YESHIVA HIGHLITES Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
Parshat Beshalach 5766 Friday, February 10, 2006 Shabbat begins in Boca at 5:52
In This Issue
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
The second half of the school year at WYHS, after
students are settled in their classes academically, is
traditionally packed with major extracurricular
programs. This coming week brings the Yeshiva
University Model UN, Boys Basketball Playoffs, a Girls
Basketball Tournament, and the start of Baseball and
Tennis seasons. The class trips are on the horizon,
and the students are convinced that each assembly
is really Color War breakout!
We’re very proud of the fantastic, best ever, season
of our Boys Varsity Basketball Team, who finished
second in our district with 13-4 record. After
defeating Donna Klein this past Wednesday, they
move to the second round of district playoffs this
Saturday night at 8:00pm at Grandview Prep in Boca.
Be there!
WYHS’ “Best of Broadway” Musical Revue is only
weeks away! At 7:30pm on Monday, February
Zinman Hall on the Federation Campus is the place
to be. Click
here to order tickets for all the women in your
All current students and faculty and their families and
alumni are invited to join us for a night of
fun and food at the annual WYHS Purim
chagiga, which is just 4 weeks away.
click here
to tell us how many members of your family will be
joining us.
This Wednesday, February 15th, is the last day to
vote in World Zionist Congress. Each vote in the
last election was worth $10,000 of funding for
Religious Zionist institutions in Israel. Click here
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Mazel tov to the Weberman family of the birth
of a grandson and nephew
on the images below to
link to these
three websites
The Freshman Class HEATs Up
by Arielle Struhl (’09)
This past Monday, while watching the Miami Heat
unite to defeat the Boston Celtics, the freshman
class came together on their first class night out
the year. The class of 2009 began their night out
with a delicious pizza party and then proceeded to
the AA Arena in time for a thrilling game. The
freshmans enthusiasm and excitement for the
was clearly seen throughout the night and was most
evident when David Clements (’09) led the fans in
a “wave" that made its way around the arena.
The entire evening, from the game to the bus ride
home, was filled with many laughs and created many
memories. Most importantly, the night gave this large
freshman class an opportunity to spend time
together, in an informal relaxed setting, getting to
know one another. Danielle Wolkowicz (’09)
everyone's sentiments when she said “everyone
made a new friend that night, this was the best trip
An enormous thank you goes out to the freshman
class representatives, Holly Hampton and Josh
Kaminetsky, for organizing this memorable night out.
Special thanks to Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet and Rabbi
Spodek for chaperoning.
Lastly, thanks to the entire class of '09 -you
the night great!
Prospective Students Get A Taste of WYHS
by Mrs. Melissa Pereira, Admissions
This past Sunday, under a beautiful blue South
Florida sky, over fifty prospective students
thoroughly enjoyed “get to know you" programs at
the homes of WYHS’ principals, Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
and Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner.
Hotdogs, hamburgers, and a fiercely competitive
game of “line-up” (knockout) were the backdrop for
the 8th graders and WYHS’ rebbeim
to get to know each other. The three champions of
the basketball game received one of the new and
highly sought-after WYHS mini pillows.
Pizza, wraps and make your own sundaes were the
fare at the Kanners. Girls from different schools
and communities were grouped together for a
spirited game of “boulderdash”, focusing on WYHS
trivia. Guessing who had said “What is your most
distinguishing feature” was the challenge in a second
fun, get-to-know-you game.
Rabbi Tirschwell reminded the boys that they are
truly fortunate to be members of a
minority of Jewish American teenagers who have
the opportunity to attend a Jewish day
school. “With this power, comes the great
responsibility” of wisely choosing the school at which
they can best grow spiritually and academically.
Mrs. Kanner’s explained that the meaning behind the
traditional Jewish greeting shalom aleichem is
that our shleimut (feeling of completeness)
depends on the other people in our lives. This now
extends to their new found friends. As the girls
boarded the bus, they exchanged e-mail
addresses with each other.
Sunday’s participants were amongst the over
eighty students that have expressed interest in
enrolling in WYHS this coming fall, including a
significant number of transfer students.
by Daniel Poliak ('06)
The Boys Storm Varsity Basketball Team is
continuing to set new records during their
incredible season. This past Wednesday, the
Storm won their first ever district semi-final game,
and will play Grandview Prep in the district
championship on Saturday night.
On Wednesday, the Storm, seeded second in
their district, beating Donna Klein, the third seed, 57-
22. Everyone on the team had an opportunity to play
and contribute, while captain Josh Goldberg ('06) led
the team with 15 points. Anosh Zaghi ('08) and
Daniel Shimansky ('08) each put up 11 points, and
Daniel Poliak ('06) led the game in rebounds.
This season has truly been our best ever finishing
up the regular season with an unbelievable record of
13 wins and 4 losses. The boys will still be working
hard over the next two months in preparation for
defending their Tier II Championship at the
Yeshiva University Red Saracheck Tournament to be
held at the end of March in New York.
Come support your Storm Saturday night
as they face reigning district champs Grandview Prep
(ranked 7th in state) at 8 PM at Grandview Prep.
(Directions on Edline)
Chesed Corner and Penny Wars
by Ali Cristina (’07) and Sahar Zaghi (’06)
This past Tuesday WYHS kicked off our third
major Tzedaka campaign of the year. All money
raised over the next two weeks will be going to
Pennies for Patients of the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society. This society is the world's
largest non-profit health organization for blood
cancer research and awareness.
Ms. Jennifer Fredricks, coordinator of the Pennies
for Patients program, played a meaningful video
with interviews of high school age cancer
patients. These kids spoke about the physical
difficulties, as well as the emotional hardships cancer
patients endure with their peers and friends who
don't understand their situation.
The video was an intense reality check, and gave
students added inspiration to pour their hearts
and spare change into the two week long Penny
War, where the four grades compete with one
another to collect the most money for the drive.
In other Chesed news, we are pleased to
announce that on Sunday, February 19th, from 1-5
p.m., students sixteen years and older will have the
opportunity to participate in an unbelievable act
of Chesed with Habitat for Humanity. WYHS has
already run two programs this year with Habitat for
Humanity, a volunteer program that builds home for
the less fortunate.
Students must fill out a release form and reserve
a spot with Mrs. Andron, Ali Cristina, or Yoni San Solo.
WYHS Founders Journal Dinner
Broadway Musicals Come To WYHS
Join Us At Our Purim Chagigah
Yeshiva High-lites
Staff |
Shira Borzak (’07) |
Copy Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen |
Director of Technology |
Jordana Kaminetsky (’07) |
Senior Editor |
Chava Rubin (’07) |
Chief of Correspondents |
Benjamin Shai (’07) |
Photo Editor |
Rabbi Josh Spodek |
Editor in Chief |
voice: 561-417-7422