YESHIVA HIGHLITES Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Tetzaveh 5766 Friday, March 10, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:09
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
It’s hard to imagine that two/thirds of the school
year is
behind us today, as we end the second
trimester. With an eye towards the finish line, I want
to remind students and parents that the school
policy is that grades become final on June 30 of each
school year.
The deadline to place ads for our Founders
Dinner is next Sunday, March 19. Please
participate in honoring Mrs. Pam Turk, Rabbi Ben
Sugerman as well as The Founding of The Sephardic
Scholarship Fund and The Keter Society. Please click here to
email Shimmie Kaminetsky for additional information,
or click on the invitation at the bottom of this e-mail
to download an ad blank.
Parents of juniors are encouraged to attend the
Junior Parents Meeting next Saturday night,
March 18, at the home of Dr. Sam and Arlene Lasko
in Hollywood. Please click
here to e-mail Mrs. Marissa Levenson to RSVP.
The month of Adar in general, and Purim
specifically, is one of the most fun times of the year
at WYHS. I look forward to seeing everyone
on Purim (either at the school’s chagiga or
when I deliver mishloach manot).
Shabbat Shalom and Purim
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
Skiing, Tubing And Snowballs Juniors Have A Blast On Their Trip
by Chava Rubin (’07)
As the juniors arrived back in school Thursday
morning, there was only one thing on
everyone’s minds and lips—the amazing junior ski trip!
The juniors began their ski odyssey at
the crack of dawn Sunday morning. They boarded
the bus with ski parkas, hats, gloves and
goggles and began the long drive to Sugar
Mountain, North Carolina. When they arrived, the
students piled into the main cabin for singing,
games and BBQ dinner. The fun and class
bonding was already underway!
On Monday, after suiting up in their winter
the students hit the slopes. Some attended
group ski lessons to master the art of skiing. The
juniors had a full day of skiing and snowboarding,
while watching their
friends fly down the mountain; some for the first
One of the most unforgettable activities
of the trip
was ice skating outdoors at night. Students
glided across the ice and were delighted by the
surprise snowfall that added to the magic of the
night. Everyone enjoyed making snow angels,
tossing a few snowballs and the falling
snow- a rare sight for the Floridians. The night was
capped off by hillarious games of
charades, increasing the bond
between the over 40 members of the class.
The next morning’s activity, snow tubing, was
and enjoyable for everyone! Friends raced each
other down the mountain in their tubes, careened
down the track in massive human chains, and
in a class wide snowball war. The cold air was
filled with laughter and shouts of delight as the entire
class had an amazing time. The rest of the day and
evening was filled with skiing and snowboarding.
This two day trip, packed with amazing winter
activities, was without a doubt an incredible
one. On the bus ride back
home, new groups of friends, who would not
have existed without this trip, enjoyed their last 12
hours of the trip togehter. Spending so much
amazing time together
fostered an incredible sense of class unity and
Thank you so much to Rabbi Josh Spodek,
Mrs. Claudia
Cohen, Raquel Amram, Chaim Seligman and Avi Lasko
for working night and day to make this the most
incredible class trip in WYHS history!
"It’s Never Too Early" Freshmen Begin College Planning
Click on the picture to view the "Prepare Early for
Powerpoint Presentation
by Rachel Marcus ('09)
On Monday afternoon, Director of College
Preparation Mr. Adam Dobrick gave an
extremely informative presentation to the freshman
class on a crucial topic: beginning college
preparation early.
To the Class of ’09, college seems a long way
off, and freshman year might seem a bit too early to
begin thinking seriously about the topic. However,
in most things in life, our next few years in high
school will pass by as fast as the blink of an
eye, and college application time will roll
Therefore, it is important to build a strong foundation
even as early as ninth grade so that when the time
comes, we will have taken the correct courses and
participated in the right activities.
The presentation began with an explanation of
importance of a quality college
education. In
addition, college is also where lifelong friendships
are made, and students may begin dating
seriously. Mr.
Dobrick relayed
that it is vital to choose a college with the type of
environment and community one would like to be
associated with and grow from.
Mr. Dobrick informed the class of the
key steps to attaining that goal: maintaining solid
grades, participating in meaningful extra curricular
activities, as well as doing well on standardized
tests like the PSATS, SATS, ACTS, and SAT
The presentation hit home with the freshman
class because it revealed how the world has changed
and how students must face a new reality. Our
generation must work harder to succeed than past
generations, and now, more than ever, we must work
in high school to make our futures as bright as
Israel Under Attack On Campus Sophomores Learn Israel Advocacy
by Alexa Bryn ('08)
On Wednesday, Mr. Dobrick gave a thought-
provoking presentation on the goals
of the David Project. Designed to respond to the
anti-Israel bias found on college campuses around
the country, the David Project seeks to educate
high school students on the history
of the Israeli-Arab conflict so that they can
respond factually and
articulately to the possible anti-Zionism of their
future college professors and peers.
Mr. Dobrick informed the students of situations at
Columbia, Berekley, U Mass, Yale, and other top
universities where pro-Israel students have been
attacked by
anti-Israel professors in the classroom and on
campus. He helped us realize that soon we may
be faced with these same challenges and that
the pro-Zionist environment we
enjoy at WYHS does not exist everywhere.
To further articulate these concerns,
Dobrick played a video of Alan Dershowitz
to the virulent anti-Semitism of some of
University’s professors. Mr. Dershowitz condemned
Columbia professors for failing to teach the facts,
denying students the opportunity to express their
opinions freely, and
using their
classrooms as forums for spreading propaganda.
was clear from the reactions of the students
the problems described hit close to home.
Students began to see that a big part
of loving Israel is knowing why we love what we
love—the history, politics and strengths that
make Israel what it is today.
Thank you Mr. Dobrick for introducing us to the
Project. You have made us aware that it is
essential to not only be active members of
but to also be prepared to represent our
beliefs to the broader public.
Students Making A Difference In The Community
by Mrs. Heather Andron Chesed
Although we have passed the halfway mark of
school year, the students at WYHS are picking
the pace when it comes to Chesed projects. No
matter what activity, our students are making a
difference in their respective communities. I am
privileged to receive the numerous compliments of
the difference our students are making and we
all be proud of these interactions.
This past Wednesday, eight boys accompanied
me to visit Hillel Day School of Boca Raton. Or Bazini
(’09), Doron David (’09), Joey Dray (’09), Julian
Gordon (’08), Jacob Marder (’09), Jonathan Odiz
(“09), Sasan Peimani (’08) and Chaim Thoma (’09)
spent some of their morning playing and
interacting with the early childhood children in
projects, such as working on a puzzle, making
hamantaschen, decorating a megilla or
a grager. The WYHS boys made such an
impact on these young children who were begging
their new friends to stay. We look forward
spending more quality time with these youngsters!
On Wednesday, March 1st, Bayla Halbstein (’09),
Aleeza Rubin (’09), Avital Abir (’08), Hadass Avisar
(’06) and Yael Hirth (’06) volunteered at the
American Red Cross packaging gifts for hurricane
volunteers. These students recognized
volunteers who came to the rescue during the
hurricane season. Cheryl Barr, Coordinator of Youth
Services, was thrilled with the help and looks forward
to getting to know our students better.
Our students have recently completed Penny
Wars at school. We raised over $1100 for The
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Palm Beach
County, an amount that reveals the heart and
dedication of the school. Thank you to all the
students who brought in their spare change. We
know that this money will make a difference for many
Upcoming Chesed Events
Sunday March 12: MS Walk at South
County Regional Park in Boca Raton at 8:00am.
Sunday March 12: BRS Community Kollel
needs some students to provide childcare from
Sunday March 12: BRS Carnival needs
volunteers. Speak to Rabbi Broide or Mrs. Gelman
Please Join Us At The WYHS Founders Journal Dinner
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422