From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Josh Broide on the birth of
a baby girl!
A few planning notes-
This week, Mrs. Schultz and Mrs. Kanner met with each class
to explain their course options for next year. The deadline for
registration is being extended until next Friday. Please send in
your child's course selection sheet, registration form and check.
Forms are available as a link at the right hand side of this
Mazel tov to Dr. & Mrs. Jay Adler and Dr. & Mrs. Merv
Jacobs on their being honored at our annual dinner, which will
take place on Sunday, May 18 at the Westin Hotel in Fort
I'd like to remind everyone that graduation is on
Tuesday evening, June 10 (not on Sunday, June 1).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Week in Review |
"YHS' best showing yet" is the way faculty advisor Adam
Dobrick described our 10 students' performance at Yeshiva
University's Model United Nations in upstate New York.
Mazel tov to juniors Mordechai Hodkin and Josh Levy who were
awarded honorable mentions (the 2nd highest award in each
committee of 30 delegates), despite the fact that we
represented somewhat unpopular Iraq. A major thank you to YHS
graduate Salit Cohen (second from the left of the top row in
the picture above) who volunteered to be our girls advisor for
the 3 day program. Click below for more pictures.
Rabbi Menachem Liebtag gave a fantastic inservice to
our Judaic studies faculty on teaching higher order thinking
skills and making the Tanach study come alive. In the morning,
the 11th and 12th grade girls were treated to a shiur about
the closing parshiot of Sefer Shmot. In the evening, he
delivered a thought- provoking lecture at Young Israel of
Hollywood about The Torah- Chronicle or Composition.
The Committee on Israel Action (CIA) appealed to the
student body for 100% participation in the JNF forest in
memory of Astronaut Ilan Ramon. Colonel Ilan, whose name
means "tree", had asked Jews worldwide to plant trees in a
forest that was to be in his honor. Freshmen Dana Friedman and
Batya Weiss and senior Maya Tansman and her brother Gil
created a five foot tall tree in the school entryway to which
a leaf with a student's name is added when he/she donates $5
to the cause.
One could have heard a pin drop when internationally-
renown Jewish activist, teacher and leader Rabbi Avi
Weiss spoke movingly to the student body on Thursday about
doing their part for the situation in Israel. He said that the
students, though born after the birth of the state, should
never take its existence for granted. He shared powerful
stories about his visits to Israel to pay condolence calls
after terrorist attacks, and asked the students to never
forget that they can make a difference.
Today, Mr. Bill Tannenbaum, head of the Broward and Palm
Beach Alumni Committee which interviews students for
Columbia University, is speaking to the junior class about
how they can make the most of the opportunities they have
between now and their applying to college next year.
Today is the deadline for ads for the yearbook.
Because they will not bow to the inflated Valentines
Day prices, the junior class will not be selling flowers
today. On all other Fridays, they sell single, half dozen and
dozen roses.
here for photos of Model UN and Rabbi Avi Weiss »
Saturday Nite Doubleheader & Other Sports
News |
Tomorrow night, our Girls (@ 7:45 PM) and Boys (@ 9:15
PM) Varsity Basketball Teams play Donna Klein, the only
other Jewish high school in Palm Beach County, at Grandview
Prep in Boca Raton. Grandview is on the south side of Spanish
River Blvd. between 4th and 3rd Avenues. When coming from the
south, take I-95 to Glades Road. Make a right and quickly get
over to the leftmost land. Make a left onto Airport Road.
Follow to the end. Make a left onto Spanish River Blvd.) Due
to the early Saturday night game start, the girls basketball
team is spending shabbat in Boca and eating together at the
homes of the coach Noah Davis and yours truly.
In the first week of its season, the YHS Storm Boys
and Girls Tennis Teams played their first match on
The Boys Varsity Basketball Team lost a heartbreaker
of a game this past Motzei Shabbat. After leading for three
quarters, the storm was outplayed in the last quarter. This,
however, motivated the team to win a game Monday night by a 14
point margin against Boca Christian. Guard Haviv Cohen and
fowards Hudi Moscowitz and Hillel Wolf had a "big game". The
Storm ended the week with a loss to Grandview. After their
game Motzei Shabbat, the boys have a playoff game in the
afternoon on Presidents Day (Monday) in Jupiter.
The First YHS Boys JV Invitational Tournament and
Shabbaton will take place Friday-Sunday, March 7- 9.
Athletes from schools as far as New Jersey will be
Great Week Ahead at YHS |
Though there is no school on Sunday and Monday in
observance of Presidents Weekend, there are three
opportunities that we would like to share with our students...
On Sunday, Mrs. Kanner and Mrs. Schneider will be
speaking and the YHS Girls Choir will be performing at the
Shaaray Tefillah Day of Learning for Women, beginning at 9:30
AM at the synagogue on 10th Ave. in North Miami Beach.
On Sunday at 1:00 PM, the owner of the Superbowl
champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will be giving an
inspirational talk to Jewish teenagers at Palm Beach
Synagogue, 120 N. County Road in Palm Beach.
On Sunday at Torah Treasures in Miami Beach, Monday at
Judaica Enterprises in North Miami Beach and Tuesday at
Holyland Judaica in Boca Raton, there will be a Jewish
Music Expo with thousands of Jewish music CDs, tapes,
DVD's and videos at discounted prices.
Tuesday morning, the student Tzedaka and Chesed
Committees will make a presentation to the entire student
body about the next charity on which the school will be
focussing, Chai Lifeline. Thanks to Mrs. Ruchie Brander and
Leba Schneider for chairing these committees.
The juniors will have a fun evening on Tuesday at the
Mall Madness program, beginning with a barbeque after
school at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Spodek and followed by a
scavenger hunt in Town Center mall in Boca. The students will
return to school at 9:30 PM.
On Thursday the Girls Choir will be performing at
the Lion of Judah Luncheon at Mizner Park in Boca Raton.
On Friday morning, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh
Kollel of Yeshiva University, will be delivering shiurim at
school.< p>
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Also on Friday, Mrs. Greer's sophomore honors English class
will be going to meet and hear New York Times correspondent
Stephen Dubner.This past summer, the students read Mr.
Dubner's book "Turbulent Souls", which depicts his return to
Judaism after his parents converted to Catholicism. The
students will be presenting essays they wrote about the book
to the author. Thanks to Brandeis University National Women's
Committee who invited our students as their guests.
Lastly, Friday is the deadline for signing up for lunch
for March and April. You can print out a copy of the form by
clicking on the appropriate link to the right and sending it
to school with a check.
On Saturday night, come see and sponsor your favorite
teachers for a minimum of 5 cents per pin as they bowl in the
sophomore class bowlathon fundraiser that will be
taking place at Don Carters Bowling Alley just off Military
Trial north of Palmetto Park Road.
here for Women's Yom Iyun Flyer »
Coming Up at YHS |
Monday, February 24, Dr. Jeff Gurock, American Jewish
history expert and professor at Yeshiva University, will be
speaking to the junior class about the movie he will be in
South Florida to film, Jews in Sports, and the window of
understanding it opens on American Jewish History.
The Junior Class is accepting pre-play flower orders
for roses which will be available at the theater at both
performances of Annie. You may call Shoshana Turk at
561.504.8311 to place orders for $1 per rose, $5 per half
dozen or $10 per dozen.
The YHS production of the musical "Annie" will
take place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and
Wednesday, February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray
Beach. Director Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have
been hard at work on what promises to be an excellent
performance. Ticket prices are $25 for premium seats, $15 for
adults and $10 children ages 4- 12.
On Thursday, February 27, Rav Motti Alon, master
orator and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat HaKotel, will be speaking
to the entire student body.
The sophomore class will be traveling to New York
Sunday morning, March 2 to participate in Yeshiva University's
SOY (Student Organization of Yeshiva) Sefarim Sale.
On one day before Purim, the CIA will be taking over the
bakery of the Albertsons Supermarket in Boca Raton to make
decorate cookies for a bake sale. Details to follow.
Please save the date of Purim night, Monday, March 17,
for our annual Purim Chagigah at the Embassy Suites in
Boca. Invitations to follow.
A little further down the road, the annual Freshman
Shabbaton will take place the weekend of April 5 in Palm
| |
100 Study in Voluntary Israel Solidarity
Program! |
Free time is a precious commidity in a
YHS student's schedule. To ensure that the situation in
Israel is never far from their minds, over two thirds of
the student body have dedicated one or more of their valuable
daily breaks to study Torah lishma (not for a test,
grade, or extra credit). 38 students study during breakfast,
40 during the mid-morning break, and 24 during lunch. Kudos to
Rabbi Spodek for organizing this program and Rabbis Ben
Sugerman, Avi Schneider, Benjy Horowitz, Josh Broide, and Mrs.
Ora Lee Kanner for teaching the classes. Students have also
committed to do self study at home in their spare time.