The Weekly Newsletter of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Friday, December 2, 2005 / Erev Shabbat Parshat Toldot 5766 Shabbat begins in Boca Raton at 5:10 p.m.
From the desk of Rabbi Perry
Our school body grew this year by an outstanding
18% (54 freshmen and 12 transfer students)! We’re
anticipating a significant growth next year as well. All
prospective students and parents for next fall are
invited to join us at our Annual Open House,
this Sunday, December 4. The program begins at
9:30am and ends at 12:30pm.
I took a lot away from the Boca and Miami Beach
Town Hall Meetings this past week. Town Hall
Meetings continue this week in Hollywood
Monday night, December 5, at the Clements home
and in North Miami Beach Wednesday night,
December 7, at the Siev home. Please e-mail Shimmie
Kaminetsky to let him know whether you can
join us.
I encourage girls and their parents to purchase
Tickets for the Girls Varsity Basketball game at
the American Airlines Arena, which will take
place before a Miami Heat game. See details below.
Click here to
place your order.
We encourage you to donate used or new
clothing, toys and games for needy families in
Israel, including those displaced from Gush
Katif. You can drop off clothing and toys until
December 13 at the home of Denise and
Josh Herschberg, 22209 Morning Glory Terrace in the
Thornhill Green subdivision off Montoya Circle in Boca
Raton. Volunteers are needed to sort and pack the
clothing this Sunday from 10:00am-12:00pm. Please
contact our Chesed Coordinator, Mrs. Heather
Andron with any questions.
Don’t forget to start saying v’tein tal
in your prayers beginning this Sunday night.
Mazel tov to Meghann Colton (’02) on her
engagement! Mazel tov to Mrs. Bonnie Pesacov on
the Bar Mitzvah of her son and to older siblings,
juniors Oren and Malka Hizkiya.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Student Council Hard At Work and Play
by Raquel Amram ('07) 11th grade Class
After three months of hard work, student
council was treated to a night out of fun,
and, of course, food. This past Tuesday night
members of student council kicked off their evening
at the home of senior class president Zach Cohen
('06), with a delicious dinner and lots of laughter.
After dinner we took off for the Bank Atlantic Arena,
home of the Florida Panthers hockey team. There,
enjoyed a great hockey game between Rabbi
Spodek's favorite team, the Toronto Maple Leafs,
the Florida Panthers. We had great seats and
received "thundersticks" that proved to be a hit
amongst the fans. A night filled with crazy antics,
some intense cheering by Rabbi Spodek for his
beloved Maple Leafs, and the delightful company of
one another, proved to be a memorable
experience for all of us. Thank you to
Rabbi Warren Kazstl for providing the hockey tickets.
Student Council continues to work hard at their
various responsibilities for the betterment of their
respective grades and the entire school.
The class presidents have already begun planning
their class trips and are in the midst of organizing
class nights out and various fundraising projects.
The vice presidents have been responsible for
creating two great Rosh Chodesh Chagigot, two Big
Brother/Big Sister Programs involving the freshmen
and juniors, great Chesed opportunities and having
contributed to the publication of the weekly High-
lites. Tremendous plans are
underway for the
best Chanukah week ever at WYHS.
The presidents have been working tirelessly since the
end of the last school year, overseeing the effective
running of our student committees, running student
council meetings, raising thousands of dollars for
hurricane relief and planning activites for the recent
school retreat.
Student Council has also helped set the midterm
exams schedule and has contributed considerable
input into
the personal schedules of all our students. Overall
this has been an exciting first trimester and we are
looking forward to even bigger and better
programs in the near future.
Stay tuned for the upcoming results of our Freshman
Class Elections to be held Friday, December 16th.
Seniors Become Chai Lifeline Siblings
by Ilana Singer ('06)
You never think that cancer can really hit close to
home; unfortunately, it did for me. Last March I
found out that my good friend from camp was
diagnosed with cancer. After hearing the shocking
news, I just felt helpless. I wanted to help
him but there was nothing I could do- almost
I decided that my way to help out my friend
was to volunteer for Chai Lifeline, an organization
that reaches out to Jewish cancer victims. Started
18 years ago by Rabbi Simcha Scholar, Chai Lifeline
started out as just a two-week summer camp but
grew into a world wide organization serving
over 3,000 families across the globe. Chai Lifeline
helps patients and their families by providing meals at
home and in the hospitals, video classes for kids
they’re in the hospital, and even giving families cell
phones so they can always be in touch.
Besides working with kids who are battling cancer,
Chai Lifeline also works with kids who have chronic or
genetic illnesses. This organization also runs a
summer camp, Camp Simcha. I started volunteering
at Camp Simcha Special helping out with Chai
Lifeline, which became my personal way of
helping my friend. So this year when Ellen
Shemesh asked me if the seniors at my school would
be interested in being a part of Chai Lifeline, there
was no way we weren’t going to accept.
The seniors at WYHS are going to be involved
with the Big Brother/ Big Sister program run by
Chai Lifeline. Each senior will be matched up with
either a kid from Chai Lifeline or a sibling of a Chai
Lifeliner to be his or her “big brother or sister.” Once
a month, each senior will meet with their “little
sibling,” ages 8 and up, and spend quality time with
Even though official visits are once a month, the big
siblings are recommended to call weekly for a friendly
checkup. We are also inviting all of our “little
brothers and sisters” to our Chanukah
Chagiga so they can see their “big
siblings” in a school setting. Once a month there will
be a debriefing where all the seniors will get together
with Chai Lifeline staff members and discuss their
No senior is forced to participate in this program due
to its emotional intensity, but amazingly it appears
that the entire senior class will participate in the
program. This is our opportunity to make a lasting
impact in these kids’ lives. Being part of this
program does not end at the end of the year; the
bonds that are created will last a
on the
logo below to read
Someone Students Can Always Turn To
Students in their high school years are
faced with
many challenges. In these formative years,
teenagers must grapple with issues of self-esteem
and their need to be independent. Teenagers need to
become active learners and must be able to balance
academic requirements, extracurricular activities,
friends and family. In addition, developing good
judgment, making appropriate decisions and becoming
accountable are struggles high school students are
faced with daily.
At WYHS, our school counselor, Mrs. Marilyn
Goldstein, is one of the dedicated staff members who
is here to help. Providing a non-judgmental venue
students to express their thoughts and feelings,
Mrs. Goldstein can help students increase their
self-awareness and advise them.
Mrs. Goldstein consults with parents, faculty and
administration to identify issues that can
with student learning, lead to inappropriate
behavior and/or social challenges. When necessary,
Mrs. Goldstein will provide referrals. Mrs. Goldstein
has been increasingly
involved in staff development and parent education.
with both
teenagers and parents.
Top Ten Reasons to Visit Room 208: (Mrs.
Goldstein’s Office)
1. She has chocolate in her office and you
want to stop by and say hello.
2. Your grades don’t reflect your effort.
3. You think your teacher doesn’t like you.
4. Your friend isn’t eating and you’re
5. You’re feeling sad or overwhelmed.
6. You would like to stop arguing with your
your parents or other important people in your life.
7. It is hard for you to focus in class.
8. You're having a hard time breaking in.
9. Your friend is drinking and you are worried.
10. You just want someone to listen, without
judging you or telling you what to do.
Sweet, Triumphant Victory!
by Amanda Krasna ('07)
Victory for the girls soccer team! Last
Tuesday, the girls soccer team played their third
game of the season and captured their first win
against FAU Henderson High School in an intense
game with a final score of 1 to 0.
The game got off to a great start, with the first
goal of the season scored in the first quarter by
Nicole Tyrfus (’06) and assisted by Co-captain Ali
Cristina (’07). The teamwork and collaboration used
throughout the game was clear evidence of the
team’s improvement in form and skill.
Both the offense and the defense played a
game and helped keep the opponents off the
scoreboard. With her amazing saves, goalie Raquel
Amram (‘07) played her best game yet. Rebecca
Isaacs (‘07) and newcomers to the team, Jesse
Busch (’09) and Emily Waxman (’09), all played
phenomenally by clearing the ball time and time
We were cheered on by many friends, family and
faculty this game. The support that our fans
have shown is extremely motivating for the
players and definitely brings our school spirit onto the
Be sure to come this Saturday night at
Patch Reef Park at 8:00pm to
us on as we strive to achieve two wins in a row!

See the Womens Varsity Yeshiva Storm Play at the American Airlines Arena PLUS a Miami Heat Game
Open House Is This Sunday!
Shira Borzak (’07) | Copy
Editor |
Mrs. Claudia Cohen | Director of
Technology | Jordana Kaminetsky
(’07) |
Senior Editor | Chava
Rubin (’07)
| Chief of
Correspondents | Rabbi Josh
Spodek | Editor
in Chief |