From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Some of the most memorable moments of the school year lay
ahead during the less than two full weeks of regular classes ahead
of us. Please join us for the Yom Yerushalayim Chagiga in
honor of the Schneiders and the school play Fools (details
below) and share in the YHS magic.
Mazel tov to Claudia and Doug Cohen on the engagement of
their son Charles to Jeniffer Neufeld, and to Mrs. Ora Lee and
Dr. Michael Kanner on the engagement of their daughter Nechama
to Reuven Brand.
Looking foward to seeing you at the school dinner Sunday
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Thai Food, Blintzes, Stress-free Finals,
etc. |
our students submitted applications and essays (due today) to
run for next year's student council, this year's student
council thoroughly enjoyed kosher Thai food (bottom photo)
and a Thursday night on the town to celebrate their successes
this year. Outgoing student council presidents Batsheva
Davis and Elie Gittler and Program Director Rabbi
Josh Spodek shared divrei Torah. Yashar Koach to them
and vice presidents Daniel Gluck and Esther Birnbaum (top
AP (Advanced Placement) exams for college credit as
well as senior finals conclude today.
Yesterday, with only one final exam left in their high
school careers, the seniors shared brunch and feedback
with the administration. Rabbi Tirschwell told the
soon-to-be-graduates how proud the school is of their
Junior and senior participants in the March of the
Living returned to school Monday and shared their
enthusiasm and experiences with their classmates. School
counselor Mrs. Marilyn Goldstein met with the students
to assist them with their rentry to school. The students will
be speaking this shabbat afternoon at Boca Raton
Learning Specialist Mrs. Dana Koldys will be
offering a session for freshman today during lunch on How
Not to Stress or Cram for Finals.
The Anti Defamation League of Bnai Brith will be
running a timely and renown program about Confronting
Anti-Semitism for our sophomore class this afternoon.
Next Week at YHS |
This Tuesday on Lag B'Omer the festivities begin
with a barbeque lunch in honor of newly born Basya
Grossman. Afterwards, the candidates for class president
of each grade will speak to their prospective constituents,
and the candidates for vice president and president will speak
to the entire school. After casting their ballots, the boys
will be off to the Sportsmall for a 3 on 3 Basketball
Tournament organized by Rabbi Avi Schneider and the
girls will be travelling to Hollywood to canoe and kayak.
On Thursday the freshman boys in Rabbi Sugerman's gemara
shiur will be going to pack food at the Forster Family
Kosher Food Pantry on the Jewish Federation of South Palm
Beach County campus.
We're All FOOLS! |
a week and a half on Tuesday, May 27 (the day after Memorial
Day) at 7:00 PM our drama society will present the hilarious
Neil Simon comedy "Fools" at the historic Crest Theatre
in downtown Delray Beach. Click here to order
Ending the Year with a Bang |
The invitation at the right to our special Yom
Yerushalayim chagiga in honor of Rabbi & Mrs.
Schneider and featuring Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva
Rav Meyer Goldvicht on Wednesday evening, May 28 went
in the mail this week. Parents and students must RSVP for the
dinner at 6:00 PM. The entire community is invited to join us
at 7:00 PM for an inspiring Yom Yerushalayim address by
Rav Goldvicht, presentations to the Schneiders and dancing.
There will be special minyanim for mincha at
6:45 and maariv after the presentations to the
Remember- To allow for this chagiga, that day
(Wednesday) will follow a Thursday schedule and the following
day (Thursday) will follow a Wednesday schedule. Also, there
will be no school on Monday, May 26 in observance of
Memorial Day.
Click for Graduation Info »
| |
Mission to Charkov Leaves
Monday |
After months of preparation, a
self-selected group of our senior class will be venturing
across the Atlantic and Europe to study with and teach
their Ukrainian peers in Charkov for two weeks. After
travelling 8 hours from the international airport in Kiev, our
students will arrive at the Orthodox Union's Center in this
city of 1.5 million.
In the mornings, our students will be studying with and
teaching the highly motivated Jewish teenagers who attend
Yeshivat Shaalavim's Yeshiva High School in this FSU city. In
the afternoon, they will be running workshops for Jewish
children who attend the public schools at the OU's JCC
like facility. In the evening, they will be running programs
with the Yeshiva High School students who live in the dorms
adjacent to the OU center.
On their way back to the USA, the students will be
visiting Babi Yar and the graves of Rav Nachman
MiBreslav and the first Lubavitcher Rebbe. Rabbi
and Mrs. Horowitz and graduate and former Mission to Charkov
participant Aliza Atkin will be accompanying the students.
The above pictures were taken during our first graduating
class' Mission to the Ukraine three years ago.