YESHIVA HIGHLITES The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Vayikra 5766 Friday, March 31, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:19
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
Regards from Saracheck! We've played two
great games so far at Yeshiva University's Boys
High School Varsity Basketball Tournament, cheered
on by crowds of WYHS alumni, parents and seniors.
Wake-up this morning was at 5:45am in
for the Storm's 8:00am victory over Dallas! Listen to
our 6:00pm Sunday game at macslive.com.
This week was a celebration of everything for which
WYHS stands- Creative Torah Study
Iyun l'zecher Rav Soloveitchik), Doing
the Best You Can Do (the hillarious dramatic
production), Finding G-d in Nature
(Sophomore Trip), Hakarat Hatov (The
Founders Dinner), and the Study of the Human
Situation (Freshman trip to King Tut exhibit).
breakneck pace continues up until Passover
which begins next Friday after school.
May G-d guide Israel's newly elected leaders towards
a secure and peaceful path in Nisan, the
month of
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
A Memorable Tribute Dinner To Our Founders
by Mr. Shimmie Kaminetsky Executive
This past Tuesday evening, 180 people
gathered at B’nai Torah
for the WYHS Founders Dinner honoring Mrs.
Pam Turk and Rabbi Ben Sugerman and celebrating
the founding of the Sephardic Scholarship Fund and
the Keter Society.
Following a delicious dinner buffet, school
president Dr. Sam Lasko welcomed everyone and
highlighted the aspects of the school that make
it such a unique institution. Shimmie Kaminetsky
followed by highlighting this year’s fundraising
initiatives and recognized the founding members of
the Keter Society who have
made four year commitments to
ensure the continued success of our fundraising
Elie Berdugo,
who together with his wife Guila are chairing the
Sephardic Scholarship Fund, spoke about our
obligation to make
sure that no student be
denied a Jewish education due to financial
problems. Student Council
president Sahar Zaghi ('06) delivered an
inspirational d’var Torah about the importance of
family, and how WYHS provides a second
home for the students.
Rabbi Tirschwell followed with his unique tribute
to founding school president, Mrs. Pam Turk.
Rabbi Tirschwell spoke about the great impact Pam
has had on him personally, and how
Pam’s legacy will forever live on in our school.
Following Pam's remarks, Mrs. Kanner eloquently
spoke about Rabbi Sugerman’s many titles and
positions, and how he has become affectionately
as the Rebbe to all of his students.
Shira Borzak ('07) and Chava Rubin ('07)
surprised Rabbi Sugerman with a beautiful scrap
book that they put together
filled with pictures and letters from students and
alumni. Following Rabbi
Sugerman's remarks, the program concluded with a
PowerPoint presentation of
pictures from all of the exciting programs that have
taken place at WYHS
this year.
Many thanks to Judi Krasna and Nancy
Markovitch for chairing the event, as well as to all of
the members of the committee who worked to ensure
the success of the dinner.
Snorkels, Sea Lions and Sunsets Super Sophomore Trip to the Keys
by Alexa Bryn (’08)
Imagine a class trip with all of your friends,
filled with beaches, snorkeling, fishing and
windsurfing all packed into two short days. This
past week, the sophomores experienced this
phenomenal trip to the Florida Keys.
Since we left for the Keys at the crack of dawn,
we were able to enjoy a full day of water
sports. While the boys spent their morning
the girls had a great time together on their own
private beach. After lunch, the girls’ donned their
and flippers for some exciting snorkeling while the
boys spent an afternoon catching fish and other
water creatures.
However, the real highlight of the trip began
after dark: the campfire. Rabbi Spodek, Ms.
Sardano and our
alumni chaperones, Avi Amsalem (’04) and Shulamit
Atkin ('04), barbequed dinner as the roaring fire was
built. The bonfire, food and music helped to inspire
a night of bonding for the
sophomore class. The next morning after
davening, the girls went
windsurfing and sailing while the boys kayaked and
canoed among the mangroves. We met for lunch at
the Theatre of the Seas, where we saw animal
featuring dolphins, parrots, and we even got
kisses from sea lions! Our trip ended with a
barbeque and a gorgeous sunset cruise, where
we played guitar and sang together, watching
the sun dip into the glittering ocean. It was the
perfect ending to an amazing trip.
Thanks to Rabbi Spodek, Ms. Sardano,
Atkin, and Avi Amsalem for
all their hard work and dedication!
Lots of Laughs With "Don't Drink The Water"
by Mordechai Siev (’06)
The WYHS drama department, under the
guidance of Mrs. Saddler, performed another
smashing success with this year’s spring comedy,
Woody Allen’s Don’t Drink the Water.
For months
the entire
cast worked hard on the show and put their all into
this production. Their hard work paid off as one
audience member called this “the best show I’ve
ever seen!”
Rookies Doron David (’09) and Jeremy Hodkin
(’09) shone in their equally zany parts, while Shira
Borzak (’07) and Yocheved Popiol ('06) were amazing
in thier respective roles. Rabbi Josh Spodek and Ms.
Dana Sardano
displayed their excellent teamwork as the perfect
royal couple while Mordechai Siev (’06), Tamar
Buzaglo (‘09), and Sarah Dray (‘06) dazzled the
audience as a bunch of American tourists.
The show was a fun filled evening
for all, as laughs were heard throughout the
Theater during the entire show. A
very special thank you to Mrs.
Saddler for working so hard on this show;
working untill
two in the
morning on costumes and props, juggling two
productions at once and making
both of them huge successes.
DVDs of the play will be available and can be
reserved by calling the school office.
Thanks so
much to all who came and supported the cast!
King Tut Comes Alive For The Freshman Class
by Rachel Marcus ('09)
On Monday, March 27th, the 9th grade class was
privileged to attend the renowned “King
Tutankhamen and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs”
exhibit in Fort Lauderdale. Earlier this year during our
World History class, we had spent a great
deal of time learning about the extraordinary
Egyptian empire. our trip to
this world renowned exhibit was greatly anticipated.
The exhibit was the perfect opportunity to
see our history lessons “come alive.” Students
loved the exhibit because it allowed for a wider range
of observation of Egyptian culture.
Egyptians did permit these artifacts to
leave the country, but it is still important to ensure
that the exhibit is appreciated and that people
use it as an opportunity to connect with the past
and perhaps use the knowledge gained to better the
Our ninth grade class greatly appreciated the
educational and cultural value of this exhibit and
were happy that we could visit this famous display
while it resided in Florida.
Get Your Cars Cleaned At Our Annual Pre-Pesach Car Wash
Buy Your Tickets For An Awesome Concert
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422