the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Welcome to the new and improved Yeshiva High- lites! Check
out the Quick Links on the right side! Thank you to Mrs. Claudia
Cohen, parent of freshman Zac, for her help in making the changeover
to this attractive format. Please share with me any suggestions
and/or problems you have with this new version.
Donate a sefer in Rabbi Broide's father's memory. Please
send in either $18 for an entire sefer, $10 for half a sefer, or $5
for a quarter. Ya'ashar Koach to Jeremy Gelbart for conceiving of
and heading up this most appropriate memorial.
Week at YHS |
Response to Murder of Israeli High School Students-
The fact that the bus bombed Thursday morning was full of
9-12th graders our students' age was not lost on our students.
At an assembly, Rabbi Spodek spoke passionately about how
"today can't be business as usual" and the students recited
Tehillim for those injured.
College Guidance- The sophomores met with our
college guidance counselor Mrs. Robinovitz on Monday. Yeshiva
and Stern Colleges interviewed students throughout the day on
Monday, and made presentations to parents in the evening.
Touro and Lander Colleges interviewed students on Thursday.
Guest lectures by Israeli Roshei Yeshiva- Junior and
senior girls heard shiurim from Rabbi Michael Susman of
Midreshet HaRova, Rabbi Aryeh Weil of Machon Gold, Rabbi Ari
Winter of Michlelet Esther and author Rabbi Manny Nissel (who
teaches at a number of seminaries). The boys heard from Rabbi
Moshe Sosevsky of Ohr Yerushalayim, Rabbi Maoz of Yeshivat
HaKotel and Rabbi Nissel of Derech.
Positive Choices-Freshman and Junior class discussed
honoring parents this week with Jaime Huysman and Marilyn
Yeshiva Storm Update |
Girls Team to NYC Our Lady Storm Varsity
Basketball Team left Thursday to compete at the first Yeshiva
University High School for Girls (Central) Invitational
Basketball Team. The tournament, modeled after our tournament
in Boca, will end Sunday.The YHS Storm will be competing with
Central, SKA HALB, Ulpana Orot of Toronto, and Maayanot of
Boys Soccer Teams Wins Last Game of the Season-
After running ahead with a 4-0 lead against Coral Springs
Christian, the boys won 5-3 on Monday evening. Yaashar Koach
to the boys and Coach Lieber on their hardwork this season,
which has truly paid off.
Upcoming Events |
Our annual Open House for prospective students
and parents will take place from 10 AM to 1 PM this Sunday,
November 24th.
Our Chinese Auction will take place this Sunday
evening, November 24 at 6:30 P.M. at the Westin Hotel.
Reservations are not required.
Boys Sports and Bbque Program- baseball, football
and dinner this Wednesday after school until 6 PM at Sugar
Sand Park (on the east side of Military Trial south of
Palmetto Park). Parents should pick up at the park; Rabbi
Spodek is arranging transportation for those who need.
Chanukah at YHS
p>The Thanksgiving/Chanukah recess will take
place Thursday through Monday, November 28 through December 2.
Tuesday, December 3- Chagigah for YHS all
students from 4:45 until 6:30PM.
Thursday, Dec. 5- Spanish & Art class trip
to Miami to the Jewish Museum of Florida' exhibit "EL
VIAJE: The Journey: Jewish Latin American Artists & Poets
and a Florida Connection" and the Mexico Bravo Kosher Mexican
restaurant for lunch; Also on Thursday December 5- early
dismissal at 4:15PM (no mishmar).
Friday, December 6- breakfast in honor of Yocheved
Tirschwell's Bat Mitzvah .
Beyond Chanukah
p>On Tuesday, December 17 at 8:00 PM, there will be a
presentation for freshman and sophomore parents on
Demystifying PSAT scores and the New SAT given by our
college guidance counselor, Judi Robinovitz.
Please send in checks to reserve seats for the musical
Les Miserables for the 8:00 PM performance on
Wednesday, January 8 at the Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami
Beach. We are offering these seats on a first come, first
serve basis to mothers and daughters (girls can attend without
their mothers as well) at the price of $54.20 per ticket.
Please call Marcelle at the office.
Monday, Jan. 6- College Kick-Off program for Juniors
and their parents with Mrs. Judi Robinovitz at 8:00 PM.
and Welfare |
Mazel tov to Dr. Billy and Batzi Berman on the
birth of a grandson.
Refuah Shleima to Tzvi Gold, who returned home this
| |
Update |
Dancing at last week's Lasko Torah
by Mrs. Jessica Schultz
Yale and Stanford Universities announced last
week that students who are accepted through the early decision
program will no longer have to attend their colleges.
This change will take effect next year.
Early decision programs (which exist at all Ivy
League colleges except Harvard) require students to apply by
the beginning of November. Early decision applicants may only
apply to one college. If the college accepts them (applicants
are informed of their acceptance by December), they must
attend. Well over half the freshman classes at the Ivys this
year are students who applied early decision. Three out of the
four of our graduates who applied to Ivy Leagues last year
(all four were accepted) applied early decision.
Why would a student apply early decision?
Firstly, students have a better chance of being selected
through this process because they have made a commitment to a
particular college. Secondly, early decision students (if
accepted) have the nerve-racking college acceptance process
finished and done with by December (as opposed to April for
most colleges). The argument against early decision is that
many students resort to early decision to improve the odds of
admission, not because they are convinced that the college is
right for them.
Yale & Stanford will now offer a program
called early action. This program will inform early
applicants of their acceptance in December, however, the
student need not give them an answer until May. In addition,
applicants are allowed to apply to other colleges, but they
may not apply to any other college as an early action
candidate. It is thought that other colleges may follow their
lead. Whether this change will lessen the pressure on high
school seniors remains to be seen.