the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
With less than four weeks until winter vacation and the mid
point in the year, the energy at YHS is still going strong.
One of our three goals this year is sharing the YHS
experience with our parents. That is the purpose of both the Yeshiva
High-lites and the Committees for Yeshiva High School which we have
set up in Hollywood, North Miami Beach and Miami Beach. The later
was moved foward in a major way this week with our first program in
Hollywood and our first meeting in Miami Beach. Shabbat
Week at YHS |
Wednesday, almost the entire senior class went with the
Horowitzes and Spodeks to a Panthers vs. Mapleleafs Hockey
game at the Office Depot Center (formerly the National Car
Rental Center), after dinner at Katz' in Hollywood.
Our First Annual YHS Shabbaton in Hollywood was
an unqualified success. After an enjoyable meal at which the
families of faculty members and students sat together, there
was a creative and hilarious game of Jeopardy. Three teams
(students vs. teachers vs. parents) competed with questions
about parents and teachers, including audio and video daily
doubles. Kudos to Mrs. Greer who both ran and wrote the
program. Teachers ate lunch at their hosts' homes. The Genet
and Adler families hosted Seudat Shlishit programs, including
a Girls Choir performance and divrei Torah by rebeim.
On Tuesday our college guidance counselor, Judi
Robinovitz met with freshman and sophomore parents to help
them interpret the recently received PSAT scores.
On Tuesday morning, CIA (Committee on Israel
Action) chairpersons seniors Yosef Singer and Maya Tansman
spoke to students about a creative project that the students
are undertaking. They are compiling a book of poetry, prose
and art attesting to our feelings of solidarity with the
people of the State of Israel in these trying times.
Also on Tuesday morning Rabbi Levi Orbach
representing Yeshivat Shaarei Yerushalayim and girls
seminary Baer Miriam gave shiurim and interviewed
The first meeting of the Miami Beach Committee for
Yeshiva High School took place on Tuesday night. Nearly
every YHS MB family was represented, and much was
accomplished. Shabbatonim bringing students from other
communities and staff to Miami Beach are being planned in
addition to a picnic in the fall for all the families of the
school to meet each other. It was also pointed out that now
that the school is bigger, not every parent can meet in person
with every teacher he/she desires, which is most frustrating
to parents making an hour long ride. Multiple nights for
parent teacher conferences (by family alphabetically) have
already been scheduled for next year.
On Wednesday, Rabbi Seth Mandel, father of slain
12 year old Tekoa resident Koby Mandel HY"D relayed what he
felt would be his son's message to children his own age.
Afterwards, representatives of Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh
and the new girls seminary Midrash Tehilla gave shiurim
and interviewed seniors.
Last Friday morning we had a siyum and bagels and cream
cheese breakfast in commemoration of the yarzheit of Mr.
Eitan Schwarzbaum, father of junior Tzvi and freshman
Meir. Mrs. Schwarzbaum and her other sons Cubby and Michoel
Today, world renowned scientist and author Dr.
Gerald Schroeder is scheduled to speak to the student body
about Evolution, Dinosaurs and Torah.
Though today is the deadline for lunch orders
for the month of January, they will be accepted through the
end of breakfast on Monday.
Week at YHS |
On Wednesday, December 25, there will be an
early dismissal at 12:15.
Yehuda Katz of the Israeli band Reva LaSheva
will be performing a kumsitz / concert for the entire student
body on Thursday, December 26.
Watch |
Our Boys Varsity Basketball played Jupiter
Christian, a team they defeated last year in the playoffs.
Freshman Dovi Lamet, junior Danny Krasna and senior Hudi
Moskowitz all scored in double figures and Krasna, sophomore
Hillel Wolf, senior Hudi Moscowitz performed massive
rebounding. The Storm unfortunately lost, but they are
preparing for their game against Hebrew Academy on the 28th.
Our Girls Varsity Basketball Team has a 2-3 record.
In Saturday night's game, junior Elana Kasztl scored 28 points
(including two 3 point goals), junior Shira Pritzker 6, junior
Shoshana Turk 6, and senior Eliana Rosenblatt 2.
Girls Soccer Team goalie sophomore Jessica
Hoffman had a record 28 saves in a game against Summit
Christian. Junior Rachel Dolgow, sophomore Jenn Marder and
senior Miriam Fuchs put forth tremendous efforts in this game
against a top Palm Beach County team.
Our Boys JV Basketball Team had its first loss
of the season on Tuesday. Freshman Jeff Feldman had 12 points
and 10 rebounds and fellow classman Josh Goldberg scored 8
points. Though they were shorthanded due to sicknesses, they
outscored their opponents 16-2 in the final quarter. They
played their fourth third game of the season last night.
Upcoming Events at YHS |
The freshman class is invited to a Miami Heat
game on the evening of Monday, December 30. Transportation
and tickets are $18. Buses will drop students off in each
community afterwards.
There is no school on January 1.
Monday, January 6- College Kick-Off program for
Juniors and their parents with Mrs. Judi Robinovitz at
8:00 PM.
To help students prepare for midterms, there will be
no tests on the preceeding Thursday and Friday and no mishmar
on Thursday, January 9 and Sunday January 12.
After midterms (Monday-Thursday January 13-16), we will
be on mid-year recess through Monday, January 27.
On the evening of Wednesday, January 29, Parent
Teacher Conferences will take place. From 8:30-9:30 PM
there will be an optional College Finance Planning Seminar
open to parents of students in all grades.
The YHS production of the musical "Annie" will take
place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday,
February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray Beach. Director
Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have been hard at
work on what promises to be an excellent performance.
| |
Night Live |
There was big student and faculty fan turnout at
the season's first Saturday Night doubleheader girls and
boys varsity basketball games. They were treated to two
excellent great games, though only the girls won, by a 42-14