YESHIVA HIGHLITES Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Terumah 5766 Friday, March 03, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:05
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
What’s the purpose of the Class Trips that
we run each spring? Why do schools now get into
the travel business? When I was a kid, all we had
was a senior trip!
Even to a parent who had a challenging high school
experience, today’s yeshiva high school is daunting.
The stakes are much higher and the level of
challenge has been ratcheted up. Two
testing and sports. PSAT’s in ninth grade, AP courses
and PLAN in tenth grade, ACT in addition to SAT.
Yeshiva sports isn’t just about basketball anymore-
it’s three seasons of three day a week practices or
games for 10 teams!
The Class Trips give the hardworking students of
each grade, which rarely has an activity or class
together, a chance to bond as a group. With
other less challenging Jewish day, private and public
school options available to them, WYHS can not be
all about long hours and great expectations. At
WYHS, we work hard, and we play hard.
The Class Trips also teach leadership and
organizational skills to the students who design
and implement them. Recruitment, money collection,
itinerary creation, reserving attractions, food
purchase and preparation- it's months of work.
“It’s Never Too Early to Prepare for College”
and the David Project Israel Advocacy
Program sessions begin this coming week.
Director of College Preparation Mr. Adam Dobrick will
meet with each class before Pesach about both of
these topics.
Adar is here and it’s really time to make your
Purim Chagiga reservations. Present parents and
alumni should click
here to tell Marcelle how many members of your
family will be joining us.
I want to thank the talented cast of “Best
of Broadway” for bringing us a Broadway quality
show. From what I’ve heard, it was the best in WYHS
history! Special thanks to our highly skilled drama
director, Mrs. Elizabeth Saddler, who has inspired our
students to be the best they can be.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
Center Stage Best Of Broadway Comes To WYHS
by Rachel Marcus (’09)
Showcasing six decades of musical theatre, as
well as the talent of seventeen extraordinarily
girls, the WYHS musical “The Best of Broadway”
was a smashing success! Performed on Monday,
February 27, at Zinman Hall at the JCC in Boca, the
show was a complete sellout, with nearly 300 women
filling the audience!
As per custom, Mrs. Kanner spoke a beautifully
prior to the start of the show highlighting
the importance of being joyful during Adar—a
fitting message, considering that evening was Erev
Rosh Chodesh Adar.
The musical’s featured songs spanned the
decades and offered something for
everyone. Classics such as Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Fiddler on the Roof,
The Music Man and Guys and Dolls were
represented, as well as newer shows such as
Wicked and Rent.
The show was often filled with memorable songs
brought the house down with laughter. The
famed “Anything You Can Do” from Annie Get Your
Gun was amazingly performed by Sarah Dray
and Yocheved Popiol (‘06), in addition to the
patriotic yet wildly entertaining “The Egg” from
1776 by Batyah Weiss (’06), Elana Cohen
(’06) and
Shira Borzak (’07).
The audience was also treated to some
bittersweet numbers, such as “Easy to be Hard” from
Hair, beautifully sung by Jessica
(’08), and the moving finale, “Seasons of Love” from
Rent. Throughout the entire musical, the
was privileged to have the vivacious Ms. Sardano
narrate and enlighten us with interesting information
about each different featured song.
The show was the fruit of many people’s labor,
but no one put in the hours, energy and outright love
like the director Mrs. Saddler. With her extraordinary
eye and marked talent, Mrs. Saddler infused the
show with the emotion and guidance it needed to be
a true success.
Special recognition is owed to the stage crew,
ushers, Mrs. Deena Borzak and student volunteers
in charge of the box office and publicity, Mrs.
Cohen, as well as many others. Thanks for an
amazing night!
Click here to order DVD of the
"SHYW" Celebrates Rosh Chodesh Adar All Topsy Turvy
by Chava Rubin ('07)
If someone had come into WYHS Tuesday morning,
they would have thought the world was upside
down—dancing was taking place outside, weird food
was being served for breakfast, and the entire
student body was dressed crazily! For Rosh Chodesh
Adar, WYHS had Topsy Turvy day, a once a year
chagigah that completely turns the school
In keeping with the Topsy Turvy theme, a
complete BBQ breakfast was served in the
school’s courtyard, which was laden with wacky
and colorful decorations. Only one thing truly
remained the same—the amazing musical styling of
Under Construction and the intense dancing
by both students and staff alike.
Of course, no chagigah would be complete
without a d’var Torah, elegantly
delivered by senior Mimi Begas. In addition,
Rabbi Sugerman delivered his much-anticipated “Top
Ten List” to the delight of all.
The coveted Best Topsy-Turvy Outfit was a stiff
competition, as many kids and teachers, went all
dressing as siblings, friends, rebbeim, spouses,
and just all-out crazy. However, the winners were
proclaimed: runner-up Stephanie Trachtenberg (’07)
and first place awarded to Yakir (’06) and Esther
(’09) Bitterman, brother and sister who dressed up as
one another. Congratulations to the winners and
job well done to all those who came dressed in
their topsy-turvy best.
The chagigah’s grand finale was an
amazing tricycle race through the school parking
lot. All the students gathered around the racetrack
to cheer on their rebbeim and friends who
competed against one another on the challenging
course. While every contestant tried their hardest,
only Pearla Maikhor (’09) and Max Singer ('09) walked
away as the
final winners.
Thanks so much to Rabbi Spodek, Rosh Chodesh
Committee head Avi Lasko (’07) and everyone else
who worked so hard to make this Rosh Chodesh Adar
the best one yet.
Soaps, Suds And A Splash Of A Fundraiser
by Bayla Halbstein ('09)
This Sunday’s carwash marked a momentous
day for the freshman class—it was the first
ever fundraiser the class of ’09 took on as a unit to
help support their grade. Raising over $500, this car
wash was also an amazing act of tzedakah,
10% of all profits went to the American Red Cross.
While the freshmen have had other programs that
were designed specifically to foster new
friendships and to promote class unity, this
Sunday spent washing cars in a parking lot really
helped the class unite. Helping our classmates and
others with this fundraiser cemented our class
together and produced amazing results.
Thanks so much to Rabbi Spodek, Rabbi Houben,
Chesed coordinator Mrs. Andron and every single one
of our classmates that came to help. Without any of
them, this car wash would not have been the
success that it was.
Field Of Dreams Baseball Team Off To A Great Start
by Moshe Hersher (’09)
WYHS' baseball season has begun. The team
boasts not only an amazing coach, Errol Thomas, but
a very talented team as
well. While many of last year’s players have returned
to the field, the Storm also boasts a number of new
freshmen, including David Clements, Yoel Goldberg,
Yoni Levenson, Doron David, and Moshe Hersher, who
all bring talent and spark to this team. Veterans,
such as captain Dov Lieber (’06), Eli Baratz (’08),
Jason Mann (’07), Josh Goldberg (’06), bring
leadership that pushes our team to succeed.
Although the Storm fell to Boca Chirstian (15-0)
in the first game, the team didn’t let that discourage
us. We learned from our mistakes, and our hard work
paid off in the next game, when we beat Grandview
Eli Baratz (’08) pitched a dominant game, and
held a shutout to the last inning. Dov Lieber and Josh
Goldberg were unstoppable at bat, scoring and
driving in numerous runs. The infield, comprising of
Jason Mann, Yoni Horowitz (’07), Yoel Goldberg, Dov
Lieber, and David Clements, was rock solid and made
some amazing plays to finish off the win. The team
hopes to keep it up and
carry the momentum for the rest of the season.
Join Us At Our Purim Chagigah
WYHS Founders Journal Dinner
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422