YESHIVA HIGHLITES Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Bo 5766 Friday, February 3, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 5:47
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
The second half of the year began with a bang with
a Rosh Chodesh chagiga on our first day back
from vacation. Additional new features at WYHS
this semester include;
New High-lites layout including
no side by side articles, a mazel tov banner and links
to each article (in the box to your right) and Edline
(below the banner).
Parent Meetings-
grade (Sun. Feb. 26); 10th
(Sun. Feb. 19); 11th grade (Sat. night, March
18). Click here
to tell us if you
can attend or for more information.
Free Math Clinic- Mrs. Segal will
available three periods each week (6th Tues and
Wed; Thurs 8th) to help students with Algebra or
New Course for Seniors in
Contemporary Jewish Issues for the students who
took Statistics during first semester.
The Test Schedule, Student
Handbook and Master Schedule are now
available 24/7 as links on
Edline (on
the right on the home page).
The first night of Parent-Teacher
is just over a week away (Mon. Feb. 13 & Tues. Feb.
21). For instructions on how to
schedule conferences, click here.
If you haven’t voted in the World Zionist
Elections yet, you only have until February 15th
do so. Your clicking
here will help our sister institutions in Israel
secure millions in funding.
Thanks to Rabbi Josh Spodek, Mrs. Claudia
Jordy Kaminetsky (’07), and the Highlites staff
(pictured at the end of the Highlites) for their
Herculean efforts to make
this as useful and attractive a newsletter as
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
Rosh Chodesh Shvat Connecting to Our "Roots"
by Chava Rubin ('07)
The Rosh Chodesh Shvat Chagigah,
celebrated this past Monday, was a great way to
rejuvenate school spirit after a two week break
and begin the second half of the school year. This
month's chagigah was organized by the CIA -
Committee for Israel Action, who provided a
delicious Israeli style breakfast along with a
beautifully decorated floral room in honor of Tu
B'Shvat's theme "Connect to your Roots."
An inspirational d'var Torah was
by guest speaker Rabbanit Avigail Rock, member of
the Boca Raton Community Kollel. Mrs. Rock spoke to
students about the importance, uniqueness and
holiness of the Land of Israel. She explained the
significance behind mitzvoth that relate to
Land of Israel, such as harvesting, and
Shmitta, the seven year agricultural cycle.
She also beautifully relayed how these
mitzvoth connect to the Jewish people
both inside and outside of the Land of Israel.
In honor of Tu B'Shvat, the Rosh
Hashanah for the trees, the CIA started a
fundraiser to plant trees in the Land of Israel. In
a grade to grade competition, each class is collecting
$5 per tree to see which grade can plant the most
The students also had the opportunity to share
in the
simcha of one of our Sephardic
students, Jessy Esquenazi ('06). Rabbi Tirschwell
explained to the students that it is a time honored
tradition of the Syrian Jewish community for girls to
become engaged unusually young.
The dancing and atmosphere was
exceptionally spirited in honor of this special
Thank you to Gary and Judy Krasna, parents of
Danny ('04) and Amanda ('07), for sponsoring this
Rosh Chodesh in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of
Judi's father, Herman Greenberg.
Thank you also to Kayla Kowal ('06), Ziyona
Rantz ('06), Steven Marin ('06), Amy Milin ('06), Yoni
Horowitz ('07) and Avi Lasko ('07) for making this
chagigah such a special and unforgettable
Broadway Musicals Come to WYHS
by Batyah Weiss ('06)
This years WYHS' by women, for women
musical will undoubtedly be a smashing success
as girls from all grades gather daily to rehearse for
the upcoming musical review, The Best of
Broadway. Various songs will be performed from
contemporary shows like Wicked and The Producers,
as well as from classics like Fiddler on the Roof and
Hair. It will be a musical delight for all who
With the play less than a month away, the entire
cast has been relentlessly practicing and
perfecting their songs week after week. In
addition to the expert direction of Mrs. Elizabeth
Saddler, our talented drama director, the girls had
the distinct privilege to learn from a professional
choreographer who came to a number of practices in
order to help the girls maximize their dancing
potential. Some soloists have even had the help of
experienced vocal coaches to help perfect their
New faces as well as veteran singers will be on
stage in this year's show. There are a number of
returning upperclassmen along with scores of
freshmen who will make their WYHS debut. The
annual musical is not just a fun extracurricular
activity; it is also an outlet for creative
expression and talent that has provided our girls with
an opportunity to actualize their musical
Tickets for the show, which takes place on
Monday, February 27th at the SPBC Jewish
Federation in Zinman Hall in Boca Raton at 7:30 pm,
can be bought through the school office.
This year's performance should be the best
yet, reserve your seat today!
By Stephanie Trachtenberg ('07)
The class of '07 has proven to be an
extremely dedicated class when it comes to
fundraising to subsidize and provide scholarships
their class trips. Last year's class garage sale
involved every single member of the class, by either
donating items or helping to sell items.
This year, the class has begun not one, not two,
but three new fundraisers in order to help provide
scholarships so the entire class can come on their ski
trip. With a target goal of $2000, the junior
class is working hard on the following three amazing
A class cookbook with
submitted by the students and teachers will be on
sale in the coming months, featuring a variety of
meat, dairy, desert and Pesach dishes.
A recycling campaign of used
ink or
laser printer cartridges and old cell phones has
begun. Juniors have started collecting used printer
cartridges and old cell phones from their homes as
well as from local businesses. A fundraising company
has agreed to pay us for every cartridge or cell
phone we deliver to them. Boxes are located
throughout the school for your convenience to be
able to drop off these items.
Finally a mid-day break snack
will begin next week. Juniors will be selling
various snacks and drinks for a great price in the
Beit Midrash throughout the mid-day break.
While the fundraising drive is led by class
president Raquel Amram, it is clearly a group
effort. Every junior has submitted recipes, while
Amanda Markovitch, Stephanie Trachtenberg,
Rebecca Isaacs, and Meira Tirschwell have spent
numerous hours laying out the cookbook. Elisheva
Rigol is spearheading the snack sale, while Sarah
Cohen and Eliana Goodman are in charge of the
recycling campaign.
Hopefully, with the hard work of the junior
class, we will see fundraising success once
again. Please support the class of '07 by
submitting ink cartridges and cell phones to any
or the school office, and by buying a cookbook, to be
available in March.
WYHS Founders Journal Dinner
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422