Yeshiva High-lites |
A weekly newsletter of Yeshiva High School of Boca
Raton Erev Shabbat Parshat Tazria / Friday,
April 4, 2003 |
From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
I am happy to announce that Rabbi Benjy Horowitz will
receive the Educator Award at this year's journal dinner. Please
honor Rabbi Horowitz, the Adlers and the Jacobs and support the
school by
clicking here to place an ad in the journal.
We would like to extend to our juniors two additional excused
absences to enable them to visit colleges. If they do not
have the opportunity to go on such a trip in their junior year, they
may do so in their senior year. They should present a note from the
college's admissions department to receive credit.
This week's Links- Check out the great article in this week's
Jewish Journal in the YHS in the News link! To
order lunch for the post Pesach period, please click
on the Lunch link, print out the form, and send it in with a check
by next Friday.
Mazel tov to the seniors who received their college
acceptances this week to Stern, Yeshiva, Brandeis and to our
first student to be accepted to U of P (University of Pennsylvania).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Powerful End to a Powerful Program |
Dancing, a moving video, divrei Torah, and a
garlic bread/spaghetti & meatballs/brownie lunch
celebrated the completion of the unique L'Maan Achai
Siyum optional study program at YHS in memory of
Israeli victims of terror.
Featured speaker YHS founder Rabbi Kenneth
Brander challenged the students to not accept tragedies
such as the murder of these innocent civilians as forgone
conclusions, but to do everything in their ability to make the
world a better place.
Each student who dedicated his/her precious free time
during breakfast, the mid morning break and/or lunch
received a beautiful Hagadah with an inscription
in appreciation of their dedication to the Am Yisrael,
Eretz Yisrael and Torat Yisrael.
Thanks to Rabbis Broide, Horowitz, Schneider,
Sugerman, and Mrs. Kanner for teaching the optional
classes and special thanks to Rabbi Spodek for
coordinating the entire two month long program and its moving
Click here for a great boys dancing picture
March Goes Out Like a Lion |
Our annual Freshman Retreat in Palm Beach began
Friday afternoon with trips to Carvel and Boomers. Even the
bus ride to Palm Beach (pictured at right) was fun!
Highlights of the shabbat program included
reliving a terrorist bombing with Boca Raton Community
Kollel member Daniel Miller, who was seriously injured five
years ago on Rechov Ben Yehuda, a visit at the world
famous Breakers Hotel, a kumsitz on the beach, a
Faculty Family Feud game (with questions such as "what
is the least favorite food in the candy machine"), shiurim,
and a memorable personal story shared by Shabbaton Coordinator
Mrs. Leba Schneider.
The girls had a ball sleeping in an Addison Mizner-
designed mansion on the beach which is being renovated
by a very hospitable member of the Palm Beach Orthodox
On Tuesday, Rabbi Brander presented a well attended,
interactive talk with our Hollywood parents about The
Philosophy of YHS at the home of Ellen and Jay Adler.
On Wednesday, the Boys Beit Midrash program
participated in an informative mikva tour lead by the
assistant rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue, Rabbi Efrem
On Thursday, Israeli activist lawyer Nitsana
Darshan-Leitner, who has won a $183,000,000 judgement
against Iran for its role in a Hamas suicide bombing in
Jerusalem, spoke to the students about her unique work to
empower Victims of Arab Terror. Mrs. Darshan-Leitner regularly
appears on CNN, BBC and Israeli and European television talk
Also on Thursday, our tennis team played well
against Gradview Prep, with Ilana Borzak, Rachel Dolgow,
Rachel Begas, and Jordan Lieber winning their singles matches.
Doubles matches were won by the teams of Ilana Borzak &
Amanda Schiff, Rachels Begas & Dolgow, and Liebers Brian
and Jordan.
April Flowers... |
"Why Iraq?" will be one of the issues addressed
at a program for the entire student body on Monday. Desert
Storm Veteran Brett Burstell will share his personal
experiences in Iraq to sensitize our students to what our
troops are going through. History Instructor Mr. Adam
Dobrick will explain the background to the conflict.
Rabbi Spodek will inaugurate a drive to show our troops
in Iraq that we are behind them.
The GX gemara shiur will be going to a Heat vs.
Raptors basketball game. After the school they will have
dinnere before depating for the American Airlines Arena in
Miami. The students will return to Young Israel of Hollywood
at approximately 10:30 PM and to school at approximately 11:15
This upcoming Friday will be the last day of school before
our Passover Break. We return on Monday, April 28.
Next Sunday, April 13, our students will having fun, doing
chesed, and enabling you to observe Pesach by running a Pre
Pesach Car Wash to benefit JARC, the agency of our
federation that services developmentally-disabled Jews in our
community. For details, click on the link below.
click here for the Car Wash Flyer »
...Bring May Flowers |
Our annual dinner will take place on Sunday, May 18
at the Boca Raton Synagogue.
Save the date of Tuesday, May 27, 7:00 PM, for our
drama society's production of the hilarious Neil Simon
comedy "Fools" at the historic Crest Theatre in downtown
Delray Beach.
Click here for Spring 2003 calendar... »
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Seniors Grow by Sharing |
Our highly successful pilot program of
high school seniors teaching middle school students
came to a close on Thursday night with a session at Hillel Day
School in Boca Raton.
Participants in our senior Torah Leadership Program
prepared topics with TLP advisor Rabbi Avi Schneider in
order to teach at special programs at Hillel, Hebrew Academy
of Margate and Maimonides.
Pictured above are our boys studying with students last
month at Maimonides in Hollywood. We have plans to expand the
program's frequency and scope.
yhsoffice@juno.com voice:
561.417.7422 web: http://www.yeshivahighschool.com
Brander, Founder Rabbi Perry
Tirschwell, Principal Shimmie
Kaminetsky, Executive Director Mrs. Pamela
Turk, President Mrs. Ora Lee
Kanner, Mrs. Jessica Schultz, Assistant
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