YESHIVA HIGHLITES Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Mishpatim 5766 Friday, February 24, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 6:01
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
To inspire and to challenge, WYHS’ mission,
permeates our admissions and athletics, curriculum
and calendar, extracurriculars and experiential
programming. Friday morning tisches and
kumsitzes, building homes for the homeless,
renown guests speakers, Model UN and drama,
are all about inspiring and challenging our students to
be the best they can be.
It’s registration time! When you receive the
mailing this weekend, please discuss the course
choices with your child. Make sure we have the
correct contact info, and send it all back with
a check to the school office. Please contact Mrs. Kanner
(Judaic Studies) or Mr. Dobrick
(College Preparatory Studies) if you would like help
with the class choices.
WYHS’ “Best of Broadway” Musical Revue is this
coming Monday night, February 27 at 7:30pm at
Zinman Hall on the Federation Campus. Tickets will
be available at the door. This for women, by women
production is always a huge hit- please join us!
Remember- if you want to contact me- just
hit reply to this e-mail. I look forward to your queries
and feedback.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
Students Take Model U.N. by Storm
by Shira Poliak (’08)
On Sunday, February 12, the WYHS Model UN
team began the trek to Yeshiva University’s National
Model United Nations Tournament (YUNMUN) in
Newark, New Jersey. YUNMUN brings together
over five hundred students from Jewish day schools
and yeshivot from around the continent to
debate and discuss issues at hand.
Our trip began early Sunday morning while the
team anxiously waited in Ft. Lauderdale as a blizzard
brought the Northeast to a grinding halt. However,
waiting for ten hours in a crowded airport proved
to be an amazing bonding experience for the
Model UN team as we ate pizza and watched movies
The tournament began the following
morning and the WYHS delegates, representing
Pakistan and Venezuela, were determined to take the
convention by “Storm.” All day Monday and most of
Tuesday was spent hard at work in conventions
and meetings, debating about and resolving some of
the worlds biggest issues. Thanks to Mr.
Dobrick’s guidance and the team’s determination,
WYHS collected three awards at the closing
ceremony. Tuvia Brander (’06), our team
captain, received an honorable mention, as did
Amram (’07) and Shira Borzak (’07). The other team
members all displayed the same passion and resolve:
Amy Milin (’06), Jen Fischer (’07), Yoni Brander (’07),
Evan Abitbol (’07), Stephanie Trachtenburg (’07),
Alexa Bryn (’08) and Shira Poliak (’08).
Congratulations to all the delegates for a job well
Our trip did not end when the bus pulled
of the Hilton Parsippany parking lot. Due to technical
difficulties, our plane was delayed once again and
didn’t take off until well into Wednesday morning.
Thankfully, we were well prepared and had a
blast bonding with our Hebrew Academy
Model UN proved to be an excellent
outlet for student’s intellectual and political
endeavors, as well as a away to hone debate
and rhetoric skills.
Chief Rabbi of Israel Visits WYHS
by Chava Rubin ('07)
Two weeks ago, the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
was privleged to be visited by the esteemed Rabbi
Yona Metzger, the current Chief Rabbi of the State
Israel. It was a truly inspirational experience to
be in the presence of the renown Gadol Hador and
leader of our nation.
Rav Metzger was originally born in Haifa, making him
the first Chief Rabbi to be born in the state of Israel.
He fought in several wars in the Tank Brigade and
was discharged with the rank of captain. Rabbi
Metzger received his ordination from the Kerem Be-
Yavne hesder yeshiva and later became the regional
rabbi of northern Tel Aviv. In 2003, Rabbi
was appointed the Chief Ashkenazik Rabbi of the
State of Israel. Rabbi Metzger was first
introduced to the school by Rabbi Spodek who spoke
about his personal experience with Rav Metzger and
the Shabbos they spent together. Rav Metzger
spoke to the students by relating a story about an
Arab shabbat goy who heard the singing of “Lecha
Dodi” on Friday night. The Arab felt such a strong
connection to “Lecha Dodi” and soon after
his Jewish roots and his ancestor, Rav Shimon
Elkabatz, the writer of “Lecha Dodi.” Through his
touching story, Rav Metzger expressed the
importance of knowing one’s roots and of being proud
of our heritage.
To be in the presence of the great Rav and tzaddik
was an experience that students will remember
and treasure for a lifetime.
Girls Compete in Nationwide Day School Basketball Tournament
by Mimi Begas ('06)
This year’s basketball tournament was hosted by
the RASG Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach, and
proved to be a refreshing change to hosting the
tournament ourselves in Boca Raton. Though the
location may have shifted south, the enthusiasm,
excitement, and the achdut of all the girls
remained the same. Traveling from New
York, California, and Ohio, the girls from the other
five teams reunited from various different schools
including YULA, SKA, Maayonot, and two new
schools—Central and Yeshiva of Ohio. It was truly
great to see so many Jewish girls from various
regions coming together through this shared passion
for basketball. The achdut was not
only evident on Shabbos through our strong
(which the WYHS girls started and completely
dominated), but also through our commendable
sportsmanship and our support for one another both
on and off the court, whether on the same or
opposing team. At every game, the girls from the
other schools would watch the game and cheer for
both teams playing. One great example of
the overwhelming sense of friendship and
sportsmanship was in a game against Central, when a
Storm player accidentally knocked down an opposing
player, both girls got up, laughed, and gave each
other a hug in the middle of the game. I feel
that this moment paradoxically captured the true
meaning behind our basketball tournament. While the
girls came to win and play their best, the tournament
was not all about who came in first, second, or even
last; rather, it was the ride—how we played,
what friends we made, what we ate—that truly
mattered in the end.
Chulent, Potato Kugel and Ruach: Inspiration WYHS Style
by Rachel Marcus (’09) and Rabbi and Mrs.
Three weeks ago, Mrs. Kanner invited all the
freshman girls to North Miami Beach to spend
Shabbos with her. We all expected it to be an
uplifting and inspirational Shabbos, but it turned
out to be so much more than we could ever have
hoped for. Dining at Mrs. Kanner’s home for
the three meals left us feeling not only physically
satisfied but also spiritually satiated. Everybody
came prepared with personal divrei Torah and family
anecdotes that were shared throughout the
weekend. In between the vivid conversations,
hilarious stories, and words of Torah was a great deal
of singing. While most of us aren’t exactly
blessed with the best voices, the sound of all the
girls together was a magnificent one, emanating from
the depths of our souls. In addition to bonding
with Mrs. Kanner, new friendships were forged with
the girls in the class and old ones were
Every single person walked away deeply impacted
from the Shabbos spent with Mrs. Kanner, who
opened her home and heart to unite and inspire the
freshman girls.
A few weeks later, the Judaic staff at WYHS
put in extra effort to help inspire students and
bring them all together. Just two days after an
electrifying but exhausting color war, the week was
ended with two unbelievable tisches last
erev Shabbat. Despite the fatigue evident on many
the faces around the tables, both the boys and girls
came alive with two ruach infused tisches. Led
by Meira Tirschwell (’07), the girls tisch featured
heartfelt songs and delicious potato kugel. The boys
enjoyed some great chulent and lively dancing that
reverberated through the hallways. The boys tisch
culminated in an uplifting speech given by Rabbi
Tirschwell on the importance of using the energy
and ruach that filled the school during color war to
jumpstart our lives.
There Is No Place Like Home - Sundays Dedicated to the Homeless
by Jennifer Fisher (’07)
This past Sunday, WYHS juniors and seniors
were fortunate enough to take
part in an amazing act of chesed;
Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity
is an organization that builds homes for those who
are unable to build or buy their own. Since this
was the school’s second time taking part of a build,
we were able to see how our previous work really did
pay off. The houses that students had helped to
build were
nearly done and the volunteers dove right into
the work. Every student was given a different
upon arrival, be it sawing, raking, hammering or
painting. A huge amount of progress was made and
every student completed their task with a smile on
their face. When the day was over,
everyone was able to walk away with a true
sense of accomplishment—Andrea Marder
(’07) “really loves doing this. It feels so good to help
others and give back to the community.”
WYHS Founders Journal Dinner
Broadway Musicals Come To WYHS
Join Us At Our Purim Chagigah
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422