From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Starting with this edition of Yeshiva High-lites,
I will be sharing articles
about trends in education with you. This week I
recommend a well written article on Homework- Too
Much or Too Little, which
includes the results of a most interesting study and an
excellent list of homework strategies for
parents. Feel free to share your reaction to it by
I'd enjoy your reaction by replying to this e-mail.
Click here to read it or print it out.
Please invite (or call us and we'll invite) any
prospective students and parents who may be
interested in enrolling at WYHS next fall to the Annual
Open House, which takes place a week from
(see details below).
Please reply to this e-mail if you need
reading the links at the right below Melissa Marder's
article, which now in the user friendly "pdf" file.
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Training the Leaders of Tomorrow |
Each week at WYHS, senior Josh Levy presents an
Israel update containing the latest news and
developments of the situation in Israel. Josh not only
presents the key issues in Israel but also demonstrates
how these issues should affect American Jewish
teenagers. The weekly Israel updates are generally so
compelling that students never fail to be
by Josh's words.
The WYHS Tzedaka Committee, led by
Shulamit Atkin and Dahlia Gold, with the help of faculty
advisor Mrs. Esther Grossman, began a Snapple
this week in school. During lunches and breaks
between classes, members of the tzedaka
committee are ready with a huge variety of
flavors available for sale. The sale will last for one
month, and all proceeds will be donated to a worthy
Several members of the WYHS student council are in
the Pocono Mountains this weekend, participating in
the Eimatai Student Leadership Conference.
Of all the twelve schools that are represented at the
conference, WYHS has the largest and loudest
contingent! They already have all the conference
participants doing the Marlins cheers!
In addition to demonstrating their tremendous
ruach, the student council has been hard at
work brainstorming new ideas and
learning from
the experts how to put their ideas into action.
College and Israel Visits, Hot and Heavy |
WYHS is deep into the college and Israel visit season!
This week, two new schools for boys, Ateret
and Yesodei HaTorah, visited and gave
In addition, Midreshet Moriah (pictured at
right) visited
our school and interviewed several of the senior girls.
Next week is packed with visits from colleges, yeshivot,
and seminaries. Representatives from Be'er Miriam,
MMY, and Midreshet HaRova will visit the
the boys will hear presentations from Ohr
and Torat Chaim. Students will also meet with
representatives from Yeshiva University, Stern
College, Touro and Lander Colleges to
learn more
about those schools.
Also next week, Yeshiva University/Stern College will be
holding meetings for prospective parents. The
meeting will take place on Monday night, November 17,
at the home of Warren and Gail Kasztl in North Miami
Beach at 8 p.m. The second meeting will take place on
Tuesday, November 18, at the home of Ted and Linda
Struhl in Boca Raton, also at 8 p.m. Parents are invited
to attend either of these meetings.
The Winter Sports Season Begins |
This week heralded the beginning of the girls
soccer season with three huge games against the
teams in the league! Although the Yeshiva Storm were
defeated in all three games, they played unbelievably
well, especially during Monday's game
against Lake Worth Christian, where the final score was
There are three more exciting games planned for next
week. Check the calendar for the updated schedule of
times and locations. Also stay tuned for the beginning
of the girls varsity basketball season! The first
will take place Monday, November 24 at 4 p.m. at
Donna Klein Jewish Academy.
The boys junior varsity basketball team has
been invited to participate
in this year's Tim Hausdorf Memorial Tournament at
Yeshiva of Flatbush in New York. The tournament will
take place from December 18-21 and is one of the
highlights of the boys JV basketball season!
Three Important Programs for Parents Next Week! |
On Wednesday, November 19, WYHS will hold its first
town hall meeting for Miami Beach parents at
the home of PK and Jo D Koenigsberg at 8 p.m.
Please call the school office to let us know if you will
be attending this important meeting.
WYHS goes to Hollywood....Florida, that is! Members
of the WYHS faculty and their families will spend next
shabbat (November 21-22) in Hollywood as part of the
second annual Hollywood Family
Shabbat. All Hollywood parents are invited to
join us on Friday
night at the Young Israel of Hollywood for dinner
and an oneg shabbat following davening.
Please call the school office as soon as possible or click
here to make reservations.
As part of the Hollywood Family Shabbat, there will be
two separate seudot shlishit taking place at
4:45 p.m. on shabbat afternoon. All WYHS fathers
and talmidim are invited to seudah
shlishit at the
home of Arlene and Sam Lasko, and all WYHS
mothers and talmidot are invited to
shlishit at the
home of Ellen and Jay Adler. Please join us!
Attention all eighth grade parents! On Sunday,
November 23rd, WYHS is holding its Seventh Annual
Open House for Prospective Students and
Parents interested in
enrolling for Fall 2004! The program will begin at 10
a.m. and last until 1 p.m., and will include mock
classes, special speakers, entertainment, an art show,
and co-curricular presentations. Those who attend will
receive a complete overview of the Weinbaum
Yeshiva High School as well as essential
information about the application process. Don't
miss this incredible opportunity! For more information,
please call the WYHS Admissions Office at (561) 417-
A Message From Our Student Council President |
by Melissa Marder
I am writing to you from the Pocono Mountains of
Pennsylvania, where I, along with several members of
student council and Rabbi Spodek, are taking part in
the Eimatai Leadership Conference. We have
learned so much about creating and implementing
incredible new programs for our student body, and in
the few remaining days we have here I know we will
learn so much more!
The student council has gotten off to a great start this
year! Over the past few weeks, representatives from
each grade have met with Rabbi Spodek and have
begun planning fun-filled events for each
class. A
senior class outing to a Panthers hockey game is
already on the calendar for November 26, the night
before Thanksgiving.
There has also been a lot of excitement around school
for the upcoming school-wide shabbaton to
We have some great activites in the works for that
weekend and almost the entire student
body will be there, so I know it will be amazing!
The student council and I look forward to an
unbelievable year filled with fun and exciting
for the entire school.