YESHIVA HIGHLITES Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Ki Tisa 5766 Friday, March 17, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:12
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
The most popular answer to the question posed to
applicants to WYHS this year- “why do we pray?”
was “to thank G-d for all he does for me”.
It is extremely important to us that our children learn
to express appreciation for all we and others do for
them. We have two special opportunities to
model gratitude to our children in the coming
Our federation is tremendously supportive of our
school. They need our help this Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday with their largest fundraiser of the
year, “Super Sunday”. Please click on the Super
Sunday logo below to participate or just show
up at Zinman Hall to participate.
This Sunday is the deadline to place ads for
our Founders Dinner. Please participate in
honoring Mrs. Pam Turk, Rabbi Ben Sugerman, the
Sephardic Scholarship Fund and the Keter Society.
Click here to
either place an ad or make a reservation for the
Tuesday, March 28th event (an ad blank is available
This Saturday night at 9:00pm at the home of Dr.
Sam and Arlene Lasko in Hollywood, the Junior
Parent Meeting takes place. The opportunity to
meet the parents of your child’s friends from
other communities and to discuss issues of
common concern was extremely valuable to last
year’s participants. I encourage all Junior parents to
Did you purchase the new WYHS Jr. Class
Cookbook? If yes, please note that there a
number of recipes in the Passover Section which
contain kitniyot, which the Sephardic student
editors didn’t realize are problematic for Ashkenazim.
Please click
here so we can e-mail you the corrections.
The highlight of the WYHS Graduation is arguably the
senior video, and this year’s promises to be the best
yet. To enable us to film, there will be no
mishmar this coming Wednesday evening
(March 22).
Shabbat Shalom and Purim
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
four websites
Over 400 Students, Alumni and Families Attend Purim Chagigah
Click Here to See
the Introduction
to the Purim Slide Show
by Chava Rubin ('07)
This year's Purim Chagigah was the most exciting
WYHS has ever seen! Over 400 people - students,
alumni, faculty, families and even friends from our
sister school ORT Kiryat Bialik, Israel- all participated
in this year's unbelievable Chagigah. Everyone came
in stunning costumes, from Israeli soldiers to angels.
Walking through the hotel, everyone could feel
the joyous and festive spirit of Purim in the air!
Starting off the night was the excellent Megillah
reading done by our very own Rabbi Ben Sugerman.
Following the reading, everyone broke his or her fast
on a delicious dinner that of course ended quickly
due to the very lively dancing that went on for
close to an hour straight.
The finale of the night was an incredible picture
slideshow of the WYHS year in review. The half hour
episode was extremely well done and entertaining
with lively music accompanying the pictures. It was
truly exciting to watch and relive all the
awesome moments and programs of this year
and was the perfect way to end off an amazing
A big thanks to Rabbi Josh Spodek for working
tirelessly in his coordination of the entire evening and
to all the students who helped plan and decorate
this momentous event, including Avi Lasko (’07),
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07), Meir Weiss (’07), Ben Shai
(’07), Meira Tirschwell (’07) and Director of
Technology Claudia Cohen. Kudos to Brian
Surasky (’06), Ilana
Singer (’06), Joey Dray (’09), Leora Cohen (’08) and
Julie Rosenberg (’08) for beautifully decorating
ballroom and tables.
Reconnecting With Family Alumni Share a Shabbat At YU
by Danny Krasna ('04)
This last Shabbat was a Shabbat to
remember, as Rabbi Sugerman visited WYHS alumni in
YU and Stern. The annual Alumni Shabbaton is a
great opportunity for former WYHS students to
reconnect with one another and for the school to
maintain a close relationship with its students, even
after graduation.
This year’s Shabbaton was held at the home of
Noam and Aliza (Atkin) Salamon (’01) who graciously
provided the delicious Shabbos meals. Friday
night was filled with beautiful divrei Torah
delivered by Rabbi Sugerman, rousing z’mirot
and much laughter.
On Shabbat day, Rabbi Sugerman and the alumni
attended an unbelievable kiddush in
the apartment of HaRav Goldvicht Shlita, a
Rosh Yeshiva at YU. There we heard divrei
Torah from YU’s Roshei Yeshiva Rav Simon, Rav
Goldvicht, and Rav Shachter.
We enjoyed more amazing food and ruach
at the Salamon home for Shabbos lunch and
Seudat Shlishit, which featured a d’var
Torah from the Ba'al HaBeit himself, Noam
Salamon. We were also privileged to hear one final
message from Rabbi Sugerman, who stressed the
importance of being consistent in our
Yiddushkeit and maintaining our religious
growth away from home.
The Alumni Shabbaton proved to be a great
for friends and classmates, as well as an inspiring
way to lead into Purim.Thanks so much to Aliza and
Noam Salamon who opened up their home to all the
alumni, as well as Rabbi Sugerman who reminded
us that our teachers and rebbeim at WYHS are still in
our lives.
Kiryat Bialik Students Experience The Excitement of Purim At WYHS
by Sahar Zaghi ('06)
This past week, fifteen Israeli students from Boca
Raton’s sister community, Kiryat Bialik, visited their
Yeshiva High School friends for Purim. The Israeli
students’ visit was part of the curriculum of Jewish
Roots, a program dedicated to establishing a
kesher between Israeli students and American
students, represented by private Jewish schools
such as WYHS, Donna Klein, and various public
schools such as Spanish River and West Boca.
Through correspondence and previous visits, a very
tight connection had been formed between the
Israelis and the Americans, one that was easily seen
from the warmth and enthusiasm with which the
students greeted one another.
Between basketball games, shopping, touring,
Shabbat experiences and Purim Seudot, the
bonds formed between the students grew
stronger as we learned more about our
transatlantic counterparts. As we spent more time
with one another, sharing fun and meaningful times,
we realized that though we have many differences in
culture and religiosity, we had many similarities.
At the Farewell Banquet, the Israelis and
Americans spoke of the importance of Jewish Roots
to them. The unanimous opinion was that as people
walked into that room, there was no longer a
distinction between Israeli and Americans. Gal, a
junior from Kiryat Bialik, summed up his experience by
saying that although he had previously been to
Holocaust museums in Israel, this was his first time
experiencing it with Americans. He shared how moved
he was by the realization that although we live far
away from them, our concern and commitment to
our history and culture runs just as deep.
Storm Tennis Team Serves Up Some Great Players
by Rachel Marcus ('09)
This year’s tennis team is filled with
committed, responsible athletes who exhibit great
sportsmanship on the courts. Every member of
the team puts in 100% effort, which is evident in the
amazing amounts of progress the players have
Most importantly, we have learned to play as a
team—each player has been able to combine their
individual abilities and skills along with teamwork that
necessary for the success of a team.
When players finish their matches they will often
stay longer than necessary just to cheer on their
teammates . The long bus rides also provide
time to bond with the other members of the team
a chance to get to know one another off the court.
While the Storm has seen losses in
of the first matches, we have had some excellent
matches and learning experiences. Some
players have stood out due to their exemplary
and phenomenal skills. Shira Poliak (’08) has proved
to be a formidable player, and Jordan Leiber (’06) has
dazzled his opponents with his powerful serves.
The tennis team hopes to continue
improving and hopes to see many fans at the next
Please Join Us AtThe WYHS Founders Journal Dinner
Don't Miss This Hilarious Comedy Coming To WYHS
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422