholarship fund to enable all seniors to go on the
exciting class trip.
In addition,
students also had an unusual
Chesed opportunity to benefit the entire South
Florida community on Sunday. The Palm Beach
Blood Bank had a Blood Van stationed nearby and
almost every eligible student gave blood.
The evening was capped off by an amazing
Senior fundraising concert at Boca Tov café. The
senior band, featuring Dov Lieber, Alex Schneider,
Mordechai Siev, and Gil Tansman, captivated the
packed house with songs from the Beatles, Dispatch,
Guns n’ Roses and more. Guest musicians
included Jordan Lieber (’06), alumna Amanda Rubin
(’05), Rabbi Ben Sugerman and Rabbi Josh Broide. A
special thanks to Dov Lieber and Rabbi Josh Spodek
for all the hard work they put into this event.
Grand Slam Season Finales
by Eitan Heering (’08) and Shira Poliak
The Storm’s baseball season came to an end this
past Monday with a loss to
Grandview Prep in the first round of District games.
Despite the loss, the team, finished their exciting
season with a great feeling, as Monday’s game
was an excellent display of sportsmanship and
The team is already starting to think towards
the future, where a promising season of ’07
awaits.. Kudos to Coach Errol Thomas, team
captains Dov Lieber (’06), Josh Goldberg (’06), and Eli
Baratz (’08) and the entire team on an exciting and
well played season.
Another great Storm
varsity tennis season has come to an end. This
season, one of intense matches, competitive game-
playing and camaraderie, ended on a great note
for all the players.
This year’s tennis team was comprised of old
formidable players and fresh new talent. Seniors
Jordan Lieber (’06), Moshe Genet (’06) and Brian
Surasky (’06) returned to the court while freshmen
Rachel Marcus led the girl’s team in the number one
However, this year’s tennis team’s success can
be attributed to one thing – its player’s devotion and
hard work. All of the players, the starters and those
refining their tennis skills, put forth effort and hard
work. Additionally, districts this year fell out over
Pesach vacation, making it extremely difficult to
compete. Nevertheless, Captain Rachel Marcus, Josh
Kaminetsky (’09) and Elan, Brett, and Danny Aiken
(’09) participated and put forth 110% effort to
defend their Storm spirit.
The entire tennis team would like to thank Coach
Mike Baldwin and Athletic Director Jon Kaweblum for
great season and we look forward to more
success next year.
Yom HaZikaron: Commemorating Israel's Fallen
Yom HaAtzmaut: Celebrating Israel's Independence
Come Join The Community Wide Celebration
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422